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Arabische lente Brandend actueel zijn de revoluties in de Arabische wereld. In dit forum worden alle discussies over dit thema samengebracht.

Oud 31 mei 2011, 23:27   #41
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Nr.10's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 september 2003
Locatie: van Lissabon tot Vladivostok
Berichten: 31.903

(...) a May 14 story, Colombians entering the UAE posing as construction workers, with special visas stamped by the UAE's military intelligence branch, so they could clear customs and immigration with no questions asked; yes, Prince wants battalions of Colombian and Central American mercenaries; he won't recruit Muslims to kill their own cousins (...)

(...) There it is, spelled out; internal repression all across the Persian Gulf, as against the sprawling labor camps housing tens of thousands of South Asian workers; or in case citizens of the UAE get the Bahrain pro-democracy fever. The excuse for all these ops could not be less original: the Iranian bogeyman, or "aggression". Prince had always wanted Blackwater to be a mercenary army deployable anywhere in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. He even wanted the US Central Intelligence Agency to use it for global special ops - before the CIA decided to laser on drones as a more cost-effective method. Now Prince has a wealthy Sheikh - a Pentagon fan who's in favor of bombing Iran - to bankroll his ''vision''. (...)

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Oud 1 juni 2011, 08:02   #42
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Antoon's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 2 september 2002
Berichten: 33.982

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