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Oud 21 april 2010, 14:57   #1
Geregistreerd: 21 april 2010
Berichten: 2
Standaard Religious Debates:

Islam and Fascism

One of the most ridiculous sights that one sees in Western societies is when the anti-fascist leagues come to the defence of Islam. They scream abuse at people who march against the spread of Islam within their society. They accuse these people of being fascist; bigots and intolerants. But if they where to take a closer look at the religion they have taken it upon themselves to defend then they would see that Islam is much more closely linked to Fascism than the people they were attacking.

Muhammad in Mecca and Medina

Muhammad started his religious career in the City of Mecca where he strived for some fourteen years to build up his new religious order. In Mecca we find a man and his revelations at first rejected by most of the city’s citizens where he had attempted to encourage the local populace to turn away from sin and embrace the loving and charitable god of Islam. The new religion of Islam was so tolerant that it accepted insult and forgave all those who openly opposed it.

But in Medina we find a man who has become a highly successful leader of a powerful militant, religious and political movement where tolerance has been substituted for aggressive expansion and where all opponents of this new order are executed. Muhammad at this stage of his career becomes a quasi-like Biblical dictator.

Those Muslims who are currently involved in Jihad, those people who the West dub “terrorists” are in fact fighting to establish the true Islam. Islam as it really is!
mephistophelean is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 21 april 2010, 15:18   #2
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Bovenbuur's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 16 oktober 2006
Locatie: Stiekem toch weer bovenbuur
Berichten: 15.050

Welkom op het forum Mephistophelean. Maar komt er bij dit artikel nog een aanzet tot een dicussie die niet in de honerdduizend andere draden over de islam past?
Dit onderschrift is pretentieus en kan (soms) bekend overkomen!
Bovenbuur is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 21 april 2010, 15:22   #3
nihao's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 8 april 2009
Locatie: Gent
Berichten: 3.062

"De" islam. "Islam as it really is".

We moeten dringend een aparte sectie voor sprookjes en urban legends e.d. hebben.
Dom zijn is duur,
en oliedom zijn olieduur.
nihao is offline   Met citaat antwoorden

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