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Oud 3 december 2014, 14:00   #1
Politics.be's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 27 november 2004
Berichten: 28.704
Standaard Open Europe : Daily Press Summary

FAZ: Cameron’s proposals on immigration a good way to keep the UK within the EUIn a front page editorial entitled “Listen to Britain”, FAZ’s London correspondent Jochen Buchsteiner argues that just as David Cameron cannot always use the EU as a scapegoat domestically, he cannot be cast as Europe’s bogeyman. Buchsteiner argues that the British government like no other “has drawn such a clear line from the rise of the populist parties and the unrest of the citizens to the need to reform the EU”. On the question of immigration, he argues that “Cameron’s proposals are not set in stone, but their general thrust can be approved elsewhere. A pragmatic agreement in Brussels should be possible. If Cameron’s hand were to be thus strengthened so as to enable him to campaign for Britain to stay in the EU in the planned referendum, it will be possible to speak of a ‘win-win’ situation.”Open Europe research FAZ: Buchsteiner

Anti-immigration party brings the new Swedish government to brink of collapse
Sweden’s minority centre-left government is on the brink of collapse, following a decision by the anti-immigration party Sweden Democrats to vote for the opposition’s budget proposal, meaning the government’s proposal does not have enough support to get through parliament. A spokesperson for the Sweden Democrats vowed to “bring down” any government that did not push for changes in the country’s immigration policy. Prime Minister Stefan Löfven is currently trying to negotiate a new budget which could draw support from the centre-right opposition parties. Failing that, he may be forced to resign which could eventually trigger a snap elections.
Open Europe blog Reuters Aftonbladet Dagens Nyheter Svenska Dagbladet

Spain’s anti-establishment party calls euro “a mouse trap”, wants ECB to finance governments directly;
Ruling centre-right party open to grand coalition with Socialists after next election
In his economic plan unveiled last week, Spain’s anti-establishment party Podemos says the euro “was conceived as a real mouse trap” and argues, “It is fundamental that the Spanish government promotes and achieves as soon as possible strategic agreements with other European countries to change the current conditions of governance of the euro.” Podemos also suggests making EU fiscal rules more flexible and changing the ECB’s statute, so that the bank can pursue full employment as one of its policy targets and finance national governments directly. Separately, the deputy leader of Spain’s governing Partido Popular Mar�*a Dolores de Cospedal said yesterday that her party would “consider” forming a grand coalition with the Socialist Party after next year’s general election if it failed to win an absolute majority.
El Mundo Tele Cinco

Open Europe’s Raoul Ruparel is quoted in the New York Times discussing the new set up of banking regulators in the EU, saying that, “After so many changes in banking regulation, it’s hard to know who does what”, adding that the European Supervisory Authorities are “less relevant than they were because of the banking union and the push at the commission level to create strictly defined bank recovery and resolution structures.”

The Sun reports that Mark Pearson, the OECD’s deputy director for employment, has predicted that as many as 100,000 EU migrants would come to UK each year for the next five to ten years.
Sun Open Europe research

The Times cites former UKIP treasurer Stuart Wheeler as saying that the party is “very, very short of money” ahead of next year’s general election in which it plans to target 40 key seats.

According to a new CSA poll for Le Figaro, centre-right parties would win up to 505 of 577 seats in the National Assembly – the lower house of the French parliament – if legislative elections took place today.
Le Figaro

Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras said yesterday that he would not give into “unreasonable” demands from the EU/IMF/ECB Troika, adding, “I will not allow anyone to torpedo the successes that have been achieved through the sacrifices of the Greek people.”
Kathimerini Reuters

French Finance Minister Michel Sapin has told Le Monde that the French government is to revise its deficit forecast for 2015 downwards from 4.3% to 4.1% of GDP. The move is a result of the extra savings pledged by France last month to avoid its 2015 budget plans being rejected by the European Commission.
Le Monde: Sapin

The Telegraph reports that outgoing EU Council President Herman Van Rompuy will be entitled to £578,000 over the next three years under rules for retiring EU civil servants. Elsevier also notes that former EU Commission President Barroso will receive €611,440 while former EU High Representative Cathy Ashton will receive €534,537 over the same period.
Telegraph HLN Volkskrant NOS Elsevier

The finance and economy ministers of Germany and France yesterday voiced their support for the European Commission’s flagship €315bn investment plan, and said they would put forward concrete proposals for joint projects mid-December.
WSJ Le Figaro

Catalonia’s radical pro-independence party ERC has rejected Catalan President Artur Mas’s proposal that all pro-independence parties run as a ticket in the next regional elections – a move which would effectively turn the vote into a proxy for an independence referendum.
El Pa�*s La Vanguardia

The ECB will hold its monthly meeting tomorrow with hopes increasing that some further easing action will be taken, although the bank is expected to stop short of announcing a full scale sovereign bond purchase programme.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is this week expected to criticise the EU’s laws implementing the Basel III bank capital rules following its review of the legislation.
Bloomberg Irish Independent

The EU and US are today expected to issue a joint statement reiterating their support and cooperation on sanctions and helping Europe and Ukraine diversify their energy markets away from Russia. Separately, the Ruble continues its slide with the Bank of Russia confirming that it spent $700m on Monday intervening to try to slow the decline of the currency.

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