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Arabische lente Brandend actueel zijn de revoluties in de Arabische wereld. In dit forum worden alle discussies over dit thema samengebracht.

Oud 27 maart 2011, 20:44   #1
ministe van agitatie
Eur. Commissievoorzitter
ministe van agitatie's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 9 november 2006
Berichten: 8.593
Standaard Libische rebellen houden mensenjacht �* la Qadhafi

Men moet goed weten wie men steunt en waarom. Ik heb dat hier al herhaaldelijk geschreven en ik wil me daarvoor baseren op het programma en de praktijk van de rebellen.

Op dat vlak is er nieuws:

The rebels of eastern Libya have found much to condemn about the police state tactics of Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi: deep paranoia, mass detentions, secret prisons and tightly scripted media tours.

But some of those same tactics appear to be creeping into the efforts of the opposition here as it seeks to stamp out lingering loyalty to Kadafi. Rebel forces are detaining anyone suspected of serving or assisting the Kadafi regime, locking them up in the same prisons once used to detain and torture Kadafi's opponents.

For a month, gangs of young gunmen have roamed the city, rousting Libyan blacks and immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa from their homes and holding them for interrogation as suspected mercenaries or government spies.

Over the last several days, the opposition has begun rounding up men accused of fighting as mercenaries for Kadafi's militias as government forces pushed toward Benghazi.


On Wednesday, 55 terrified detainees were paraded in front of a busload of international journalists.

It was the first time the opposition's month-old transitional national council had organized such a controlled bus tour, and it featured some of the same restrictions placed on journalists taken on tours in Tripoli by the Kadafi regime: no interviews and no close-up photographs of prisoners.

The prisoners and detainees were hauled out of dank cells that stank of urine and rot — the same cells that once housed some of the dissidents now aligned with the rebel movement
, known as the Feb. 17 Revolution.


One young man from Ghana bolted from the prisoners queue. He shouted in English at an American reporter: "I'm not a soldier! I work for a construction company in Benghazi! They took me from my house … "

A guard shoved the prisoner back toward the cells.


The Ghanaian was one of 25 detainees from Chad, Niger, Sudan, Mali and Ghana described by opposition officials as mercenaries, though several of them insisted they were laborers. The officials declined to say what would become of them.

The opposition has acknowledged detaining an unspecified number of sub-Saharan Africans on suspicion of serving as Kadafi mercenaries. Human Rights Watch has described a concerted campaign in which thousands of men have been driven from their homes in eastern Libya and beaten or arrested.


One of the accused shown to journalists was Alfusainey Kambi, 53, a disheveled Gambian wearing a bloodstained sport shirt and military fatigue trousers. He said he had been dragged from his home and beaten by three armed men who he said also raped his wife. A dirty bandage covered a wound on his forehead.

Khaled Ben Ali, a volunteer with the opposition council, berated Kambi and accused him of lying. Ali said Kambi hit his head on a wall while trying to escape.

He commanded the prisoner to comment on his treatment in the detention center.

Kambi paused and considered his answer. Finally, he glanced warily up at Ali and spoke.

"Nobody beat me here," he said in a faint, weary tone. "I have no problems here."
• نريد ثورة- • we want revolution •

Laatst gewijzigd door ministe van agitatie : 27 maart 2011 om 20:45.
ministe van agitatie is offline  
Oud 27 maart 2011, 20:51   #2
Secretaris-Generaal VN
bgf324's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 1 december 2008
Locatie: Rijks-Vlaanderen
Berichten: 21.719

Wie gaat hen beschermen tegen die genocide?
bgf324 is offline  
Oud 27 maart 2011, 21:06   #3
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Geregistreerd: 15 juli 2008
Locatie: GROOT LUIK (Liège)
Berichten: 64.878

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door ministe van agitatie Bekijk bericht
Men moet goed weten wie men steunt en waarom. Ik heb dat hier al herhaaldelijk geschreven en ik wil me daarvoor baseren op het programma en de praktijk van de rebellen.

Op dat vlak is er nieuws:

U hebt blijkbaar de missie niet begrepen.

De missie is het beschermen van de Lybische burgers.
Ze vechten dus niet tegen of met een betrokken partij.
Henri1 is offline  
Oud 27 maart 2011, 21:10   #4
filosoof's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 22 mei 2003
Locatie: Brussel
Berichten: 49.496

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door ministe van agitatie Bekijk bericht
Men moet goed weten wie men steunt en waarom. Ik heb dat hier al herhaaldelijk geschreven en ik wil me daarvoor baseren op het programma en de praktijk van de rebellen.

Op dat vlak is er nieuws:
The rebels of eastern Libya have found much to condemn about the police state tactics of Libyan leader Moammar Kadafi: deep paranoia, mass detentions, secret prisons and tightly scripted media tours.

But some of those same tactics appear to be creeping into the efforts of the opposition here as it seeks to stamp out lingering loyalty to Kadafi. Rebel forces are detaining anyone suspected of serving or assisting the Kadafi regime, locking them up in the same prisons once used to detain and torture Kadafi's opponents.

For a month, gangs of young gunmen have roamed the city, rousting Libyan blacks and immigrants from sub-Saharan Africa from their homes and holding them for interrogation as suspected mercenaries or government spies.

Over the last several days, the opposition has begun rounding up men accused of fighting as mercenaries for Kadafi's militias as government forces pushed toward Benghazi.


On Wednesday, 55 terrified detainees were paraded in front of a busload of international journalists.

It was the first time the opposition's month-old transitional national council had organized such a controlled bus tour, and it featured some of the same restrictions placed on journalists taken on tours in Tripoli by the Kadafi regime: no interviews and no close-up photographs of prisoners.

The prisoners and detainees were hauled out of dank cells that stank of urine and rot — the same cells that once housed some of the dissidents now aligned with the rebel movement, known as the Feb. 17 Revolution.


One young man from Ghana bolted from the prisoners queue. He shouted in English at an American reporter: "I'm not a soldier! I work for a construction company in Benghazi! They took me from my house … "

A guard shoved the prisoner back toward the cells.


The Ghanaian was one of 25 detainees from Chad, Niger, Sudan, Mali and Ghana described by opposition officials as mercenaries, though several of them insisted they were laborers. The officials declined to say what would become of them.

The opposition has acknowledged detaining an unspecified number of sub-Saharan Africans on suspicion of serving as Kadafi mercenaries. Human Rights Watch has described a concerted campaign in which thousands of men have been driven from their homes in eastern Libya and beaten or arrested.


One of the accused shown to journalists was Alfusainey Kambi, 53, a disheveled Gambian wearing a bloodstained sport shirt and military fatigue trousers. He said he had been dragged from his home and beaten by three armed men who he said also raped his wife. A dirty bandage covered a wound on his forehead.

Khaled Ben Ali, a volunteer with the opposition council, berated Kambi and accused him of lying. Ali said Kambi hit his head on a wall while trying to escape.

He commanded the prisoner to comment on his treatment in the detention center.

Kambi paused and considered his answer. Finally, he glanced warily up at Ali and spoke.

"Nobody beat me here," he said in a faint, weary tone. "I have no problems here."

Dat was toch geweten? De VRT gaf het op het nieuws.

Dit gaf de VRT niet:

Dit ook niet:http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/...71K1MY20110221

Laatst gewijzigd door filosoof : 27 maart 2011 om 21:13.
filosoof is offline  
Oud 27 maart 2011, 21:11   #5
Geregistreerd: 18 februari 2006
Locatie: 2000
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zeg copy en master filosoof, heb jij ook zelf iets in te brengen?
ok dat dachten we al
born2bewild is offline  
Oud 27 maart 2011, 21:15   #6
filosoof's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 22 mei 2003
Locatie: Brussel
Berichten: 49.496

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door bgf324 Bekijk bericht
Wie gaat hen beschermen tegen die genocide?
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Henri1 Bekijk bericht
U hebt blijkbaar de missie niet begrepen.

De missie is het beschermen van de Lybische burgers.
Ze vechten dus niet tegen of met een betrokken partij.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door bgf324 Bekijk bericht
Wie gaat hen beschermen tegen die genocide?
U hebt blijkbaar de missie niet begrepen.
Hebben ze olie?
filosoof is offline  
Oud 27 maart 2011, 21:29   #7
ministe van agitatie
Eur. Commissievoorzitter
ministe van agitatie's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 9 november 2006
Berichten: 8.593

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Henri1 Bekijk bericht
U hebt blijkbaar de missie niet begrepen.

De missie is het beschermen van de Lybische burgers.
Ze vechten dus niet tegen of met een betrokken partij.
U heeft het duidelijk niet begrepen: het gaat niet om het beschermen van de burgers maar om het helpen van de rebellen en het verdrijven van Al-Qadhafi.

Men bombardeert nu Sirte, de geboortestad van Qadhafi waar zijn aanhang erg groot is. Men bombardeert Sirte niet om daar de burgers te beschermen (dat is met elkaar in tegenspraak) maar om de rebellen te helpen die hun aanval op Sirte voorbereiden:

International air raids targeted Moammar Gadhafi's hometown of Sirte for the first time Sunday night as rebels made a high-speed advance toward the regime stronghold, a formidable obstacle that must be overcome for the government opponents to reach the capital Tripoli.

Earlier in the day, rebels regained two key oil complexes along the coastal highway that runs from the opposition-held eastern half of the country toward Sirte and beyond that, to the capital. Moving quickly westward, the advance retraced the steps of the rebels' first march toward the capital. But this time, the world's most powerful air forces have eased the way by pounding Gadhafi's forces for the past week.

Sirte is strategically located about halfway between the rebel-held east and the Gadhafi-controlled west along the coastal highway. It is considered a bastion of support for Gadhafi that will be difficult for the rebels to take and the entrances to the city have reportedly been mined. If the rebels could overcome it, momentum for a march on the capital would skyrocket.
Met het beschermen van burgers heeft heel de westerse cinema dus geen reet te maken aangezien de burgers in Sirte en Tripoli in grote mate aan de kant van Al-Qadhafi staan.

• نريد ثورة- • we want revolution •

ministe van agitatie is offline  
Oud 27 maart 2011, 22:22   #8
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 9 december 2010
Berichten: 36.784

De gevolgen zijn reeds merkbaar.
Italie bedolven onder vluchtelingenstroom

Italy struggles to cope with fleeiing migrants

Boats carrying hundreds of African immigrants from Libya are arriving on the Italian island of Lampedusa. The tiny island is already struggling to deal with with the massive migrant exodus from Tunisia. The Italian authorities report that a boat carrying Eritrean, Ethiopian and Somali migrants reached the Italian coast early on Sunday. It was diverted to the even smaller island of Linosa as Lampedusa cannot accept any more people. Italy has declared a state of humanitarian emergency over the huge influx of mostly Tunisian immigrants who have been fleeing the turmoil in North Africa.

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
Het zal weer het gekende Zonbron momentje zijn.
zonbron is offline  
Oud 28 maart 2011, 14:49   #9
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Fieseler's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 20 juli 2004
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Mijn hart springt uit mijn borst van vreugde: de gezamelijke linkiewinkieworld die opkomt tegen de repressie.
Ik zie hun zelfs nog pleiten voor amnestie.
Though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil, for thou art with me
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Oud 28 maart 2011, 15:01   #10
Provinciaal Gedeputeerde
Geregistreerd: 3 december 2009
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door bgf324 Bekijk bericht
Wie gaat hen beschermen tegen die genocide?
ICC Kamer 1
zebrapad is offline  
Oud 28 maart 2011, 20:08   #11
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Raven's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 31 maart 2004
Locatie: Nabij het Reigersnest
Berichten: 10.447


Het sucks werkelijk om Europeaan te zijn .

Nu zit de VN helemaal in een wespennest. Een vredesmissie waarbij beide kanten dictatoriale trekjes hebben met grove schendingen van mensenrechten.

Als ze blijven is't niet goed, als ze blijven die opstand steunen is't niet goed.
NEE tegen assimilatie! NEE tegen racisme!

Laatst gewijzigd door Raven : 28 maart 2011 om 20:10.
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Oud 28 maart 2011, 21:08   #12
Renesse's schermafbeelding
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