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Milieu Hier kunnen alle discussies woden gevoerd over milieu, kernenergie, klimaatswijziging, ....

Oud 11 december 2007, 09:35   #1041
Pindar's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 1 juni 2005
Berichten: 8.258

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pieke Bekijk bericht
Lol Pindar, je weet toch dat dat artikel in de kaart speelt van de alarmisten eh?

nou, nee, het laat een stukje gezien van hoe er politiek gesjoemeld wordt
met de ehh wetenschap!

btw al ingeschreven voor de wedstrijd?

trouwens zag ik net op journaal dat het wel heel erg koud is in USA.
mischien eh GW?

Pin d"Ar
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Oud 11 december 2007, 09:36   #1042
parcifal's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 februari 2003
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pieke Bekijk bericht
Lol Pindar, je weet toch dat dat artikel in de kaart speelt van de alarmisten eh?
Lol, heeft Pindar het licht gezien of schiet hij op alles wat beweegt in de hoop ooit eens een treffer te hebben?

Het blijft een mysterie.

Trouwens vind ik wel dat je hier de term 'alarmisten' nogal lichtzinnig gebruikt.

Laatst gewijzigd door parcifal : 11 december 2007 om 09:36.
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Oud 11 december 2007, 10:02   #1043
Secretaris-Generaal VN
fox's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 1 februari 2007
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door parcifal Bekijk bericht
Lol, heeft Pindar het licht gezien of schiet hij op alles wat beweegt in de hoop ooit eens een treffer te hebben?
Het 2e.
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Oud 11 december 2007, 10:13   #1044
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Pieke's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 17 februari 2005
Berichten: 8.177

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door parcifal Bekijk bericht
Lol, heeft Pindar het licht gezien of schiet hij op alles wat beweegt in de hoop ooit eens een treffer te hebben?

Het blijft een mysterie.

Trouwens vind ik wel dat je hier de term 'alarmisten' nogal lichtzinnig gebruikt.
niet echt. Mensen als Hansen et al claimen al heel lang dat ze politiek tegengewerkt worden, en dat de officiele documenten zodanig politiek naar beneden gehaald worden dat de echte "wetenschappelijke" dimensies (lees katastrofale toekomst, maar ook de "wetenschappelijke" bewijzen van ACC) niet echt aan het publiek wordt meedegedeeld
Bagle iabes . de bransg cordziz . a etharzi
The measure of a man is in what he does for those who can do nothing for him in return.
We give our consent every moment that we do not resist.
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
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Oud 11 december 2007, 10:16   #1045
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Pieke's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 17 februari 2005
Berichten: 8.177

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pindar Bekijk bericht
nou, nee, het laat een stukje gezien van hoe er politiek gesjoemeld wordt
met de ehh wetenschap!

btw al ingeschreven voor de wedstrijd?

trouwens zag ik net op journaal dat het wel heel erg koud is in USA.
mischien eh GW?

Pin d"Ar
Lol pindar, de tekst die je aanhaalt zou wel geschreven kunnen worden door de propagandisten van AGW. Ze claimen al heel lang dat hun wetenschappelijke bevindingen politiek tegengewerkt worden, zodat de ware dimensie van AGW politiek onder de mat gemoffeld wordt.
Bagle iabes . de bransg cordziz . a etharzi
The measure of a man is in what he does for those who can do nothing for him in return.
We give our consent every moment that we do not resist.
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
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Oud 11 december 2007, 15:23   #1046
Pindar's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 1 juni 2005
Berichten: 8.258

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pieke Bekijk bericht
Lol pindar, de tekst die je aanhaalt zou wel geschreven kunnen worden door de propagandisten van AGW. Ze claimen al heel lang dat hun wetenschappelijke bevindingen politiek tegengewerkt worden, zodat de ware dimensie van AGW politiek onder de mat gemoffeld wordt.

Ja het wordt idd tegengewerkt, maar de andere kant op die jij
nu veronderstelt.

Alles wat GW lijkt te ondersteunen komt er juist door.

Maar ja, die filters he?

Pin d"Ar
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Oud 11 december 2007, 15:26   #1047
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
exodus's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 7 mei 2004
Berichten: 13.621

Wel wel wel...

New Peer-Reviewed Study Finds ‘Warming is naturally caused and shows no human influence’

By EPW Blog Monday, December 10, 2007

An inconvenient new peer-reviewed study published in the December 2007 issue of the International Journal of Climatology.
Climate warming is naturally caused and shows no human influence:

Climate scientists at the University of Rochester, the University of Alabama, and the University of Virginia report that observed patterns of temperature changes (‘fingerprints’) over the last thirty years are not in accord with what greenhouse models predict and can better be explained by natural factors, such as solar variability. Therefore, climate change is ‘unstoppable’ and cannot be affected or modified by controlling the emission of greenhouse gases, such as CO2, as is proposed in current legislation.
Lees verder:

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. – Rumi
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Oud 11 december 2007, 15:54   #1048
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Pieke's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 17 februari 2005
Berichten: 8.177


Jules, neem jij deze of mag ik?
Bagle iabes . de bransg cordziz . a etharzi
The measure of a man is in what he does for those who can do nothing for him in return.
We give our consent every moment that we do not resist.
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.

Laatst gewijzigd door Pieke : 11 december 2007 om 16:04.
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Oud 11 december 2007, 16:18   #1049
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Pieke's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 17 februari 2005
Berichten: 8.177

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pindar Bekijk bericht
Ja het wordt idd tegengewerkt, maar de andere kant op die jij
nu veronderstelt.

Alles wat GW lijkt te ondersteunen komt er juist door.

Maar ja, die filters he?

Pin d"Ar
die claim, beste pindar, werd een hele tijd geleden gemaakt door de alarmisten van oa NASA. Vooraleer er sprake was van de hype.
Bagle iabes . de bransg cordziz . a etharzi
The measure of a man is in what he does for those who can do nothing for him in return.
We give our consent every moment that we do not resist.
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
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Oud 11 december 2007, 17:27   #1050
parcifal's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 februari 2003
Berichten: 26.968

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pieke Bekijk bericht

Jules, neem jij deze of mag ik?
Singer, dat is toch die vent die deel uitmaakt van de denial machine?

"There was an extraordinary campaign by the denial machine to find and hire scientists to sow dissent and make it appear that the research community was deeply divided," says Dan Becker of the Sierra Club. Those recruits blitzed the media.
Driven by notions of fairness and objectivity, the press "qualified every mention of human influence on climate change with 'some scientists believe,' where the reality is that the vast preponderance of scientific opinion accepts that human-caused [greenhouse] emissions are contributing to warming," says Reilly, the former EPA chief.
"The pursuit of balance has not done justice" to the science.
Talk radio goes further, with Rush Limbaugh telling listeners this year that "more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is not likely to significantly contribute to the greenhouse effect.
It's just all part of the hoax."
In the new NEWSWEEK Poll, 42 percent said the press "exaggerates the threat of climate change."

The Truth About Denial

Sen. Barbara Boxer had been chair of the Senate's Environment Committee for less than a month when the verdict landed last February. "Warming of the climate system is unequivocal," concluded a report by 600 scientists from governments, academia, green groups and businesses in 40 countries.
Worse, there was now at least a 90 percent likelihood that the release of greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels is causing longer droughts, more flood-causing downpours and worse heat waves, way up from earlier studies.
Those who doubt the reality of human-caused climate change have spent decades disputing that. But Boxer figured that with "the overwhelming science out there, the deniers' days were numbered."
As she left a meeting with the head of the international climate panel, however, a staffer had some news for her.
A conservative think tank long funded by ExxonMobil, she told Boxer, had offered scientists $10,000 to write articles undercutting the new report and the computer-based climate models it is based on. "I realized," says Boxer, "there was a movement behind this that just wasn't giving up."
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Oud 11 december 2007, 19:04   #1051
Geregistreerd: 10 juni 2006
Berichten: 1.787

Nog wat meer kritiek. Deze keer van Nils-Axel Mörner, een expert die al 35 jaar lang het zeeniveau bestudeerd. Hij beweert dat andere IPCC onderzoekers bewust verkeerde data gebruiken, data manipuleren en in sommige gevallen zelf bewijs vernietigen.

Noted Sea Level Expert Accuses IPCC of Falsifying Data

Note: Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner has been studying sea level change for 35 years. He is the former head of Stockholm University's department of Paleodeophysics and Geodynamics. Dr. Mörner is and an expert reviewer for the IPCC, leader of the Maldives Sea Level Project, and past president of the INQUA Commission on Sea Level Changes.

A noted expert in sea level change has accused UN's IPCC panel of falsifying and destroying data (PDF) to support the panel's official conclusion of a rising sea level trend. The accusations include surreptitious substitution of datasets, selective use of data, presenting computer model simulations as physical data, and even the destruction of physical markers which fail to demonstrate sea level rise.

The expert, Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner, also raps the IPCC for their selection of 22 authors of their most recent report on sea level rise (SLR), none of which were sea level specialists. According to Mörner, the authors were chosen to "arrive at a predetermined conclusion" of global warming-induced disaster.

Sea level changes can be detected by a number of methods. Rotational timing is a very precise method, and is based on the fact that a change in the earth's radius will cause minute differences in it's rate of rotation. A rise in sea level increases the radius slightly, and can therefore be detected by precisely timing when the sun rises and sets. This method can detect changes in sea level as small as one millimeter. Data collected in this manner has shown the ocean to have risen and fallen slightly several times since the early 1900s, without any definitive trend.

Satellite altimetry is another method. Mörner says that, in 2003, The IPCC's altimetry dataset, which had previously displayed no clear trend, suddenly changed, with past readings modified to show a strong uplift. Though corrections to datasets are supposed to be clearly announced and identified, this was done secretly, and not labeled. When Mörner inquired about the discrepancy, he was told the readings had been adjusted by a "correction factor".

Where did this factor come from? The least precise method of measuring sea level is tide gauge records. These are problematic as the land under the gauge may itself be rising or falling. Hong Kong maintains six tide gauges, five of which show no trend. The sixth, located on land where compaction is causing the ground to sink, was chosen by the IPCC as the correction factor for global altimetry data.

Tide gauges kept in the sensitive areas of Pacific and Indian Ocean islands show a different story. In Vanuatu, Tegua, and the Tuvalu Islands, gauge records show no trend at all. In the Maldives, tide gauges kept from the 1950s show a small drop in the 1970s, and no change since.

More shocking is Mörner's claim of the destruction of evidence. A famous low-lying tree in the Maldives has long been a marker for sea-level change, and noted in several research papers. But when an Australian team visited the island on a data-gathering trip, they saw the tree and pulled it down, according to local eyewitnesses. Mörner's team later replanted the tree in the same spot.

Climatologist and IPCC Expert Reviewer Dr. Madhav Khandekar, contacted by DailyTech in regards to this story, also believes SLR is being exaggerated by the IPCC. Khandekar says SLR over the next 100 years will be "insignificant" and pointed to recent research demonstrating SLR had actually declined in the latter half of the 20th century.

Dr. Mörner also had harsh words for the Maldives government. When the Maldives Sea Level Project concluded there was no threat to from rising sea levels, a documentary was made to reassure residents. The government, however, banned airing of the film. According to Mörner, the rationale for the ban was financial. The Maldives stands to gain hundreds of millions of dollars in climate change aid from Western governments. "Because they thought that they would lose money." He said, "They accuse the West for putting out carbon dioxide, so they wanted the flooding scenario to go on."

Mörner says it's becoming increasingly hard to perform objective climate research. In the European Community, a prerequisite for research grants is that the focus must be on global warming. Papers which don't support global warming aren't funded. "That's what dictatorships did, autocracies." He added, "They demanded that scientists produce what they wanted."

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Oud 11 december 2007, 19:53   #1052
jules's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pieke Bekijk bericht

Jules, neem jij deze of mag ik?
Doe maar.
In ruil wil ik wel Thomas' wichelroedeloper Nils-Axel Mörner
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Oud 12 december 2007, 11:18   #1053
Geregistreerd: 4 juni 2004
Locatie: onder mijn wijnstok en vijgenboom
Berichten: 78.216

Global Warming Hysterie

ligt geheel aan de kant van de negationisten.
Je zou ze duurzame straftaken meten opleggen, en bij weigering, verplicht

Laatst gewijzigd door eno2 : 12 december 2007 om 11:19.
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Oud 13 december 2007, 09:11   #1054
Pindar's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 1 juni 2005
Berichten: 8.258

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door eno2 Bekijk bericht
ligt geheel aan de kant van de negationisten.
Je zou ze duurzame straftaken meten opleggen, en bij weigering, verplicht

? waarom ?

Pin d"Ar
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Oud 13 december 2007, 09:13   #1055
Pindar's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 1 juni 2005
Berichten: 8.258

well well well...

Skeptical Scientists Urge World To ‘Have the Courage to Do Nothing' At UN Conference

BALI, Indonesia - An international team of scientists skeptical of man-made climate fears promoted by the UN and former Vice President Al Gore, descended on Bali this week to urge the world to "have the courage to do nothing" in response to UN demands.

Lord Christopher Monckton, a UK climate researcher, had a blunt message for UN climate conference participants on Monday.

"Climate change is a non-problem. The right answer to a non problem is to have the courage to do nothing," Monckton told participants.


Pin d"Ar
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Oud 13 december 2007, 09:31   #1056
Pindar's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 1 juni 2005
Berichten: 8.258

hmmmmmmmmmmmm, what about this then eh?

'Consensus' Shattered As Major Scientific Study Says Global Warming Is Natural

'The so-called scientific consensus that global warming is man-made has been shattered with the release of a major new study backed by three universities which concludes that climate change over the past thirty years is explained by natural factors and that attempts to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are irrelevant.

Climate scientists at the University of Rochester, the University of Alabama, and the University of Virginia report that temperature fluctuations over the past three decades are not consistent with greenhouse model predictions and more closely correlate with solar activity.'

Climate warming is naturally caused and shows no human influence:


Pin d"Ar
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Oud 13 december 2007, 10:06   #1057
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Pieke's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 17 februari 2005
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pindar Bekijk bericht
hmmmmmmmmmmmm, what about this then eh?


Pin d"Ar

8 posts hierboven staat net dezelfde link
Bagle iabes . de bransg cordziz . a etharzi
The measure of a man is in what he does for those who can do nothing for him in return.
We give our consent every moment that we do not resist.
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
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Oud 13 december 2007, 10:13   #1058
Pindar's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 1 juni 2005
Berichten: 8.258

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pieke Bekijk bericht
8 posts hierboven staat net dezelfde link
inderdaad, net gezien blijkbaar over heen gekeken.


Aan de andere kant, mischien nemen jullie het nu wel serieus


Pin d"Ar
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Oud 13 december 2007, 11:26   #1059
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
exodus's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 7 mei 2004
Berichten: 13.621

Forceer de "consensus"...

Skeptical Climate Scientists Shunned At UN Bali Meeting
Consensus by force as media ignores dissenting views

The self-proclaimed "consensus" behind man-made global warming is one enforced by threats, intimidation and ignorance, as is again being proven by media coverage of the latest UN meeting in Bali, where skeptical climate scientists are being shunned and ignored if they dare express an opposing viewpoint.

Representatives of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, which include a member of the IPCC since its inception in 1990, were almost barred from attending the meeting when their credentials were rejected by UN officials.
"UN organizers refused my credentials and appeared desperate that I should not come to this conference. They have also made several attempts to interfere with our public meetings," said climate researcher and former British government cabinet member Christopher Monckton.

Australian scientist Dr. David Evans slammed the conference as a "circus" and warned that the UN's politicization of science had created a dangerous atmosphere.
"We have a split here. Official science driven by politics, money and power, goes in one direction. Unofficial science, which is more determined by what is actually happening with the [climate] data, has now started to move off in a different direction, away from fears of a man-made climate crisis, " Evans explained.
"The two are splitting. This is always a dangerous time for science and a dangerous time for politics. Historically science always wins these battles but there can be a lot of causalities and a lot of time in between," he concluded.

Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself. – Rumi

Laatst gewijzigd door exodus : 13 december 2007 om 11:26.
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Oud 13 december 2007, 13:49   #1060
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Pieke's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 17 februari 2005
Berichten: 8.177

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pindar Bekijk bericht
well well well...

Lord Christopher Monckton, a UK climate researcher


Pin d"Ar
climate researcher...

tussen haakjes, Pindar, Lord Monckton is lid van het SMOM
Bagle iabes . de bransg cordziz . a etharzi
The measure of a man is in what he does for those who can do nothing for him in return.
We give our consent every moment that we do not resist.
Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.
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