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Arabische lente Brandend actueel zijn de revoluties in de Arabische wereld. In dit forum worden alle discussies over dit thema samengebracht.

Oud 25 juni 2015, 03:21   #10601
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
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Israhel en Huize Saoud steunen Barzani, net zoals ze ISIS steunen...

Wed Jun 24, 2015 9:10
Saudileaks 26: Riyadh Seeking Close Relationship with Barzani Due to His Anti-Maliki Stance

Saudi Arabia attempts to build close ties with President of Iraq’s Kurdistan Regional Government Massoud Barzani to encourage him to stand against the Baghdad government, disclosed one of the documents released by the Yemen Cyber Army after it hacked the Saudi Foreign Ministry in May.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry was hacked by the Yemen Cyber Army in May, and a copy of its information was sent to FNA and another one to the whistleblower website WikiLeaks.

The documents released by the YCA discloses that former Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal concurs with the intelligence agency’s recommendation to host the head of the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government Massoud Barzani in Riyadh because of his opposition to the former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki.

Another document released by the YCA shows that Riyadh had bribed the former Iraqi parliament speaker with a huge sum of money to buy his cooperation with ISIL terrorist group when they initiated their attack on Iraq last Summer. The document contains a letter written by Director General of the Saudi Interior Ministry Bandar bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to Osama al-Nujaifi saying that Riyadh had deposited $575mln to a Turkish bank 13 days after Mosul's fall on June 10, 2014.

"We hope that you will not withdraw money from the account before announcing your preparedness to implement what has been agreed between us so that the percentages of money for any of certain figures specified in our agreement will be divided," the letter added.

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
Het zal weer het gekende Zonbron momentje zijn.

Laatst gewijzigd door zonbron : 25 juni 2015 om 03:27.
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Oud 25 juni 2015, 21:03   #10602
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Nietzsche's schermafbeelding
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Oud 25 juni 2015, 21:04   #10603
Secretaris-Generaal VN
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Laatst gewijzigd door Nietzsche : 25 juni 2015 om 21:05.
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Oud 25 juni 2015, 21:11   #10604
Secretaris-Generaal VN
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Abul-Baraa Al-Tunisi is dood !
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Oud 25 juni 2015, 23:04   #10605
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
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Laatst gewijzigd door zonbron : 25 juni 2015 om 23:06.
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Oud 25 juni 2015, 23:05   #10606
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
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Pentagon pays Syrians $400 per month to fight ISIL

"Our train-and-equip mission in Syria has been challenging," he said. "But the requirement for a capable and motivated counter-ISIL ground force there also means we must persist in our efforts."

Even a small force, if well trained, could make a difference in Syria, said David Phillips, director of the Peace-Building and Rights Program at Columbia University.

"They're not fighting a large army," Phillips said. "Even small numbers can be effective on the battlefield. Nobody envisions this to be an easy or quick win. Developing a nucleus of capable fighters is the right way to start."

To start...

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
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Oud 29 juni 2015, 17:53   #10607
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Nietzsche's schermafbeelding
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Cause this is thriller, thriller night. And no one is is gonna save you from the beast about strike. You know it is thriller ! thriller night.
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Oud 29 juni 2015, 20:02   #10608
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Nietzsche's schermafbeelding
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Berichten: 41.418

Hasakah is een hell voor IS-ratten:

https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CIrtNQwWUAISAkk.png (18+)
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Oud 29 juni 2015, 21:31   #10609
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Nietzsche Bekijk bericht

Cause this is thriller, thriller night. And no one is is gonna save you from the beast about strike. You know it is thriller ! thriller night.
die zijn schoenen zijn meer waard dan zijn wapen? Ge ziet het, genoeg wapens in de regio!

Waren het trouwens niet de taliban die zeiden dat een goed moslim zijn haar kort moest houden, anders ziet ge niets als ge uw 5 buigingskes naar mekka maakt.

Laatst gewijzigd door djoebidoebidoe : 29 juni 2015 om 21:33.
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Oud 2 juli 2015, 09:23   #10610
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Nietzsche's schermafbeelding
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Pro SAA Rally in Aleppo:

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Oud 4 juli 2015, 20:57   #10611
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
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Belgische Exit toont aan dat de coalitie tegen ISIS weinig succes kent:

Belgium’s Exit From Anti-ISIL Coalition Sign of Disillusionment – Expert © Flickr/ US Air Force

20:40 03.07.2015(updated 00:12 04.07.2015)

On Friday, Belgian media announced that their country’s contribution to the anti-ISIL coalition mission has been suspended. Commenting on the announcement, a senior Syrian official told Sputnik that that Brussels’ move comes as no surprise, given the growing divide between the coalition’s stated military aims and its actual activities.
Friday’s announcement came after Belgium’s six F-16 fighter bombers had already returned from their base in Jordan, where they had spent the last nine months participating in the US-led bombing campaign against ISIL in Iraq. Brussels has declared that it could no longer afford to continue funding the air operation.

Asked for comment by Sputnik, Syrian Information Minister assistant Ali al-Ahmed stated that Brussels’ announcement comes as no surprise, given repeated reports of Europeans’ growing doubts “about the effectiveness of the coalition and its operations.” Noting that the Belgian government has been plagued by high rates of disapproval of “this enormous and ineffective spending,” al-Ahmed told Sputnik that “Belgium has now come to personify European countries’ dissatisfaction over the coalition’s actions.”

The Syrian civil servant lamented that “from the very beginning, this coalition has not been serious in its approach to fighting the terrorists. We have noticed that the coalition only strikes at those ISIL and al-Nusra objects which threaten Western interests. The coalition’s military aviation is fighting terrorism not out of the need to fight evil, but based on the narrow self-interest of the parties involved.” According to al-Ahmed, “this explains why air strikes regularly miss ISIL targets and facilities,” or strike “military targets of the forces of the people’s militia leading the real fight against ISIL.” The advisor notes that “even civilians who assist the army and the militia have repeatedly been subjected to coalition airstrikes.”

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
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Oud 5 juli 2015, 06:47   #10612
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Geregistreerd: 29 juli 2004
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Standaard afgang......

Die "coalitie"-bombardementen lijken inderdaad een komplete afgang.

Net als lang geleden in de Vietnam-oorlog kan men indrukwekkende statistieken voorleggen,maar net als toen is dat kompleet irrelevant.

Ondertussen mogen we vrezen dat de enige strijdkrachten die zowel in Syrie als in Irak enigszins succesvol optreden,de Koerdische milities,in acuut levensgevaar aan het komen zijn.

Niet door IS maar door snode maneuvers van Turkije...

En terwijl we naar Syrie en Irak staren als een konijn naar een lamp,en zogezegd "de opmars van het Kalifaat" daar "gestopt" is,is IS alweer een stapje verder.Dankzij de nieuwe media wordt het Kalifaat "wereldwijd",en ondertussen sijpelen ze in territoria in Noord-Afrika binnen dankzij hun groeiend netwerk van "franchisenemers" (milities die zich het IS-merk aanmeten).

Wat zouden 4 Belgische straaljagertjes daartegen nog doen?
Het is een oorlog om de menselijke geesten,andere methodes zijn vandoen.

Laatst gewijzigd door kelt : 5 juli 2015 om 06:48.
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Oud 7 juli 2015, 21:44   #10613
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
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Obama Slips Up: "We're Training ISIL"

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
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Oud 12 juli 2015, 06:56   #10614
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
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Oud 12 juli 2015, 07:01   #10615
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
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Hack of Netanyahu Chief of Staff Shows Israeli Control of ISIS
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
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Oud 16 juli 2015, 21:30   #10616
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Nietzsche's schermafbeelding
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Aan de Assad fanboys hier, jullie favoriete langnek is weer goed bezig in Aleppo (cynisme) :

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Oud 26 juli 2015, 22:15   #10617
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
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Jihadi John in de problemen


Britain's notorious terrorist Mohammed Emwazi – known as Jihadi John – is on the run in Syria fearing the Islamist regime is going to kill him.

Kuwaiti-born Emwazi, from west London, is said to have been terrified by the publicity after he was identified as the murderer of British and American hostages.

He may have joined a less well-known jihadist group somewhere in Syria, to try to keep a low profile.

The Mirror reports that Emwazi is scared that "jealous" members of Islamic State may attack him, as well as being frightened of the British and US special forces hunting for him in the Middle East.

The extremist is wanted for the gruesome killings of journalists and aid workers Stephen Sotloff, James Foley, David Haines, Alan Henning and Peter Kassig.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
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Oud 26 juli 2015, 22:50   #10618
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
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Het Syrische leger heeft een tekort aan strijdkrachten

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
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Oud 27 juli 2015, 00:20   #10619
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Nietzsche's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door zonbron Bekijk bericht
Het Syrische leger heeft een tekort aan strijdkrachten

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Oud 3 augustus 2015, 12:39   #10620
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
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Standaard VS verklaart Syrië de oorlog, net zoals gedurende jaren gepland werd

Ondertussen laat de VS onverhoopt weten dat aanvallen van het Syrische leger tegen hun 'VS-rebellen' welke tegen ISIS en het ganse soeplettercircus strijden met vuurwerk door de VS beantwoord zullen worden. Terwijl Amerika's beste vriendje Erdogan af en toe met veel plezier wat Koerden afmaakt (tevens tegen ISIS). Dit en nog meer ongelofelijke onzin:


US jets to begin striking Syrian forces if they target pro-US rebels
Sun, 02 Aug 2015, 10:53 PM

US officials have long played down the idea that Assad's forces would turn their sights on the US-backed Syrian rebels, but they cannot rule out the possibility.

The United States has decided to allow airstrikes to defend Syrian rebels trained by the US military from any attackers, even if the enemies hail from forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar Assad, US officials said on Sunday.

The decision by President Barack Obama, which could deepen the US role in Syria's conflict, aims to shield a still-fledging group of Syrian fighters armed and trained by the United States to battle Islamic State militants -- not forces loyal to Assad.

But in Syria's messy civil war, Islamic State is only one of the threats to the US recruits. The first batch of US-trained forces deployed to northern Syria came under fire on Friday from other militants, triggering the first known US airstrikes to support them.

US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity to confirm details of the decision, first reported by the Wall Street Journal, said the United States would provide offensive strikes to support advances against Islamic State targets.

The United States would also provide defensive support to repel any attackers.

US officials have long played down the idea that Assad's forces - which have not fired on US-led coalition aircraft bombing Islamic State targets in Syria - would turn their sights on the US-backed Syrian rebels. But they cannot rule out the possibility, perhaps in an unintentional clash.

The Pentagon and the White House declined to discuss the decision on rules of engagement or confirm comments by the unnamed US officials.

White House National Security Council spokesman Alistair Baskey said only the US-trained forces were being provided a wide range of support, including "defensive fires support to protect them" and pointed to Friday's US airstrikes as proof.

"We won't get into the specifics of our rules of engagement, but have said all along that we would take the steps necessary to ensure that these forces could successfully carry out their mission," Baskey said.

Pentagon spokeswoman Commander Elissa Smith also declined comment on the rules of engagement, saying only that the US military's program focuses "first and foremost" on combating Islamic State militants.

"We recognize, though, that many of these groups now fight on multiple fronts, including against the Assad regime, (Islamic State) and other terrorists," Smith said.

The US military launched its program in May to train up to 5,400 fighters a year in what was seen as a test of Obama's strategy of getting local partners to combat extremists and keep US troops off the front lines.

The training program has been challenged from the start, with many candidates being declared ineligible and some even dropping out.

Obama's requirement that they target militants from Islamic State has sidelined huge segments of the Syrian opposition focused instead on battling Syrian government forces. The United States has sought to avoid a direct confrontation with Assad.

Once the Syrian rebels have returned to the battlefield, the US recruits and other fighters aligned with them have turned into targets of rival militants.

Al-Qaida's Syria wing is suspected of being behind the attack on Friday against them at a compound in Syria, which was also being used by members of a Western-aligned insurgent group, known as Division 30.

US recruits have hailed from Division 30. Nusra Front last week claimed to have abducted Division 30's leader but US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said he had not undergone US training

One of the most powerful insurgent groups in northern Syria, Nusra Front has a record of crushing rebel groups that have received support from Western states, including the Hazzm movement that collapsed earlier this year.

Zo. Het kan dus nog gekker.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
Het zal weer het gekende Zonbron momentje zijn.

Laatst gewijzigd door zonbron : 3 augustus 2015 om 12:54.
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