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Oud 6 juli 2020, 17:00   #6361
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

Tesla aandeel nu +10%, NIO +24%

Menige gaat zijn wagen... Tesla of NIO (deels) financieren met zijn aandelen...

Ook dankzij de shorters.

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 6 juli 2020 om 17:04.
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Oud 6 juli 2020, 17:51   #6362
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Geregistreerd: 29 juli 2004
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Schitterend toch,met die broekjes....Zelfs de prijs ervan is geladen met symboliek....

Alweer een "Up Yours" tegen een bepaald publiek dat heel goed weet dat zij in het vizier van Muskie liggen.....

(en waarvan menigeen momenteel in ernstige financiele moeilijkheden zal verkeren als ik iets begrijp van "shorten" )
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Oud 6 juli 2020, 17:57   #6363
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door kelt Bekijk bericht

Schitterend toch,met die broekjes....Zelfs de prijs ervan is geladen met symboliek....

Alweer een "Up Yours" tegen een bepaald publiek dat heel goed weet dat zij in het vizier van Muskie liggen.....

(en waarvan menigeen momenteel in ernstige financiele moeilijkheden zal verkeren als ik iets begrijp van "shorten" )
De shorters die hun broek al dikwijls gescheurd hebben... helpt dat broekske ook niet..


9:03 p.m. · 2 jul. 2020

$TSLA short int is $15.84BN;14.14MM shs shorted;9.6% of float;0.30% fee.Shs shorted down -1.81MM shs, -11.3%,over last 30 days as price rose +25% & down -1.09MM shs,-7.2%, last week.
Shorts down -$15.9BN in 2020 mark-to-market losses;down -$1.33BN on today's +8.4% move.
En de laatste beursdagen komen er nog een paar miljarden bij....

De grafiekschaal moet alweer aangepast worden...

Het is alweer een dagje leedvermaak op tslaq:

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 6 juli 2020 om 18:26.
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Oud 6 juli 2020, 20:31   #6364
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

Nikola - die brandstofceltrucks wil maken - zakt -27 % op enkele dagen, incl. vandaag -15%


De bekendmaking van het aantal reservaties zou de hoofdreden zijn?

Ik denk omdat ze ook brandstofcel-pickups willen maken en dus daar ook willen concurreren met Tesla:

https://electrek.co/guides/nikola-motors/ meer als een rendering hebben ze niet... van hun Nikola Badger...

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 6 juli 2020 om 20:50.
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Oud 6 juli 2020, 23:08   #6365
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

Tesla Inc.
Last Updated: Jul 6, 2020 at 6:06 p.m. EDT
Delayed quote $ 1,436.98
65.40 4.77%

After Hours Volume: 679k

Holala het stopt niet... en de 1420 is symbolisch...

Robin Hood Gamblers ook nog?



Gambling on the Stock Market: The Rise of Robinhood

JUN. 23, 2020

COLUMBUS, Ohio A new app is exploding in popularity, boasting a zero-commission business model that allows first-time investors - namely millenials - to play the stock market.

What You Need To Know

A new stock maket app lets you invest commission-free

The app gained 3 million users since the beginning of May

This month, a student committed suicide after a glitch in the app mistakenly said he was more than $700,000 in debt
According to the company, Robinhood gained a staggering 3 million users as of May 4. They estimate about half of those are first-time investors.

Financial software developer and former Robinhood user Cole Brown says the platform's success came during a perfect storm.

“First, the unprecedented action taken by the Federal Reserve, which has convinced a lot of people nothing bad can happen,” said Brown.

He says the COVID-19 shutdown meant people had more time on their hands and the stock market was a way to virtually gamble when casinos were closed.

"It is a giant, always-on casino,” said Brown.

But Robinhood hasn’t always been so lucky.

On June 12, a 20-year-old student committed suicide after a glitch in the app mistakenly said he was more than $700,000 in debt.

The founders of Robinhood released a statement saying, "We learned that Alex Kearns, a Robinhood customer, died by suicide and left a note citing confusion with our product. We quickly reached out to Alex’s family to share our condolences and offer to speak. We are personally devastated by this tragedy."

The root of the problem, Brown says, comes from developers eager to get their product to market and a user base that’s unfamiliar with the world of finance.

"Basically, what I experienced with their platform, I've since moved to another broker that I'm a lot happier with, but in the sort of downside case where you’re going to lose money on this trade, Robinhood just completely failed to understand the trade that it allowed you to set up. It sounds like this person correctly anticipated a very small risk, then saw this huge number,” he said. ...
Er waren al andere apps in Europa:

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 6 juli 2020 om 23:38.
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Oud 7 juli 2020, 10:37   #6366
Eur. Commissievoorzitter
morte-vivante's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 13 december 2010
Berichten: 9.884

Meanwhile, JP Morgan stelt de richtprijs van het Tesla-aandeel bij tot 295 dollar...
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin
"When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression."
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Oud 7 juli 2020, 11:07   #6367
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door morte-vivante Bekijk bericht
Meanwhile, JP Morgan stelt de richtprijs van het Tesla-aandeel bij tot 295 dollar...
Ik weet het..

Van $275 naar $295 zelfs.

En DB naar $1000...

Deutsche Bank analyst Emmanuel Rosner also raised the price target for the Tesla share, as reported by MarketWatch. However, with a current price target of USD 1,000, Deutsche Bank is much closer to the current level than JPMorgan
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Oud 7 juli 2020, 15:21   #6368
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

De Tesla werknemers worden nu toch beloond voor hun eindsprint in juni.

Want ze worden deels in aandelen uitbetaald (voorwaarde minstens 1 jaar werknemer zijn)

Ondanks de sluiting van de fabriek (7 weken) en de logische inhoudingen op hun loon en-of betaald verlof gaan ze niet armer worden.

Als Tesla nog een minieme winst maakt in Q2 zal de aandelenkoers wslk nog wat langer kunnen standhouden, wie weet nog stijgen... (ook door de Robinhood gokkers?)

Want Tesla wordt dan in de regel opgenomem in de S&P 500 Index (laatste voorwaarde 4 opeenvolgende kwartalen winst ontbrak nog)

Soit de werknemers die willen verkopen - om x-redenen - doen dat wslk nu al. We zien vandaag de eerste voorzichtige koersdaling? Nee niet echt, terug +0,1% nu.

Elon Musk zou nu al voor $46 mrd aandelen bezitten...

Electrek vat het samen:

Tesla’s meteoric rise is making a lot of employees very rich

Fred Lambert - Jul. 6th 2020 6:31 pm ET

Tesla’s meteoric rise is making a lot of employees and executives very rich — but none richer than Elon Musk, who is seeing his personal wealth skyrocket.
Like most other tech companies, Tesla is offering stock options and grants as part of its compensation packages. But unlike most automakers, the company is offering stock compensations for all employees throughout the organization, including production associates and sales staff, which is rare in the auto industry.

With the recent major increase in stock price (more than 200% this year alone), Tesla stocks are creating a bunch of new “Tesla millionaires.” For some of the top executives, we can actually learn exactly how rich, since they have to disclose their holdings in the company.

Here are a few examples:

Drew Baglino, Tesla SVP of Powertrain and Energy Engineering, holds 4,222 Tesla shares, according to the latest report. His stake in the company is now worth more than $5.7 million at today’s close. Baglino is one of the top engineers at Tesla where he gradually moved up the ranks during his 14-year tenure at the automaker. He was working closely with cofounder and CTO JB Straubel, and he is now seen as the unofficial new CTO of the company.

Jerome Guillen, president of Automotive, holds 9,752 Tesla stocks worth over $13 million. Guillen has led several key programs at Tesla, including Model S and Tesla Semi, before being promoted to the head of automotive. He has a strong automotive engineering background and has proven to be a strong leader for Tesla.

Zachary Kirkhorn, Tesla’s young CFO, now 11,831 shares of Tesla, which are now worth over $16 million. Like Tesla’s stock, Kirkhorn had a meteoric rise of his own at Tesla. He climbed up the ranks of Tesla’s finance department over 10 years to become one of the youngest CFO of a major company ever at just 35 years old.

Of course, no one is getting richer than CEO Elon Musk as part of this incredible run. According to the latest disclosure, he owns 34,098,597 TSLA shares — making his stake in Tesla worth more than $46 billion.

Musk’s brother, Kimbal Musk, who is also on Tesla’s board, is significantly benefiting from the rise in Tesla’s stock price. At the last reporting, he had 130,848 Tesla shares, which are now worth more than $175 million.

Other Tesla VPs, directors, and even managers are likely to benefit greatly from Tesla’s massive stock price increase — creating several new millionaires.

Several key engineers in batteries, manufacturing, and construction, especially the execs behind Gigafactory Nevada, also receive massive stock grants worth millions at the time.

With the recent price run, those who held on to their shares are now extremely rich.

At lower pay levels in the company, employees are also benefiting, but to a much lower degree. According to sources talking to Electrek, most new hires are given between $20,000 and $40,000 of restricted stocks that vest over three years, starting a year after they start working at Tesla.

Tesla also awards performance-based equity bonuses, but those have been put on hold amid the coronavirus crisis. Therefore, employees who have been holding shares since last year are the ones benefiting the most from this recent TSLA run.

Electrek’s Take

I like Tesla’s policy to award equity to everyone and not just engineers and executives. It gives everyone ownership in the company, which is great for morale, and it gives them opportunities to make some money in those big TSLA runs.

However, the thing with stock options is that the price needs to keep going up, and at those kinds of levels, Tesla is going to reduce the number of shares awarded, and the automaker needs to deliver results on a $250 billion valuation.

This is going to be hard.

Also, Tesla has cut the compensation of many employees, especially in the sales staff, over the last few years, and it doesn’t look like the stock awards are compensating for that yet.

I want Tesla investors to know that they owe employees big time for this latest crazy run over the last week.

A big part of TSLA’s run is due to Elon hinting at Tesla breaking even or even making a small profit in Q2, and that was achieved through employees taking a big pay cut during the quarter and still working crazy hard to deliver more than 90,000 cars.

Let’s be appreciative of that. The good news is that they are also benefiting from the rise of the stock price, but I suspect that it was a tough quarter for many of them regardless.

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 7 juli 2020 om 15:30.
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Oud 7 juli 2020, 19:40   #6369
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

1 jaar geleden... hoe bescheiden eigenlijk, de koers kwakkelde toen rond de $240.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Micele Bekijk bericht
5 juli 2019, 19:02

Eens GF3 met de productie gaat starten gaat het aandeel weer boven $300

Na de opening van GF3 (Shanghai) klom de koers vlot boven $500 of +100%.
(en toen corona, en een korte dip naar $360, maar niet lang)
Giga Shanghai ging na 2 weken weer open.

Tsla staat nu +500 % hoger dan 1 jaar geleden...

Ik moet daarbij aan Amazon denken, een heel tijdje geleden.
Ook andere:

Tesla Stock Vs Tech Stocks (Apple, Amazon, Netflix, and Google)

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 7 juli 2020 om 19:51.
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Oud 7 juli 2020, 22:31   #6370
Geregistreerd: 11 januari 2004
Berichten: 66.569

De economie ligt op zijn gat.

De beurzen knallen maar verder naar boven.

Dit feestje zal ooit moeten eindigen, maar de fed blijft met z'n gratis geld de ballon maar oppompen: als je meerwaarde hebt, kan je nergens anders terecht als de beurs, dus daar is waar iedereen naartoe gaat, en is het een self-fulfilling prophecy.

Ik vind het allemaal bizar. Beurskoerzen beginnen volledig ontkoppeld worden van echte winsten en toekomstige winsten, en drijven op puur sentiment.
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Oud 7 juli 2020, 22:32   #6371
Geregistreerd: 11 januari 2004
Berichten: 66.569

ps ik had was nio's liggen, lol, uit de doden opgestaan, nu opeens 100 % winst
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Oud 8 juli 2020, 20:05   #6372
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

Vandaag nemen ze winst op Tesla -2,7% en Nio -3% en kopen massaal de -40% dip van Nikola geeft nu: +30 %.

The gamblers.

Recently Viewed Tickers

TSLA 1,347.50
-42.36 -3.05%

NIO 12.87
-0.35 -2.65%

NKLA 52.50
12.27 30.50%

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 8 juli 2020 om 20:08.
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Oud 8 juli 2020, 20:08   #6373
Geregistreerd: 11 januari 2004
Berichten: 66.569

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Micele Bekijk bericht
Vandaag nemen ze winst op Tesla -3,7% en Nio -4% en kopen massaal de -40% dip van Nikola geeft nu: +30 %.

The gamblers.
Tis zot.
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Oud 8 juli 2020, 20:28   #6374
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Tavek Bekijk bericht
Tis zot.
Raar, Tesla en Nio herpakken zich gelijktijdig, terwijl Nikola verder stijgt naar +33%.

Nio staat terug op +0,6%, Tesla gaat naar -1,5%

De inkt is nog niet droog en het kipt weer, the app-gamblers

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 8 juli 2020 om 20:30.
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Oud 9 juli 2020, 12:38   #6375
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

Top 20 "Robinhood-index" vrijgegeven van dit jaar, bestaat al 3 jaar.

Tesla op 11e plaats qua populariteit (SA link), of 12e volgens verse link, Plug Power staat nu voor Tesla:




- Once again, the top stocks held by Robinhood investors have delivered negative annual returns.

- Today, Robinhood traders have piled into nearly-bankrupt "turnaround opportunities" in the airline and cruise line industries.

- Tesla, Amazon, and Apple have held their place as ever-popular stocks among millennials.

- In general, the top 20 stocks held in Robinhood accounts have negative profits, high balance sheet risks, and high COVID-19 exposure.

- Popular stocks among younger investors continue to offer a basket of opportunities to short-sellers.

Every summer over the past three years, I have covered what I call the "Robinhood Index", which is a basket of the top twenty stocks owned by investors on the popular brokerage Robinhood. The broker is very popular among newer and younger investors, with the average user being 27 years old. Importantly, this means the average user was not an adult during the last financial crisis and has only seen equities rise (meteorically) during their working life.

In my opinion, this index allows us substantial insight into the underlying speculations driving the market. This also gives us a better understanding of market psychology. Specifically, what sectors young people want to own. In 2018, it was semiconductors (see "The 'Robinhood Index': Like FANG But Better"), in 2019 marijuana stocks (see "'Robinhood Index 2019': Goodbye Micron, Hello Aurora", and today it appears to be electric vehicles and transportation.

The Lineup: Beware of Trading the Extremes

Interestingly, many of the same companies that were on the list in 2018 are on it today too. However, the tilt today appears to be even more aggressive than in the past. Today, the top holdings are (in order, with year-to-date performance):

1. Ford (F) (-35%)
2. General Electric (GE) (-43%)
3. American Airlines (AAL) (-59%)
4. Disney (DIS) (-21%)
5. Delta Air Lines (DAL) (-54%)
6. Apple Inc. (AAPL) (+26%)
7. Microsoft (MSFT) (+32%)
8. Carnival Corp. (CCL) (-70%)
9. GoPro (GPRO) (+12.5%)
10. Aurora Cannabis (ACB) (-50%)
11. Tesla (TSLA) (+215%)
12. Plug Power (PLUG) (+192%)
13. Norwegian Cruise (NCLH) (-73%)
14. Bank of America (BAC.PK) (-46%)
15. Boeing (BA) (-46%)
16. United Airlines (UAL) (-64%)
17. Snap Inc. (SNAP) (+58%)
18. Fitbit (FIT) (-3%)
19. Amazon (AMZN) (+62%)
20. Uber (UBER) (9%)

You may notice that the performance of these stocks generally fall on extremes. Most equities today are either down slightly or up slightly on the year, similar to the major indices. However, the Millennials trading on Robinhood seems to prefer either those with extremely high performance like Apple, Tesla, Plug Power, and Amazon or those with abysmal performance like Carnival Corp. or Delta Air Lines.

This differs from the previous two years, which were generally heavily weighted toward companies with high recent performance as well as a few more boring blue-chips. Compared to last year, this lineup is a bit more aggressive. It seems these investors are either speculating on prolonged breakouts (that are likely bubbles) or on a rapid rebound.

Here is how the lineup compares to last year's:

(Source: Robinhood Most Popular)

As you can see, the general shift is from "pot stocks" like HEXO Corp. (HEXO) and Cronos (CRON) to airlines and cruise lines. At the same time last year, "pot stocks" were on fire and had recently come off their highs. Currently, most airlines and cruise lines are struggling to survive with revenue down 50% or more. In the case of cruise lines, many are expected to see a tenth or so of their normal revenue, which is likely to put them at risk of bankruptcy.

Extreme Performance Brings Extreme Fundamentals
The gamblers...
Tja de speelcasinos waren (wereldwijd) gesloten?

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 9 juli 2020 om 12:50.
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Oud 9 juli 2020, 15:14   #6376
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

Nu breekt mijn klomp, Goldman Sachs die toch altijd de pessimist van dienst was voor Tesla, geeft koersdoel $ 1300. Wtf?


UPDATE: Tesla (TSLA) PT Raised to $1,300 at Goldman Sachs, 'We suggest that investors be tactical with the stock'
En blijkbaar heeft Musk gezegd dat zelfs de basics van level 5 autonoom rijden nog dit jaar haalbaar is. Tja zegt niet veel, en de beurs merkt het niet eens...

SHANGHAI/BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. electric vehicle maker Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) is “very close” to achieving level 5 autonomous driving technology, Chief Executive Elon Musk said on Thursday, referring to the capability to navigate roads without any driver input.

“I’m extremely confident that level 5 or essentially complete autonomy will happen and I think will happen very quickly,” Musk said in remarks made via a video message at the opening of Shanghai’s annual World Artificial Intelligence Conference (WAIC).

“I remain confident that we will have the basic functionality for level 5 autonomy complete this year.”

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 9 juli 2020 om 15:23.
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Oud 9 juli 2020, 15:22   #6377
Eur. Commissievoorzitter
morte-vivante's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 13 december 2010
Berichten: 9.884

ik heb toch een groot pets.com gevoel eerlijk gezegd...
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin
"When you're accustomed to privilege equality feels like oppression."
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Oud 9 juli 2020, 15:25   #6378
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door morte-vivante Bekijk bericht
ik heb toch een groot pets.com gevoel eerlijk gezegd...
Ik ook.

Soit dat ze het gewoon eens bewijzen, moeilijk kan dat niet zijn.

Musk heeft dat enkele jaren geleden al gezegd dat ze dwars door VS semi-autonoom "wilden bollen" (met bestuurder maar zonder ingrijpen):

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 9 juli 2020 om 15:27.
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Oud 9 juli 2020, 22:32   #6379
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
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Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Tavek Bekijk bericht
ps ik had was nio's liggen, lol, uit de doden opgestaan, nu opeens 100 % winst
En vandaag nog wat meer... extra +13 %

$14.57 1.69 13.12%

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 9 juli 2020 om 22:33.
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Oud 10 juli 2020, 23:15   #6380
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.768

Ik heb wat gemist... lol

Tesla aandeel knakt $1500,

$1,544.65 150.37 10.78%

.... en NIO knakt $15 (in nabeurs)

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