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Economie Hier kan je discussiëren over economie en staatsschuld

Oud 11 april 2010, 22:25   #41
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Piero's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 20 februari 2010
Locatie: Nederland
Berichten: 15.734
Standaard A damnig account tomorrow

guardian.co.uk, Sunday 11 April 2010 17.29 BST
A damning account of Iceland's failure to protect ordinary depositors – including hundreds of thousands in the UK – who entrusted their savings to online bank account Icesave will be published tomorrow by a specially convened truth commission, set up in the wake of Iceland's banking meltdown 18 months ago.

A 2,000-page report into Iceland's system-wide financial collapse in October 2008, commissioned by Icelandic MPs, will contain detailed chapters on both the Icesave affair and Iceland's pitiful depositor guarantee fund. Former ministers and regulators responsible for ensuring deposit guarantees were sufficiently robust are expected to face severe criticism.
- http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2...damning-report

Laatst gewijzigd door Piero : 11 april 2010 om 22:33.
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