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Economie Hier kan je discussiëren over economie en staatsschuld

Oud 18 juni 2018, 15:24   #381
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.772

Allez hop naar $ 370...
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Oud 18 juni 2018, 15:54   #382
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.772
Standaard Musk verwittigt de shorters

Musk kondigt zelfs shorts blown up aan, nog 3 weken...

Elon Musk says Tesla shorts will get blown up — he even predicted exactly when

Published: June 18, 2018

For those betting against Tesla TSLA, +1.10% , however, any reprieve could be short-lived, at least if what the boss had to say on Sunday is any indication. Here’s our call of the day, ripped straight from Elon Musk’s Twitter feed:

Replying to @elonmusk @SwiftOnSecurity
Shorts seem to be freaking out about the assembly line being in a "tent". Can you elaborate on the situation with the line?

They have about three weeks before their short position explodes

10:43 PM - Jun 17, 2018
While Musk is reportedly busy on the factory floor “almost 24/7” trying to help fix bottlenecks and get Model 3 production up to his targeted 5,000 a week, he’s not about to let the opportunity to rattle some cages go by the wayside, so there he is, dropping another bold prediction for the stock.

Musk’s done his many times before, to be sure. In 2012, he warned of a “tsunami of hurt” that was coming for Tesla shorts, and, over the next year the stock surged almost 500%. Last month, he predicted the “short burn of the century” after he bought a big chunk of Tesla shares for himself.

Anyway, what makes his latest prediction rather unique is that he put a timeline on when he believes the stock will rally. To the day. The number just so happens to coincide with when the quarter comes to a close and the company reports those highly anticipated delivery and production numbers.

Does Musk know something the haters don’t? Maybe, but that isn’t stopping Tesla from being one of the world’s most-shorted stocks. Unfortunately for the shorts, shares are up almost 30% in the past month and are inching higher again premarket. It could all change quickly, of course, but for now, Musk is basically Olivier Rioux in this clip, and the short-sellers are the ones trying to contain him.


Tesla Short Sellers Sitting on $14 Billion Bomb That’s Ready to ‘Explode’

By Paul Ausick June 18, 2018

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 18 juni 2018 om 16:06.
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Oud 18 juni 2018, 17:09   #383
Eduard Khil
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Eduard Khil's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 5 juni 2012
Locatie: Hemel
Berichten: 35.770

de fut is er duidelijk uit! Het kan alleen nog naar beneden! Het einde is nabij!
Hitler was een socialist.

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Oud 18 juni 2018, 17:15   #384
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.772

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Eduard Khil Bekijk bericht
de fut is er duidelijk uit! Het kan alleen nog naar beneden! Het einde is nabij!
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Oud 18 juni 2018, 17:20   #385
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.772

Houdt +$370 stand vandaag?

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Oud 18 juni 2018, 17:20   #386
Eduard Khil
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Eduard Khil's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 5 juni 2012
Locatie: Hemel
Berichten: 35.770

de nieuwe short interest cijfers zouden toch al binnen moeten zijn dacht ik? Ben feitelijk wel benieuwd om te zien wat er aan het bewegen is
Hitler was een socialist.

Eduard Khil is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 18 juni 2018, 18:46   #387
Geregistreerd: 11 januari 2004
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En de short squueze is nog niet begonnen he mannen....

Indien Musk aankondigt dat ze 5k/week hebben gehaald gaat het inderdaad exploderen. Op een gegeven moment bereiken de shorts hun pijngrens en kan het aandeel spectaculair stijgen.

Ik neem mijn bankkaske mee naar het werk om snel te kunnen inspelen om VW-achtige spike
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Oud 18 juni 2018, 19:52   #388
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.772

Zelfs wie nu nog duur inkoopt kan van die eventuele spike profiteren, daarom die serieuze "treshold" bij $366 vandaag.
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Oud 18 juni 2018, 21:19   #389
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.772

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Micele Bekijk bericht
Houdt +$370 stand vandaag?

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Oud 18 juni 2018, 21:21   #390
Eduard Khil
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Eduard Khil's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 5 juni 2012
Locatie: Hemel
Berichten: 35.770

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Micele Bekijk bericht
Zelfs wie nu nog duur inkoopt kan van die eventuele spike profiteren, daarom die serieuze "treshold" bij $366 vandaag.
Steek al uw geld in tesla! Koop nu het nog kan!
Hitler was een socialist.

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Oud 19 juni 2018, 09:16   #391
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.772
Standaard Elon Musk vreest voor sabotage... (2 mails op 2 dagen


Tesla CEO Elon Musk sent an email to all employees on Monday morning about a factory fire, and seemed to reference possible sabotage.

Now, CNBC has learned that Musk also sent an e-mail to all employees at Tesla late on Sunday night alleging that he has discovered a saboteur in the company's ranks.

Musk said this person had conducted "quite extensive and damaging sabotage" to the company's operations, including by changing code to an internal product and exporting data to outsiders.

In 2016, after a SpaceX rocket exploded while being fueled up before an engine test, Musk and SpaceX COO and President Gwynne Shotwell also looked into the possibility of sabotage.

Several employees, from different divisions within Tesla, confirmed receipt of the e-mail to CNBC.

Tesla is currently ramping up production to make its previously stated goal of 5,000 Model 3s per week by the end of June. Last week, Tesla announced a broad restructuring, slashing at least 9 percent of its workforce. Workers who are actively involved in Model 3 production would not be affected, the company said.

Tesla declined to comment on the e-mail.

Here's the full email:

From: Elon Musk

To: Everybody

Subject: Some concerning news

June 17, 2018

11:57 p.m.

I was dismayed to learn this weekend about a Tesla employee who had conducted quite extensive and damaging sabotage to our operations. This included making direct code changes to the Tesla Manufacturing Operating System under false usernames and exporting large amounts of highly sensitive Tesla data to unknown third parties.

The full extent of his actions are not yet clear, but what he has admitted to so far is pretty bad. His stated motivation is that he wanted a promotion that he did not receive. In light of these actions, not promoting him was definitely the right move.

However, there may be considerably more to this situation than meets the eye, so the investigation will continue in depth this week. We need to figure out if he was acting alone or with others at Tesla and if he was working with any outside organizations.

As you know, there are a long list of organizations that want Tesla to die. These include Wall Street short-sellers, who have already lost billions of dollars and stand to lose a lot more. Then there are the oil & gas companies, the wealthiest industry in the world — they don't love the idea of Tesla advancing the progress of solar power & electric cars. Don't want to blow your mind, but rumor has it that those companies are sometimes not super nice. Then there are the multitude of big gas/diesel car company competitors. If they're willing to cheat so much about emissions, maybe they're willing to cheat in other ways?

Most of the time, when there is theft of goods, leaking of confidential information, dereliction of duty or outright sabotage, the reason really is something simple like wanting to get back at someone within the company or at the company as a whole. Occasionally, it is much more serious.

Please be extremely vigilant, particularly over the next few weeks as we ramp up the production rate to 5k/week. This is when outside forces have the strongest motivation to stop us.

If you know of, see or suspect anything suspicious, please send a note to [email address removed for privacy] with as much info as possible. This can be done in your name, which will be kept confidential, or completely anonymously.

Looking forward to having a great week with you as we charge up the super exciting ramp to 5000 Model 3 cars per week!

Will follow this up with emails every few days describing the progress and challenges of the Model 3 ramp.

Thanks for working so hard to make Tesla successful,
En het is niet de eerste keer, 4 maal op 4 jaar werd er al een "kleine brand" ontdekt in de paint shop.


Elon Musk sent an email to Tesla employees about another fire in its factory on Sunday

According to correspondence shared with CNBC, Tesla had another factory fire on Sunday night which halted vehicle production for several hours.
Tesla has had more than 4 fires in its paint shop in the past 4 years, CNBC has previously reported.

In an email to employees, CEO Elon Musk appeared to speculate about sabotage, quoting former Intel leader Andy Grove's maxim, "only the paranoid survive."

A Tesla spokesperson confirmed the email and said, "Last night, there was smoldering in an air filter in the welding area of the body line. The smoldering was extinguished in a matter of seconds. There were no injuries or significant equipment damage, and production is back online."

CNBC previously reported that the paint shop in Tesla's Fremont factory had experienced at least four fires since 2014, including one in April that shut down production.

Tesla stock has rallied more than 20 percent since the company's annual shareholder meeting on June 5. There, Musk promised investors that Tesla would become profitable and cash flow positive in the second half of 2018, and that Tesla would soon be able to produce 5,000 Model 3 electric cars per week.

Last week, Tesla announced a broad restructuring, slashing at least 9 percent of its workforce. Workers who are actively involved in Model 3 production would not be affected, the company said.

Here is the full e-mail about the most recent fire:

From: Elon Musk

To: Everybody

Subject: Some concerning news

June 18, 2018

9:38 a.m.

Late last night we had another strange incident that was hard to explain. Small fire on the body-in-white production line. No one was in the area and there were no injuries or significant equipment damage, but it was enough to stop the body production line for several hours.

Could just be a random event, but as Andy Grove said, "Only the paranoid survive." Please be on the alert for anything that's not in the best interests of our company. If you aren't getting a response from the emdesk email, please send me a note directly.


Ook bij de raketontploffing 2016 van Space X werd mogelijke sabotage onderzocht...

Men kan nooit weten, men zou voor minder. Bvb ook diegene die veel geld aan Tesla verloren hebben door te gokken op de beurs...
Of ontslagen werknemers, of... het zou niet de eerste keer zijn... dat zal in andere bedrijven ook niet anders zijn:

De mails hadden blijkbaar (nog) geen invloed op het aandeel dat gisteren 3,5 % steeg.
De huidige voorbeurs laat een daling van 2% zien.

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 19 juni 2018 om 09:43.
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Oud 19 juni 2018, 13:19   #392
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.772

Overal gaan de beurzen in het rood, hoe verder met de Dow na opening?


Dow futures slump more than 350 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

Published: June 19, 2018 6:23 a.m. ET

Trump threatens $400 billion more in tariffs on China goods

Escalerende handelsoorlog kleurt beurzen rood

19 juni 2018
Tesla Inc voorlopig naar -1%, boven "treshold" $366.

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 19 juni 2018 om 13:24.
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Oud 19 juni 2018, 15:30   #393
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.772

Aie aie ziet er niet goed uit, grote kans op handelsoorlog sleurt alle tech-aandelen in het rood...



Wall Street's 'fear index' has biggest one-day jump since May

Published: June 19, 2018 10:24

The losses came after President Donald Trump threatened to slap up to $400 billion more in tariffs on China goods, the latest escalation in a trade dispute that has been unsettling investors for months.
Tesla aandeel al onder $350 gezakt, het gaat hard.

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 19 juni 2018 om 15:39.
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Oud 19 juni 2018, 17:33   #394
Eduard Khil
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Eduard Khil's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 5 juni 2012
Locatie: Hemel
Berichten: 35.770

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Eduard Khil Bekijk bericht
Steek al uw geld in tesla! Koop nu het nog kan!
ge ziet wat er van komt als ik eens positief ben voor tesla.

het is duidelijk! Verkoop al uw tesla aandelen! Save yourself! De apocalyps is aangebroken
Hitler was een socialist.

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Oud 19 juni 2018, 17:39   #395
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.772

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Eduard Khil Bekijk bericht
ge ziet wat er van komt als ik eens positief ben voor tesla.

het is duidelijk! Verkoop al uw tesla aandelen! Save yourself! De apocalyps is aangebroken
Het aandeel begint al te stijgen...
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Oud 19 juni 2018, 18:21   #396
Eduard Khil
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Eduard Khil's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 5 juni 2012
Locatie: Hemel
Berichten: 35.770

onzin! De ondergang is onafwendbaar!
Hitler was een socialist.

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Oud 19 juni 2018, 18:49   #397
Geregistreerd: 11 januari 2004
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Trumpieboy kloot met mijn centen.

Achja, kan morgen weer totaal anders zijn.
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Oud 19 juni 2018, 19:41   #398
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.772

Net boven $355 geweest, allez hop terug naar $360.
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Oud 19 juni 2018, 19:49   #399
Eduard Khil
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Eduard Khil's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 5 juni 2012
Locatie: Hemel
Berichten: 35.770

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Micele Bekijk bericht
Net boven $355 geweest, allez hop terug naar $360.
uitgesloten! Het schaap is de preut af!
Hitler was een socialist.

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Oud 19 juni 2018, 19:59   #400
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.772

Tesla zou 17% van zijn omzet in China halen.

... en China gaat zich niet laten doen door Trump...:

Car stocks slammed as trade war fears show no signs of abating

Published: June 19, 2018 2:31 p.m. ET

Shares of U.S. car makers slid across the board on Tuesday, amid growing concerns about the tit-for-tat trade war with China that shows no signs of ending. President Donald Trump has asked his administration to find tariffs on another $200 billion of Chinese goods after Beijing said it would retaliate against the $50 billion in tariffs on its goods already announced. Trump threatened another $200 billion on top of the now $250 billion of tariffs if China tries to hit back again. The Chinese government has named cars as one sector it would target for tariffs. General Motors Co. shares GM, -3.82% slid 4.2% in late trade, while Ford Motor Co. F, -1.29% was down 1.2%. Tesla Inc. TSLA, -4.31% lost 4.6% and U.S. listed shares of Fiat Chrysler FCA, -1.43% shed 1.2% ...

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