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Democratie.NU De leden van Democratie.Nu vormen een onafhankelijke en politiek ongebonden burgerbeweging die ijvert voor de invoering van het Bindend Referendum Op Volksinitiatief (BROV). Met dat direct-democratisch instrument kan de bevolking rechtstreeks beslissen, ook tégen de wil van de politici in.

Oud 9 januari 2011, 14:35   #1
Paul Nollen
Geregistreerd: 24 juli 2005
Berichten: 1.625
Standaard Democratie, economische onzekerheid en sociale gerechtigheid

Een denktank in de US met toch enkele zeer opvallende uitgangspunten.


APSA Statement of Purpose

Three recent developments have thrust issues of economic security and social justice into the public consciousness.

First, the global economic crisis has brought economic insecurity home to developed countries and highlighted that increasing inequality coupled with decreasing regulation is unsustainable.

Second, there is mounting evidence that many foreign aid and development programs don't work. Neo-liberal market reforms have likewise become controversial, with many critics arguing that they have failed to ease poverty or to spark economic growth.

Finally, China's apparent success in achieving sustained growth and reducing poverty, which stands out against these global trends, has revived the idea that authoritarian regimes can deliver greater economic security and social justice than their democratic rivals.

These sobering developments are frequently viewed in isolation. Together, however, they underscore the urgency of creative new thinking about democratic models of economic security and social justice in our volatile world. Neo-liberal models, predicated on the view that politics and markets operate according to different logics and that markets must be insulated from democratic regulation, have failed to deliver both in developed and developing countries. Meanwhile, welfare states in the developing world are staggering under growing fiscal and political burdens, and state-led development programs of the kind traditionally advocated by the World Bank and supported through bilateral aid have proven ineffective as well.

The charge of this Task Force is to rethink some of the familiar assumptions about democracy, economic security, and social justice in light of these worrisome trends. Its aim is to refresh and reinvigorate debates on the articulation between democracy, economic security, and social justice in developed and developing countries. In particular, the Task Force will assess recent policy innovations in three broad, related areas: basic income, participatory budgeting and planning, and rights-based models of welfare and development.

These policies have several putative strengths: all three conceive democratic politics as an essential component of economic security and social justice; all are relevant for developed and developing countries, challenging entrenched assumptions that emphasize the differences between them; all transcend or cut across traditional ideological divides.

Laatst gewijzigd door Paul Nollen : 9 januari 2011 om 14:38.
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Oud 28 oktober 2011, 10:12   #2
Geregistreerd: 4 juni 2004
Locatie: onder mijn wijnstok en vijgenboom
Berichten: 78.216

En erg mager Academia
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Oud 4 november 2011, 21:47   #3
Europees Commissaris
Sjaax's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 14 november 2006
Locatie: tussen het stemvee
Berichten: 7.237

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Paul Nollen Bekijk bericht
Een denktank in de US met toch enkele zeer opvallende uitgangspunten.

Second, there is mounting evidence that many foreign aid and development programs don't work. Neo-liberal market reforms have likewise become controversial, with many critics arguing that they have failed to ease poverty or to spark economic growth.
De overweging dat ontwikkelingsprogramma's - ondanks de mooie titel - bedoeld zijn om de greep van het kapitaal op arme landen te behouden wordt niet beschouwd.

Het verwondert me overigens niet.
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