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Israëlisch-Palestijns conflict Oktober 2023 was het begin van een nieuw conflict. Hamas strijders vielen Israël binnen waarop het Israëlische leger reageerde met bombardementen. Alle discussies over dit conflict en het verdere verloop ervan, horen thuis in dit (sub)forum.

Oud 15 mei 2024, 13:44   #41
Secretaris-Generaal VN
dalibor's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 9 mei 2014
Berichten: 22.056

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Hoofdstraat Bekijk bericht
Wie beweerde dat in feite, de voorstanders van de oorlog of de tegenstanders? Het werd gebruikt als argument om geen oorlog te voeren, dat en de extra vluchtelingen.

Maar we hebben de aanvallen op onze scheepvaart door de Houti en Iran, dat is terreur.

De scholen worden bezet wat resulteert in miljoenen schade en studenten die niet naar school kunnen, dat is terreur.

Joden worden lastig gevallen als ze zich openlijk kleden, dat is terreur.

Elk jaar zijn er rellen in Frankrijk en Engeland rond nieuwjaar, vandaar de waarschuwing dat het wel eens erger kan zijn deze keer.

Ook voor de Gaza oorlog waren er islamitische terreuraanslagen, dat zal niet veel veranderen.


There have been dozens of abortive plots, with hundreds of suspects detained over recent years. Often this goes unnoticed. Few paid much attention to an alleged terror plot by a Tajik IS cell that targeted US and Nato military bases in Germany in 2020, or the twin police operations targeting IS financiers and online recruiters in Spain in 2022. More recently, five people were arrested in early April in Sweden on suspicion of preparing a terrorist act in retaliation for the burning of a copy of the Qur’an at a rally in Stockholm some months earlier. Two more suspected recruiters were arrested in Italy on Tuesday.
Onzin. Ik woon daar en de chassidische joden zien er nog altijd uit zoals altijd.
Think I forgot
how to be happy.
Something I'm not
but something I can be.
Something I wait for.
Something I'm made for.
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Oud 17 mei 2024, 09:17   #42
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Hoofdstraat's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 19 april 2017
Berichten: 24.227

Terreur van de dag:

Mentaal gestoorde man steekt synagoge in brand en wordt dan doodgeschoten door de politie.
Ik heb de indruk dat ze in Frankrijk opdracht hebben gegeven om dergelijke gevallen eerst te schieten en dan pas vragen te stellen, ze zijn daar ook al iets gewoon.


French police kill man trying to burn Rouen synagogue

French police have killed an armed man who wanted to set fire to a synagogue in the north-western city of Rouen, France's interior minister has said.

The man was armed with a knife and an iron bar and when he went towards police they shot him, reports say.

Rouen Mayor Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol said the attack on the synagogue did not just affect the Jewish community, but the entire city was "battered and in shock".

Police were called at around 06:45 (04:45 GMT) after smoke was seen rising from the synagogue, according to local reports.

When they reached the scene one of the officers shot the man.

Firefighters at the scene eventually brought the fire under control inside the synagogue. There appeared to be no victims other than the armed man, the mayor said.

Damage inside the synagogue has been described as "significant". The local public prosecutor said two investigations were under way - into the arson attack on a place of worship and into the death of the man outside the building.

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin praised police "for their responsiveness and courage ".

France, in common with the rest of Western Europe, has seen a surge in antisemitism since Hamas attacked southern Israel last October leading to the current war in Gaza.
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Oud 17 mei 2024, 09:19   #43
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Hoofdstraat's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 19 april 2017
Berichten: 24.227

Volgens De Guardian:

Today’s incident comes at a time of growing concern about antisemitism in Europe.

Jewish communities across Europe have been grappling with an increase in hate speech, vandalism, harassment and threats since Hamas’s 7 October attack on Israel and the ensuing war in Gaza.

In recent weeks, Warsaw’s main synagogue was attacked with firebombs and the president of the Belgian union of Jewish students was assaulted in Brussels.

“The statistics speak of a rise of hundreds of percentages all over Europe,” said Pinchas Goldschmidt, the president of the Conference of European Rabbis, told the Guardian earlier this week.
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