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Immigratie en integratie Het forum bij uitstek voor discussies over thema's zoals vreemdelingenbeleid, integratie versus assimilatie, (verplichte) inburgering,...

Oud 13 juli 2004, 03:07   #1
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smiley's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 8 juli 2004
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Assalamou aleikoum wa Rahamtoullah wa Barakatou dear Sisters,

I think that when we speak of Democaracy, we should not see it in the kuffaar sense. If I say that Islam is democratic, it is because, every muslim has the right to say what he/she thinks, providing it is according to the Quran and the Sunnah. Rulers and Leaders are chosen, it is not an inheritance thing like royalty. Every muslim is entitled to justice and the Qadi has to hear both side and make his own judgement. In Islam, you are not guilty until proven innocent, I am right or am I mistaken?? Islam for me is real Democracy but the Democracy of the Kuffar is just words and no action. No wanting to make a political post but their democracy is a mess. My tuppence........ though

Fi amaneelah sisters
Khadija, OUm Ismail
Democaracy vs Islam

A great deal of news concerning Islam, the West, and Muslim Fundamentalism has been in the television, political magazines and newspapers lately. The hottest issue that is being discussed in papers like the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and other renowned newspapers is the issue of incompatibility between Islam and the West.

The critical question that is being asked is:
Is there a contradiction between Islam and the West, or is it falsely initiated by Muslim fundamentalists ?
A quotation from George Melloan in the Wall Street Journal (1/6/92) states:

"As with most Islamic countries, there is a huge cohort of jobless men in their early 20's with very little idea of what to do with their lives. Fundamentalism gives them a mission, to purge the society of evil influences of Western culture, to force women into purdah, to pray to Allah for relief from their poverty."

The implication here is that the call for Islam to be brought back to the world scene is a reaction to the miserable conditions in the Muslim World, and not because there is some inherent incompatibility between the belief of the people, Islam, and the system being forced down their throats, Democracy/Capitalism. A survey of the concepts expounded by Islam and those by the Democratic/Capitalist ideology will reveal the true nature of the Islamic revival movement:

Rasulallah (saw) struggled to uproot all man made laws and systems in order to replace them with Islam, while Democracy/Capitalism zealously pursues the establishment of man made laws.

Democracy/Capitalism calls the people to the creed of "Give what belongs to Caesar to Caesar and give what belongs to God to God". Allah (swa) on the other hand says, ...His are all things that are in the heavens and all that are on Earth..." (2:255), including Caesar and his throne. This is what Rasulallah (saw) called the people to, and it is in complete conflict with the creed of Democracy/Capitalism.

Democracy/Capitalism is firmly rooted in the concept of secularism, of separation of deen, and consequently Allah (swa), from life. This is the cornerstone of their ideology and it is the antithesis of the Islamic belief. Islam is based on guidance from Allah (swa) to conduct all the affairs of the people. Deen is life; Allah (swa) is the Creator and Rabb (Lord) and we are the slaves who are expected to live according to his rules.
These fundamental differences between Islam and the Democratic/Capitalist ideology of the West can lead to no other conclusion than that there is definitely an inherent contradiction between Islam, as Allah (swa) revealed it, and Democracy/Capitalism.

These differences were set down by Allah (swa), and not "jobless men in their early 20's...pray[ing] to Allah for relief from their poverty". This is the false notion that the Western media has been propagating in order to bring support for those who compromise their deen at the behest of the kafirs.

Alhamdulillah, despite the efforts of the media, the Muslim Ummah is beginning to reject the notion of democracy/capitalism ruling over us, and this reaction should not surprise us. The Ummah is finally healing from the poison of freedom, democracy, capitalism, nationalism, and secular thought which the fangs of the imperialist kafirs injected in our thinking. It is looking now to bring Islam back as its deen in its comprehensive form, and carry its mercy to the rest of the world.

The phenomenon of Muslims rejecting the Western concepts in exchange for Islam is not limited to the Muslim world. This historic event can be witnessed all around the world, even in the western nations. This has greatly worried the policy makers in the West; consequently they have initiated new attempts to contain the Muslims. A brief survey of a few articles from the Western media reveals the techniques and methods of this latest initiative against Islam and Muslims.

An article in the Wall Street Journal suggested that:

"The U.S. must lend support to the overwhelming vast majority of moderates in America's Muslim community."

In other words, to back those who have sold out this deen for fame, fortune, and servitude to the West.

Another article, "Time to Paint U.S. - Islamic Relations on a Brand New Canvas", from The Baltimore Sun (7/7/92) offers the following strategies:
"Stop talking about the 'world of Islam' as if it were a monolithic whole; instead, use 'Muslim countries'."

"Emphasize the common elements and values that unite Islam and Christianity and avoid divisive factors."

These strategies are aimed at diluting the power of this Ummah and this deen by first, dividing its people based on artificial borders and then by trying to conceal those aspects of Islam which do not serve the interest of the West.

According to another article in the L.A. Times 1/8/92 & N.Y. Times 1/24/92 the plan is to build a school for Muslims in Europe:

" Despite its modest start, the institute's sponsors, including wealthy contributors from Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf oil states, hope that eventually the school will have 200 elite students and serve as one of the main centers of learning for Europe's 25 million Muslims, including those living in such countries as Albania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia...
The proposed solution is to create a European form of Islam that can coexist comfortably with the Western societies shaped by Christian traditions...

With the complexity of life today, said Zuhair Mahmoud, 39, the institute's director, we need a place to teach and explain Islam in a European context,... What we need is a modern and moderate Islam... For example, the punishments mentioned in the Quran are not relevant. We can accept secularity, monogamy,...

We admire the civil traditions of Europe - its great principle of democracy, freedom, and reason... We will give Islam as interpretation that is most adaptive to European society. We feel that our Jewish friends once faced the same intolerance we face today... Islam will be as accepted in France as Judaism..."

All these plans are aimed at deviating the Muslims from the true nature of Islam; Islam being a complete system of life with its own unique political, social, and economic system. They want Islam to play the role of Christianity, Judaism, or Buddhism, a passive creed which accepts to be overwhelmed by the creed of Democracy/Capitalism. These plans are designed to prevent Muslims from carrying Islam as a comprehensive way of life, and from bringing Islam back into application.

What is truly sad is to witness Muslim organizations playing a role in this disastrous effort. Muslim organizations' and individuals' efforts are being utilized to have Islam coexist with other systems. They have gotten Muslims involved in tasks which will not bring Islam back to life, such as participating in Kufr systems with the hope of gradually changing them.
We Muslims have to realize our responsibility to bring Islam back into application. This should be Case #1 for the Muslim Ummah because the problems which the Muslims are facing have a solution but there is no mechanism to apply the solution.

Consequently, we must establish this mechanism or slowly wither away under the authority of the kafirs. In addition, our objective is not to have Islam accepted or recognized by the West. The Kuffar of Quraysh went to the extent of offering the Messenger of Allah (saw) to have Islam implemented for one year and their system the other. Yet the Messenger of Allah (saw) refused their offer and worked persistently to have Islam implemented alone, not alongside kufr. Lastly, we should tell the world that Islam is a mercy from Allah (swt) which is desperately needed today. It is the only solution to the problems of this chaotic world. The only reason the policy makers in the West are fighting against the return of Islam is because once people get a chance to live under the Islamic system, they will abandon the corrupt Democratic/Capitalist ideology and embrace the mercy of Allah (swa) as did the people of North Africa, Spain, Indonesia, and other lands in the past.

"O you who believe! Answer the Call of Allah azza wa jaal and His Messenger(saw) to that which gives you Life."(8:24)


wa alaykum as salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

Dear sister,

I can understand what you have written and from a certain point of you one may be led to have this perception: that islam is not in constrast with democracy. This accures when in our mind democracy is associated with all that is good. In fact the ideas that a westerner has about democracy are something like: justice, equality, freedom, legality, rights, independance, order etc.

The ideas that are associated with the non-democracy are instead, caos, injustice, oppression, dictatorship, inprisonment, no rights, abuses etc.
Sometime the ideas that are developped around a certain concept are not necessarely conected with the primary meaning of the word. In fact democracy is derived from a Greek word "Demokratia" as well as other words such as "Teocracy", "Monarchy" and even "Politics.". Literally Democracy means 'people-power' .

This concept is valid even for the modern democracy, because people are given the right to elect some other individuals that will represent them and will legislate laws in their name.
Now that we have exposed the real meaning of democracy it is easy to reach the right conclusion using the evidences of the Quran and the sunnah.

In fact we all know well that taking away the power of legislation from Allah to give it to the people is shirk. to renounce to the Shariah and legislate new laws, or only to modfy the divine law is shirk. Islam has nothing to do with democracy. In Islam Allah is the sole Legislator, while in democracy people are the legislators. In Islam people are submitted to the Shariah and the will of Allah . In democracy people are subjected to man-made laws and to other people.
Another mistake that is usually made by the person who is associating islam and democracy, is the fact that in democracy people are free to say whatever or elect whoever, and this is just.

So if the majority of people vote or say that something is wrong, that this opinion become a rule which is implemented. What about the case tha majority of people want to drink alcohol, so they vote to make it legal and this law passes because this is the opinion of the majority.
Can any of you see that there is something wrong about it? This is not what islam teaches us. What is haram and what is halal is already clear. We cannot change it even if the majority does not like it.

Another common mistake made by the muslims who support democracy is to think that in islam the khalifa (muslim ruler)is elected through by a vote from everybody. This is not correct, in fact the khalifah can either appoint is successor, like in the case when Abu Bakr appointed Omar bin al Khattab. Anyway the khalifa can also be elected but from very few individuals who have knowledge of the religion. We cannot leave the appointment of the ruler to everybody because most of them are ignorant and they cannot see what is beneficial for the state and they are not aware of the criterias by which a ruler is elected. In reality democracy from the islamic perspective is a great fitnah.

I hope, with the help of Allah that each one of you will reflect about these words, and will leave behind misconceptions and ideas learnt from the disbelievers.

as salamu alaykum
sister samiha


All praise is due to Allaah. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his household and companions.
Brothers in faith! Fear Allaah, for that is the best earning and obey Him. Be dutiful to Allaah and hope for the reward on the Last Day and commit no mischief on the earth.

“O you who believe! Fear Allaah as He should be feared and die not except in the state of Islaam.” (Aal ‘Imraan: 102).

Fellow Muslims! We are nowadays confronted with a relentless war waged by the materialistic western civilization and culture that burns its producers and afflicts them with calamities, misery, immorality, disruption, suicide and all kinds of evils. It is in fact, a civilization that turns their conducts upside down, disorganizes their affairs, exposes them to toil and corrupts their minds. It is a civilization that knows no difference between lawful and unlawful, useful and harmful. It is full of useless markets, clubs and vacant minds! A civilization that is incapable of protecting individuals’ honor nor capable of providing them with meaningful sense of happiness in their life. Such is the reward of those who turn away from the Lord of all the worlds. Theirs is a civilization that is destroyed by its own products. It is a civilization that races towards creating all means of trouble, disturbance and destruction.

Allaah says what translates as, “They destroy not but their own selves, yet they perceive (it) not.” (Al-An‘aam: 26).
He also says what translates as, “Or do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are only like cattle nay, they are even farther astray from the path (i.e. even worse than cattle).” (Al-Furqaan: 43).
He also says what translates as: “They know only the outside appearance of the life of the world and they are headless of the Hereafter.” (Ar-Room: 7).

The above are some of the characteristics of the disbelieving (Kaafir) societies and their immoral cites.

Today, dear Muslims, the disbelieving (Kaafir) world is exporting its woes to the Islamic world by attempting to deprive Muslims of their identity and forcing them into subjection in matters of faith, intellectual, social and moral affairs.

Allaah says what translates as, “They wish that you reject faith as they have rejected (faith) and thus that you all become equal (like one mother).” (An-Nisaa’: 89).

He also says what translates as: “Should they gain upper hand over you, they would behave to you as enemies and stretch forth their hands and their tongues against you with evil and they desire that you should disbelieve.” (Al-Mumtahinah: 2).

They will never cease pursuing this vicious goal with all their efforts. Allaah says what translates as, “And they will never cease fighting you until they turn you back from your religion if they can.” (Al-Baqarah: 217).

The hearts of disbelievers are full of hatred and fear for you and it is these that spur them to fight Islaam and attempt to eliminate it. Allaah says what translates as, “They intend to put out the Light of Allaah with their mouths. But Allaah will bring His Light to perfection even though the disbelievers hate (it).” (As-Saff:.

One of these enemies said: “When the Qur’aan and the cities of Makkah and Al-Madeenah are wiped out of Arabia, it is then that we can see an Arab man gradually adopt western culture, far from Muhammad and his book.” Such is their evil plan and what their hearts conceal.

Fellow Muslims! The enemies of Islaam have amassed whatever they can of different types of invention in order to fight this Deen (religion) and its adherents and to conquer them ideologically and intellectually. Their action says: “A cup of alcohol and a songsters can do to Muslims more than what a thousand machine guns can do, therefore, plunge them into the depth of materialism and lusts.” These enemies lay siege on Muslim countries through mass media and modern technology and attack them through devilish and lustful satellite channels, which ruin morality and chastity.

They aim at destroying our youths, by arousing their passion and spreading immorality within their ranks, making them thereby searching for all possible way to satiate their already aroused lust. The Muslim woman is also not safe from this devilish plan. They wage war against her Hijaab (i.e. covering of the Muslim woman’s body and head) and they strive to deceive her through those repulsive fashion houses, they encourage her to mix freely with men, making thereby ignominy and distress her lot.

There are also misleading call upon Muslims to visit countries of disbelievers and spend their leisure time there. The purpose of these calls is to deceive Muslims and expose them to things that can damage their morality and religion. It is therefore unfortunate that some Muslims, in spite of all these obvious dangers, travel to these countries with their wives and children in order to be regarded as cultured and civilized people.

Brothers in faith! No one can avoid these trials and destructive situation except by strictly and sincerely adhering to the Book of Allaah and Sunnah of His Prophet.
Brothers in Islaam! How can the Muslim nation voluntarily go to those who fight her? How can she happily surrender to him who wants to butcher her? Who can she emulate her enemy in his manners, understanding and thoughts? Who can she turn away from Islaamic teachings and start emulating the Kuffaar? Surely, real loss and destruction lie in following the disbelievers and sinful people. Allaah says what translates as, “O you who believe! If you obey those who disbelieve, they will send you back on your heels, and you will turn back (from faith) as losers.”
(Aal-’Imraan: 149).

Fellow Muslims! Islaam does not forbid taking the useful of modern inventions and technology. It only rejects its negative aspects.
Dear brothers! What is the benefit of a civilization in which man’s standard falls and he himself degenerates so much so that he worships other beside Allaah, that he becomes a slave of his money, lust and desire thereby falling into misery and decay. The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “Wretched is the slave of gold coins, wretched is the slave of silver coins; wretched is the slave of money and luxurious clothes. If he is given of these things he is pleased but is he is denied them, he becomes displeased. Let such a person perish and relapse and if he is pierced with a thorn, let him not find anyone to take it out for him.”

It is actually sad to see some of our tribesmen who speak our language act as middlemen for the west over-praising it and calling to its emulation. These are callers to destruction, error and westernization.
They are callers at the door of hell; whoever answers them, they cast him into Hell-Fire. These people call to emulating the west as if they are ignorant of the cries made by west’s intellectuals themselves warning of the danger of this soul-less civilization and calling unto reforming and salvaging it before it is too late. Allaah says what translates as, “And when it is said to them, ‘make not mischief on the earth’, they say, ‘we are only peacemakers’. Verily! They are the ones who make mischief, but they perceive not.”
(Al-Baqarah: 11-12).

Brothers in Faith! It is incumbent on all Muslims, to know the foundations of this civilization and acquaint themselves with its goals, objectives, harms and all things that relates to it. If not, repugnant customs and manners and un-Islamic habits that are products of enemies of Islaam will creep in and establish themselves in Muslim societies and homes. The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “The most detestable to Allaah of all people are three: the one who causes transgression in the Sacred Mosque, the one who introduces to Islaam a custom of the time of ignorance and the seeker after someone’s blood in order to shed it with no just cause.” (Bukhaari).

Dear Muslims! You are a community that possesses a divine law that guarantees for those who hold fast unto if perpetual bliss, progress and development. It is a law that illuminates the darkness and it is ‘a Light upon Light’.
Islaam is the only religion capable of salvaging mankind from its misery and despair it is the only guarantor of its happiness.

“Our religion is] the religion of Allaah (Islaam) and which religion can be better than Allaah’s? And we are His worshippers.” (Al-Baqarah: 138).

Be therefore proud of your religion and beware of corruption and falling into Hell. Protect yourselves and your families, take refuge with Allaah from things that scares you, use your God-given wisdom to ponder over the consequences of your deeds and prevent these trials and temptations by being careful, for Satan’s arrows are penetrating. The heart gets affected with powerful harm as eyes get irritated with a small particle.
Fellow Muslims! The Prophet has taught as knowledge by which we can get guidance during trials. He sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said about the trial of Dajjaal

“Whoever hears of him should keep away from him. By Allaah! A man may meet him, assuming himself a believer and yet follow him (the anti-Christ) as a result of the evidences that he will show.” (Aboo Daawood and others).

Allaah says what translates as, “O you who believe! Ward from yourselves and your families a Fire (Hell) whose fuel is men and stone, over which are (appointed) angels stern and severe, who disobey not, (from executing) the Commands they receive from Allaah, but do that which they are Commanded.” (At-Tahreem: 6).
Brothers in Islaam! Fear Allaah, be conscious of Him and do not disobey Him. “O you who believe! Be afraid of Allaah and be with those who are true (in words and deeds)” (At-Tawbah: 119).

Brothers in Faith! Indeed, every Muslim who is concerned about his religion will feel a great pain when he sees that Muslims are being influenced by Zionist and Christian attacks and the pain becomes greater when one notices that the effect of that attack is increasing every day. Such is Allaah’s decree upon His slaves. He says what translates as: “And surely, We shall try you till We test those who strive hard (for the cause of Allaah) and the patient ones, and We shall test your facts.” (Muhammad: 31).

Dear Brothers! It is by test and examination that treasures are distinguished. It is during severe wars that proud and lofty minds become distinct from lowly ones. People are like treasure, some are precious jewels while some are just valueless metals; some are like healthy and fertile land that produces good plants and pure profits while some are just like bad dung that wastes its seed and destroys its crops.

Fear Allah, reform yourselves and adhere to the worship of your Lord. The Prophet sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam said: “Worshipping Allaah during the time of commotion and disorder is like making a Hijrah to me (in reward).” (Muslim).

O Muslim youths! Rise up your heads and be proud of your religion. Do not imitate the disbelievers in their repulsive habits, traditions. Beware of evil aspects of this civilization. Allaah says what translates as, “Say (to idolaters and unbelievers): ‘O disbelievers! I worship not that which you worship. Nor will you worship that which I worship. And I shall not worship that which you worship. Nor will you worship that which I worship. To you belong your religion, and to me my religion. (Islamic monotheism).’” (Al-Kaafiroon: 1-6).


From: aqidah
Date: Mon Jun 14, 2004 11:32 pm
Subject: Confirmation that Judaism and Christianity are Forms of Disbelief

Confirmation that Judaism and Christianity are Forms of Disbelief

[Answer By Shaikh Ibn Uthaimin]

QUESTION: One of the preachers in one of the mosques in Europe claimed that it is not allowed to consider Jews and Christians disbelievers. You know - may Allah preserve you - that most of the people who attend the mosques in Europe have very little knowledge. We fear that statements like this one will become widespread. Therefore, we request from you a complete and clear answer to this question.

ANSWER: I say: The statement that came from that man is misguidance. In fact, it can be blasphemy. This is because Allah has declared that Jews and Christians are disbelievers in His Book. Allah has said, "And the Jews say, 'Ezra is the son of Allah,' and the Christians say, 'The Messiah is the son of Allah.' This is a saying from their mouths. They imitate the saying of the disbelievers of old. Allah's curse be on them, how they are deluded away from the truth. They took their rabbis and their monks as lords besides Allah and [they also took as Lord] the Messiah, son of Mary. But they were commanded only to worship none but One God. Praise and Glory be to Him, [far above is He] from having the partners they associate with Him." [at-Taubah 9:30-31]

That shows that they are polytheists who associate partners with Allah. In other verses, Allah has made it clear that they are disbelievers:
"Surely in disbelief are they who say that Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary." [al-Maidah 5:17 and 72]
"Surely, disbelievers are those who said, 'Allah is the third of the three [in a Trinity]." [al-Maidah 5:73]

"Those among the Children of Israel who disbelieved were cursed by the tongue of David and Jesus, son of Mary." [al-Maidah 5:87]
"Those who disbelieve among the People of the Book and the idolaters will abide in the Fire of Hell." [al-Bayyinah 98:6]
Many verses and hadith express the same meaning. The one who rejects the idea that the Jews and the Christians who do not believe in Muhammad [peace be upon him] and deny him are disbelievers is, in fact, denying what Allah has said. Denying what Allah has said is blasphemy. If anyone has any doubt concerning them being disbelievers, then he himself is also a disbeliever.

Glory be to Allah!
How could that man be pleased to say that it is not allowed to say that they are disbelievers when they themselves say that Allah is one of a Trinity? Their Creator Himself has declared that they are disbelievers.
How could this man not be pleased to call them disbelievers when they actually say, "Jesus is the son of God" or "the hand of Allah is tied," and "Allah is poor and we are rich"?
How could this man not be pleased to call them disbelievers and apply the word of disbelief to them in general when they describe their Lord in such ways that are nothing but cursing and abusing Allah?

I call upon that man to repent to Allah and to read Allah's words, "They wish that you should compromise (in religion out of courtesy) with them, so that they (too) would compromise with you." [al-Qalam (6:9] He should make it clear to everyone that they are disbelievers and that they are the inhabitants of the Hell-fire. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "By the One in whose hand my soul is, no Jew or Christian of this community hears about me - that is from the community of people from the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him) until the Day of Judgement - and then does not follow me - or he said does not believe in what I brought - except that he is from the inhabitants of the Hell-fire." [Saheeh Muslim]

The one who made such a statement must repent to his Lord because of this great falsehood he has stated. He must make a clear announcement that they are disbelievers and that they are inhabitants of the Hell-fire. He must also announce that it is obligatory upon them to follow the unlettered Prophet Muhamad (peace be upon him). he is the one that the Jews and the Christians know and they know him like they know their own sons. Allah has stated, "Those who follow the Messenger, the illiterate Prophet whom they find written about with them in the Torah and the Gospel, he commands what is right and forbids what is evil. He allows them the good things and forbids for them disdainful things. He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the fetters that were upon them. So those who believe in him, honor him, help him, and follow the light which has been sent down with him, it is they who will be successful." [al-Araf 7:157]

He is the one of whom Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon him) gave glad tidings. Jesus said, as His Lord states in the Quran, "O Israel, I am the Messenger of Allah for you confirming the Torah (which came) before me, and giving glad tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad [one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him]. But when he came to them with clear proofs, they said, 'This is clear magic.'" [as-Saff 61:6]
When the one, Ahmad, who was promised came to them with clear signs, they said that it was nothing but magic. By this, we can refute those Christians who say that the one Jesus promised was named Ahmad and not Muhammad. We say to that that Allah said, "When he came with clear proofs," and none has come to you after Jesus except Muhammad (peace be upon him). Muhammad is Ahmad and Allah inspired Jesus to call Muhammad Ahmad. This ii because Ahmad is a name from the root meaning, "to praise," and the name itself means, "One who praises Allah more than others." Therefore, [Muhammad (peace be upon him)] is the most praiseworthy of Allah among all peoples...

I further say: If anyone claims that there is a religion on earth other than Islam that is acceptable to Allah, then the person who made that claim is a disbeliever and there is no doubt about his disbelief. This is because Allah has said in His Book, "Whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted from him and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers. [ali-Imran 3:85]. Allah has also said, "Truly, the religion in the sight of Allah is Islam" [ali-Imran 3:19]. Another verse states, "This day, I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion" [al-Maida 5:3]

Based on that - and I repeat it for a third time - the person who made that statement [mentioned in the question] must repent to Allah, Most High. And he must also make it clear to all the people that those Jews and Christians are disbelievers. This is so because the proof has been established against them, they have received the message but they have refused to believe.
The Jews have been described as those who have earned Allah's wrath. That is because they knew the truth and chose to go against it. The Christians have been described as those who have gone astray.. This is because they sought the truth but were misled from it. Now, all of them have knowledge of the truth and recognize it. However, they go against it. Therefore, they all deserve to have the wrath of Allah upon them. I call all those Jews and Christians to believe in Allah and all of His Messengers. I call upon them to follow the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). This is what they have been ordered to do in their own books. Allah states in the Quran, "My Mercy embraces all things. That (Mercy) I shall ordain for those who are God-fearing and give zakat, and those who believe in Our revelations.

Those who follow the Messenger, the illiterate Prophet whom they find written about with them in the Torah and the Gospel, he commands what is right and forbids what is evil. He allows them the good things and forbids for them disdainful things. He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the fetters that were upon them. So those who believe in him, honor him, help him, and follow the light which ahs been sent down with him, it is they who will be successful. Say (O Muhammad): O Mankind! Verily, I am sent to all of you as the Messenger of Allah, to whom belongs the heavens and the earth. There is no true God but He. It is He who gives life and causes death. So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered, who believes in Allah and His Words. And follow him so that you may be guided." [al-Araf 7:156-158].

[By having such faith, those converts from Judaism and Christianity] shall receive their reward twice. The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said, "There are three people who will receive their rewards twice: A person from the People of the Book [Jews and Christians] who believed in his prophet and believed in Muhammad..." [al-Bukhari and Muslim].
I have also found in the law book al-Iqna`, in the section on apostasy, where the author has stated, "One who does not consider as a disbeliever one who follows a religion other than Islam, such as the Christians, or who has doubt about their disbelief or who approves of their way himself is a disbeliever." And he quotes Ibn Taimiya as saying, "[The following is] a disbeliever: Whoever believes that churches are the houses of Allah in which he He is worshipped or who thinks that what the Jews and Christians do are valid acts of worship of

Allah and obedience to Him and His Messenger, or loves or approves of what they do, or aids them in having such places and establishing their religion, and he does so thinking that is a way of getting closer to Allah or worshipping Allah." He also stated, "If someone believes that visiting the Jews and the Christians in their places of worship is an act that brings him closer to Allah, then he is an apostate."
These statements support what was stated in the text of the answer. This is a matter concerning which there is no room for doubt. And help is sought only with Allah.

[This question was responded by Ibn Uthaimin, Fatawa Islamiya, vol. 1, p. 87] [Excerpted from Abu Lauz, "Answers To Common Questions From New Muslims", translated by Jamaal al-Din Zarabozo. Published by IANA, 1995.]


Dit zijn een paar voorbeeldjes van de realiteit. Hetgeen sommige moslims elkaar wijsmaken in moslimgroepen. Oproepen tot haat tegen het westen en tegen niet-moslims. Ik kan zo nog veel dingen posten... Het hoeft ons aldus niet te verbazen dat er dingen gebeuren door moslimextremisten die men wereldwijd kan merken.

Veel moslims leven zelfs in ontkenning. Als er bvb onthoofdingen door islamextremisten op tv of op internet verschijnen dan weigeren ze te geloven dat dit moslimextremisten zijn. Het moet wel een opgezet spel zijn van de zionisten of de amerikanen om de islam zwart te maken zeggen ze. enz. enz. Kop in het zand steken noemen ze dat

En die moslims zitten ook in ons land. Het is heus niet alleen voor de wandelende bommen (als men aan extremisten denkt) waar men waakzaam voor moet zijn. Ook moslims in de straat die er echt niks op tegen zouden hebben moest men ooit in ons land de sjaria via onze democratie invoeren. En aan de geboortecijfers te merken kan men veronderstellen dat na verschillende generaties dit spookbeeld wel eens werkelijkheid zou kunnen worden. In een democratie is het immers de meerderheid die de wetten maakt.

Politiekers wakker worden !!

Abou: De sjaria is niet van menselijke oorsprong, maar van goddelijke openbaring. Allah (swt), de allerhoogste en de unieke (tawhied) schepper zelf is de bron van het recht.

Abou: De rechten die door Allah zijn verleend zijn onveranderlijk en onvervreemdbaar en zijn van toepassing op alle mensen; niemand heeft het recht daarop inbreuk te plegen of wijzigingen aan te brengen. Daarom staan zij boven menselijke wetten.

Abou: In de islam zijn godsdienst en politiek niet van elkaar gescheiden. Pogingen om de islam tot de privé-sfeer te beperken (zogenaamde Euro-islam) zijn gericht op het uitschakelen van de islam. Secularisme wordt daarom afgewezen. Daarnaast is het van belang de strijdbaarheid van de islam te bewaren.


Hadden de politiekers in de jaren 60 wat beter nagedacht dan zaten we nu niet met de gebakken islamitische peren !!
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Oud 13 juli 2004, 16:34   #2
dorus's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 28 augustus 2003
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Komaan multikullers, waarop wachten jullie?
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Oud 13 juli 2004, 18:56   #3
Yossarian's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2004
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De correspondentie van een handvol individuen is niet representatief voor de (overigens zeer heterogene) groep 'moslims'.

M.a.w.: als men met deze post al iets wil bewijzen (tja, wat eigenlijk?) dan draagt men nul komma nul argumenten aan. Zielig.

Einde discussie wat mij betreft.
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Oud 13 juli 2004, 20:47   #4
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
smiley's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 8 juli 2004
Berichten: 10.199

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Yossarian
De correspondentie van een handvol individuen is niet representatief voor de (overigens zeer heterogene) groep 'moslims'.

M.a.w.: als men met deze post al iets wil bewijzen (tja, wat eigenlijk?) dan draagt men nul komma nul argumenten aan. Zielig.

Einde discussie wat mij betreft.
Ik raad u aan om zelf eens een kijkje te gaan nemen op de meer dan 5000 moslimgroepen op Yahoo. Daar kunt u dan zelf vaststellen wat dan wel representatief zou zijn voor de heterogene groep moslims... als u dan toch denkt dat de meeste moslims de sjaria ed. als iets onislamitisch beschouwen...

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