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Buitenland Internationale onderwerpen, de politiek van de Europese lidstaten, over de werking van Europa, Europese instellingen, ... politieke en maatschappelijke discussies.

Oud 8 juni 2020, 05:51   #1
Karel Martel B
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Karel Martel B's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 15 mei 2010
Berichten: 11.675
Standaard The aftermath


Food deserts in some South Side communities have even fewer choices for groceries after the weekend’s violence.


For neighbors, the Jewel-Osco on 75th is the grocery store. But no longer.

“It’s kind of a sad thing to think about,” said resident William Wright. “I take my grandma here every Sunday.”

On Sunday night, it was ravaged by looters, as you can see by the aftermath captured in video from the next day, leaving neighbors frustrated.


Chicago now has food deserts in places that weren’t food deserts before.

“Bronzeville Mariano’s was looted, the Walmart on 47th was looted. Jewel,” said activist William Calloway.

And the food deserts that were there before are worse now.

“Now you have to go out of your way to get this stuff,” said activist Emir Lions. “People that don’t have a car. People that do not have family and friends.”

“Some seniors can’t travel,” added Calloway.

Instead, CBS 2 saw seniors taking buses, walking miles with only what their hands could carry. Calloway said neighborhoods without access to pharmacies or grocery stores could get worse if the city doesn’t find solutions soon.

“If you have people that are hungry, that are quite angry already, that could escalate to something more disastrous,” Calloway said.
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Laatst gewijzigd door Karel Martel B : 8 juni 2020 om 05:52.
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Oud 8 juni 2020, 05:53   #2
Secretaris-Generaal VN
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Viva la Revolution!
Vlaanderen: een overbevolkte grijsbruine industriezone met windmolens, bovengrondse hoogspanningskabels, zonnepanelen- en batterij'parken' alom. Nooit meer Groen!

Woke: virtuele deken vol bacillen ter verdelging van de oorspronkelijke westerse bevolking

Racisme: uit armoede geëmigreerde Europeanen 'kolonisten' noemen en uit armoede geëmigreerde Afrikanen 'vluchtelingen'
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