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Arabische lente Brandend actueel zijn de revoluties in de Arabische wereld. In dit forum worden alle discussies over dit thema samengebracht.

Oud 23 augustus 2012, 16:00   #1201
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 9 december 2010
Berichten: 36.784

De terroristische organisatie ASALA (The Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia ) waarschuwt Turkije

Trend - Armenian terrorist group threatens Turkey over Syria
The Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA), a terrorist group that has been largely inactive for the past decades, has threatened Turkey with unspecified measures over its Syria policy, Today's Zaman reported. "Any military adventurism or any direct or indirect violation of the security and the social cohesion of the Armenian community of Syria on the part of Turkey will be met by similar counter-measures," the group said in a statement on Monday.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
Het zal weer het gekende Zonbron momentje zijn.
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Oud 23 augustus 2012, 16:21   #1202
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Nr.10's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 september 2003
Locatie: van Lissabon tot Vladivostok
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door zonbron Bekijk bericht
De terroristische organisatie ASALA (The Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia ) waarschuwt Turkije

Trend - Armenian terrorist group threatens Turkey over Syria
The Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA), a terrorist group that has been largely inactive for the past decades, has threatened Turkey with unspecified measures over its Syria policy, Today's Zaman reported. "Any military adventurism or any direct or indirect violation of the security and the social cohesion of the Armenian community of Syria on the part of Turkey will be met by similar counter-measures," the group said in a statement on Monday.
Het doel van ASALA was om de Turkse regering er toe te bewegen om verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor de dood van vele Armeniërs in de Armeense genocide (1915). Ook moest Turkije herstellingen betalen en grondgebied afstaan aan een nieuwe onafhankelijke Armeense staat. Dit grondgebied kwam overeen met het gebied dat aan de Armeniërs was toegekend in de Vrede van Sèvres (1920), een belofte die vervolgens werd tenietgedaan door de Vrede van Lausanne (1923), die voor Turkije veel gunstiger was. ASALA werd begin 1975 gesticht door de in Libanon geboren Armeniër Hagop Hagopian, met steun van Armeense intellectuelen en Palestijnse symphatisanten. Op 20 februari eisten ze een bomaanslag op een kantoor van Turkish Airlines op, en op 22 oktober pleegden hun eerste moordaanslag, toen de Turkse ambassadeur in Wenen werd omgebracht. In Den Haag werd op 12 oktober 1979 een moordaanslag gepleegd op de zoon van de Turkse ambassadeur. Op 17 november 1979 vonden in Parijs bomexplosies plaats bij kantoren van de KLM en andere luchtvaartmaatschappijen. Op 14 juli 1983 werd een medewerker van de Turkse ambassade in Brussel gedood. Een grote aanval van ASALA vond plaats op de luchthaven Esenboga van Ankara op 7 augustus 1982, waarbij negen doden en 82 gewonden vielen. Een andere beruchte aanval was op de luchthaven Orly van Parijs op 15 juli 1983, waarbij acht doden vielen. De aanval op Orly leverde de groep de bijnaam "Orlygroep" op.

Doorzoek forum.politics.be (aangepaste zoekmachine)
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Oud 24 augustus 2012, 21:20   #1203
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Nr.10's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 september 2003
Locatie: van Lissabon tot Vladivostok
Berichten: 31.887

Er bevinden zich zo'n 100.000 Armeniërs in Syrië. De meeste daarvan wonen in Aleppo.
Doorzoek forum.politics.be (aangepaste zoekmachine)
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Oud 24 augustus 2012, 21:52   #1204
Secretaris-Generaal VN
tomm's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2003
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door zonbron Bekijk bericht
De terroristische organisatie ASALA (The Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia ) waarschuwt Turkije

Trend - Armenian terrorist group threatens Turkey over Syria
The Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA), a terrorist group that has been largely inactive for the past decades, has threatened Turkey with unspecified measures over its Syria policy, Today's Zaman reported. "Any military adventurism or any direct or indirect violation of the security and the social cohesion of the Armenian community of Syria on the part of Turkey will be met by similar counter-measures," the group said in a statement on Monday.
De Turken hebben vreselijke misdaden begaan tegen de Armeniërs en dat deze gemeenschap alsnog bestaat is volledig aan de Russen te danken. De Russen beschermen nu de overgebleen christelijke gemeenschappen in het Midden-Oosten, tegen het Westen en Turkije in die hen willen vernietigen.

Laatst gewijzigd door tomm : 24 augustus 2012 om 21:52.
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Oud 25 augustus 2012, 06:24   #1205
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Geregistreerd: 29 juli 2004
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In verschillende threads hier wordt gesuggereerd dat de VS zich manu-militare aan het bemoeien is in Syrie.
Ik zie daar geen sporen van....
In de link(een persoonlijke visie van een Reuters correspondent) wordt zelfs beweerd dat de VS als "irrelevant" gezien wordt in het conflict...
Over het algemeen zien we dat de VS op de internationale tribune hun afkeer uiten van het Assad-regime,en dat ze mogelijk wat "non-lethal" aid zenden...
Het zijn "onberispelijk democratische regimes" uit het Arabisch schiereiland die effectief wapens zenden en het zijn huurlingen uit de buurlanden (en Europa! ) die ervoor zorgen dat het feest aan de gang blijft.....De agenda van de rebellerie,ooit begonnen als een echte pro-democratie beweging is tregenwoordig moord,doodslag en vernietiging van ieder aspect van de staat...(mogelijk om een nieuwe islamitische hemel te bouwen)...Een reusachtige orgie van anarchie der nutteloze jonge mannetjes.

De Obama-administratie lijkt de verkiezingsbelofte van "We willen ons UIT de wepennesten van het Midden-Oosten wringen,niet nogmaals in zoiets verzeild raken" te houden.

In Libie zagen we reeds dat de VS wel "technische oorlogvoering" deed vanuit de lucht maar beslist niet zinnens was om "boots on the ground" te hebben(behoudens wellicht wat "operatives" op interessante plekken,normale te verwachten praktijken)...

Rusland en China hebben al glashelder gemaakt dat voor hen een streep getrokken is in de Syrische kwestie,dat wil niet zeggen dat voor hen het Assad-regime persé moet blijven,maar wel dat de VS zich niet persoonlijk moet moeien op gevaar van serieuze consequenties met de relaties tov Beeing en Moskou...

Ik zie het niet gebeuren......het Syrische Verzet zal zich zelf moeten ontdoen van het import-rapalje(ook uit Belgie blijkbaar).Ironisch genoeg liggen hun beste kansen in samenwerking met...het Syrische Leger....

In de link wordt gesuggereerd dat de VS zich toch ergens zou moeten bemoeien en zich "bondgenoten" zoeken in het verzet.EXACT dat is nu wat je met Midden-Oosterlingen NIET moet doen.....Als er één les geleerd is dan toch deze.....De kus op de wang en het mes in de rug..dat kun je daar krijgen...3000 jaar geregistreerde geschiedenis mag toch ergens voor dienen.

Laatst gewijzigd door kelt : 25 augustus 2012 om 06:30.
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Oud 25 augustus 2012, 08:52   #1206
Geregistreerd: 16 juni 2007
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Standaard school

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Nr.10 Bekijk bericht
Er bevinden zich zo'n 100.000 Armeniërs in Syrië. De meeste daarvan wonen in Aleppo.
hebben er hun aparte scholen ook
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Oud 27 augustus 2012, 15:31   #1207
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 9 december 2010
Berichten: 36.784

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door kelt Bekijk bericht

In verschillende threads hier wordt gesuggereerd dat de VS zich manu-militare aan het bemoeien is in Syrie.
Ik zie daar geen sporen van....
Wie weet ? Klik op het prentje voor meer...

NEARLY 200 elite SAS and SBS troops are in or around Syria hunting for Assad’s weapons of mass destruction, we can reveal.
The crack teams are deep in the war-torn country preparing to capture the deadly chemical arsenal when the president decides to use it or move it.
Men of the special forces units plus 1 Para are on the ground working alongside MI6 and the CIA plus American and French troops.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
Het zal weer het gekende Zonbron momentje zijn.

Laatst gewijzigd door zonbron : 27 augustus 2012 om 15:45.
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Oud 28 augustus 2012, 21:54   #1208
tdxt's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 29 juni 2008
Berichten: 35

Alles verandert, ook de media - hoerastemming in ondersteuning van de "revolutionairen" in Syrie zal snel omslaan. En wel hierom:
Bilderberg- group dumpt Syrian National Council.

van Twitter: "Bassma Kodmani resigns from the SNC, saying it "did not achieve its objectives and did not earn the required credibility"

Wie is Bassma Kodmani?:
"In 2005, Bassma Kodmani established the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI), a consortium of independent Arab research and policy institutes, with partners from the United States and Europe. The Arab Reform Initiative had been established by the Council on Foreign Relations, a highly influential think tank and lobbying group in the United States, that promotes market liberalization and global governance"

"From May 31 to June 3, 2012, Bassma Kodmani attended the Bilderberg Meeting in Chantilly, Virginia in the United States.[28] She was also present at the 2008 meeting, which also took place in Chantilly. Given the stated positions on many of the other influential meeting attendees with regard to Syrian regime change, Dr. Kodmani's attendance, as well as her relationships with key members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Ford Foundation, caused some media commentators to question the activist's independence from the political influence of NATO and the United States Department of State." (van wikipedia)

Nu heet het dus:

The strains within the opposition were also evident on Tuesday when the Paris-based SNC spokeswoman Bassma Kodmani, a founding member of the group, resigned. She said the SNC had veered off course.

"The project has not achieved its goals and the council has not earned the required credibility and did not safeguard the trust placed in it by the Syrian people when it was first created. It steered away from the course that we wanted for it when we created it. "

Nu het daar ontstane zootje niet meer in het plaatje van de elites past en ook gewoonweg niet meer als een "democratische strijd" te verkopen is, wordt het salafistische voetvolk gedumpt. Assad zal blijven, het land zal echter nog lang de gevogen van een uitdovende sectaire oorlog moeten ondergaan. Plus de wraakacties die onderweg zijn... De grootste verliezer heet Erdogan.
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Oud 28 augustus 2012, 22:00   #1209
Secretaris-Generaal VN
tomm's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2003
Locatie: Nederland
Berichten: 42.288

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door tdxt Bekijk bericht
Alles verandert, ook de media - hoerastemming in ondersteuning van de "revolutionairen" in Syrie zal snel omslaan. En wel hierom:
Bilderberg- group dumpt Syrian National Council.

van Twitter: "Bassma Kodmani resigns from the SNC, saying it "did not achieve its objectives and did not earn the required credibility"

Wie is Bassma Kodmani?:
"In 2005, Bassma Kodmani established the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI), a consortium of independent Arab research and policy institutes, with partners from the United States and Europe. The Arab Reform Initiative had been established by the Council on Foreign Relations, a highly influential think tank and lobbying group in the United States, that promotes market liberalization and global governance"

"From May 31 to June 3, 2012, Bassma Kodmani attended the Bilderberg Meeting in Chantilly, Virginia in the United States.[28] She was also present at the 2008 meeting, which also took place in Chantilly. Given the stated positions on many of the other influential meeting attendees with regard to Syrian regime change, Dr. Kodmani's attendance, as well as her relationships with key members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Ford Foundation, caused some media commentators to question the activist's independence from the political influence of NATO and the United States Department of State." (van wikipedia)

Nu heet het dus:

The strains within the opposition were also evident on Tuesday when the Paris-based SNC spokeswoman Bassma Kodmani, a founding member of the group, resigned. She said the SNC had veered off course.

"The project has not achieved its goals and the council has not earned the required credibility and did not safeguard the trust placed in it by the Syrian people when it was first created. It steered away from the course that we wanted for it when we created it. "

Nu het daar ontstane zootje niet meer in het plaatje van de elites past en ook gewoonweg niet meer als een "democratische strijd" te verkopen is, wordt het salafistische voetvolk gedumpt. Assad zal blijven, het land zal echter nog lang de gevogen van een uitdovende sectaire oorlog moeten ondergaan. Plus de wraakacties die onderweg zijn... De grootste verliezer heet Erdogan.
de ratten beginnen het schip te verlaten?

En ja Erdogan wordt de grootste verliezer, naast natuurlijk de Syriërs zelf die erg hebben moeten afzien, hij heeft de verkeerde kant gkozen en zal daarvoor boeten.

Als Assad het pleit wint zal natuurlijk eerst en vooral afgerekend worden met de verraders en een aanzienlijke koerswending plaatsvinden in de buitenlandse politiek, maar daarna hoop ik toch dat er een reconciliatie zich doorzet in de Syrische samenleving, en dat de Baath partij afrekent met bepaalde negatieve aspecten.

Laatst gewijzigd door tomm : 28 augustus 2012 om 22:04.
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Oud 29 augustus 2012, 15:22   #1210
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 9 december 2010
Berichten: 36.784

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door tdxt Bekijk bericht
Alles verandert, ook de media - hoerastemming in ondersteuning van de "revolutionairen" in Syrie zal snel omslaan. En wel hierom:
Bilderberg- group dumpt Syrian National Council.

van Twitter: "Bassma Kodmani resigns from the SNC, saying it "did not achieve its objectives and did not earn the required credibility"

Wie is Bassma Kodmani?:
"In 2005, Bassma Kodmani established the Arab Reform Initiative (ARI), a consortium of independent Arab research and policy institutes, with partners from the United States and Europe. The Arab Reform Initiative had been established by the Council on Foreign Relations, a highly influential think tank and lobbying group in the United States, that promotes market liberalization and global governance"

"From May 31 to June 3, 2012, Bassma Kodmani attended the Bilderberg Meeting in Chantilly, Virginia in the United States.[28] She was also present at the 2008 meeting, which also took place in Chantilly. Given the stated positions on many of the other influential meeting attendees with regard to Syrian regime change, Dr. Kodmani's attendance, as well as her relationships with key members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Ford Foundation, caused some media commentators to question the activist's independence from the political influence of NATO and the United States Department of State." (van wikipedia)

Nu heet het dus:

The strains within the opposition were also evident on Tuesday when the Paris-based SNC spokeswoman Bassma Kodmani, a founding member of the group, resigned. She said the SNC had veered off course.

"The project has not achieved its goals and the council has not earned the required credibility and did not safeguard the trust placed in it by the Syrian people when it was first created. It steered away from the course that we wanted for it when we created it. "

Nu het daar ontstane zootje niet meer in het plaatje van de elites past en ook gewoonweg niet meer als een "democratische strijd" te verkopen is, wordt het salafistische voetvolk gedumpt. Assad zal blijven, het land zal echter nog lang de gevolgen van een uitdovende sectaire oorlog moeten ondergaan. Plus de wraakacties die onderweg zijn... De grootste verliezer heet Erdogan.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
Het zal weer het gekende Zonbron momentje zijn.
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Oud 29 augustus 2012, 15:31   #1211
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 9 december 2010
Berichten: 36.784

De NATO-rebellen/vrijheidsstrijders op hun best

Video - Syria - A car bomb killed 12 citizens in Jaramana during a funeral procession 28-08-2012 +18
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
Het zal weer het gekende Zonbron momentje zijn.
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Oud 29 augustus 2012, 16:02   #1212
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 9 december 2010
Berichten: 36.784


LAND DESTROYER - NATO Terrorists Target Syria & Algeria
August 29, 2012 - NATO's Pan-Arab Terrorist Blitzkrieg.

Western policy makers admit that NATO's operations in Libya have played the primary role in emboldening Al Qaeda's AQIM faction (Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb). The Fortune 500-funded Brookings Institution's Bruce Riedel in his article, "The New Al Qaeda Menace," admits that AQIM is now heavily armed thanks to NATO's intervention in Libya, and that AQIM's base in Mali, North Africa, serves as a staging ground for terrorist activities across the region.

Image: NATO's intervention in Libya has resurrected listed-terrorist organization and Al Qaeda affiliate, LIFG. It had previously fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now has fighters, cash and weapons, all courtesy of NATO, spreading as far west as Mali, and as far east as Syria. The feared "global Caliphate" Neo-Cons have been scaring Western children with for a decade is now taking shape via US-Saudi, Israeli, and Qatari machinations, not "Islam." In fact, real Muslims have paid the highest price in fighting this real "war against Western-funded terrorism."

AQIM, like their Libyan counterparts, the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) are both listed by the US State Department as "Foreign Terrorist Organizations." Likewise, both the UK Home Office (.pdf, listed as GSPC) and the UN recognize both organizations as terrorists.

Despite this, military intervention in Libya was pursued by the West and condoned by the UN with full knowledge that the militants leading so-called "pro-democracy uprisings" were in fact merely the continuation of decades of violent terrorism carried out by Al Qaeda affiliates. The West had full knowledge of this, primarily because it was Western intelligence agencies arming and supporting these militants for the last 30 years, in Libya's case, while coddling their leaders in Washington and London.

Additionally, the US Army itself meticulously documented foreign terrorists fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, noting that the highest percentage per capita emanated from Libya's cities of Benghazi and Darnah, the so-called "cradle" of 2011's "pro-democracy uprisings" in Libya.

CTC at West Point's "Al-Qa'ida's Foreign Fighters in Iraq." (.pdf)

What unfolded was a premeditated lie - where placard waving "activists" overnight turned into battle-hardened heavily armed, tank driving, jet flying militants waging a nationwide battle against Libyan leader, Muammar Qaddafi. In reality, it was the fruition of 30 years of covert support the West has poured into militant groups across the region - support that would not end with the fall of Qaddafi.

LIFG terrorists promptly turned both east to Syria and west to Mali beyond their borders - a logistical matter they had perfected during their operations in Iraq and Afghanistan over the past decade. LIFG commander Abdul Hakim Belhaj, as early as November 2011, arrived on the Turkish-Syrian border to provide cash, weapons, and LIFG terrorist fighters, overseen by Western intelligence along with US funding and arms laundered through Gulf Cooperative Council (GCC) members such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia. Since then Libyan militants have been confirmed to be leading entire brigades of foreign fighters inside Syria.

And as Bruce Riedel of Brookings concedes, these weapons went west to Mali as well. Algeria had feared just such a scenario unfolding with NATO's intervention in Libya - a fear now fully realized. Ironically, Riedel, in August 2011, had tried to make a case for Algeria being "next to fall" in an article titled literally, "Algeria Will Be Next to Fall."

A year ago, Riedel attempted to argue that it would be the so-called "Arab Spring" that would spread into Algeria after having taken root in neighboring Libya. He had eluded to, and it has now become abundantly clear, that by "Arab Spring," Riedel meant, US-backed subversion, and more specifically NATO-armed Al Qaeda-brand militancy and terrorism.

With the US now openly arming, supporting, and literally "cheering" Al Qaeda in Syria, it is clear that the "War on Terror" is an unprecedented geopolitical fraud perpetuated at the cost of millions of lives destroyed and an incalculable social and economic toll. NATO, with full knowledge of the consequences is literally carving out of North Africa and the Middle East, the so-called "Caliphate" Western leaders had held over their impressionable people's heads as the impetus to perpetually wage global war. Torn from the pages of Orwell's 1984, an artificial war has been created to carry forward corporate-financier machinations both abroad and domestically. The so-called threat to Western civilization is in fact a foreign legion of Western corporate-financier interests, executing Wall Street and London's foreign policy on a global scale where and in a manner traditional Western forces cannot.

NATO's terrorist blitzkrieg across the Arab World will not end in Syria. It will continue, if allowed, into Iran, through the Caucasus Mountains and into Russia, across China's western borders, and even across Southeast Asia. The price for ignorance, apathy, and complicity in supporting the West's so-called "War on Terror" will ironically reap all the horrors and then some in reality, that were promised to us if we didn't fight this "Long War."

Our support of both the political gambits of our politicians, as well as our daily patronage of the corporate-financier interests driving this agenda have already reaped an unprecedented and still growing regional safe haven for terrorists - and as moderate secular governments continue to be undermined and toppled, we can only imagine the blowback, retaliation, and other consequences as this destructive foreign policy unfolds. To imagine that such meddling will not end up being visited back upon us, even if in the form of a false flag attack dwarfing 9/11, would be folly.

Already, we are suffering economic devastation and an increasingly stifling security apparatus at home, and as long as we capitulate to this current agenda instead of asserting a more rational one of our own, it will only get worse.

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
Het zal weer het gekende Zonbron momentje zijn.
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Oud 29 augustus 2012, 20:55   #1213
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Dixie's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 29 januari 2004
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door zonbron Bekijk bericht
De NATO-rebellen/vrijheidsstrijders op hun best
NATO heeft hier NIETS mee te maken stop je leugens !
sus antigoon pfff, die Belgische kaart geeft toch enkel wat
sociale en politieke voordelen, maar van onze
roots doen we geen afstand, dit zou verraad
zijn. Belg pas of geen , maakt geen verschil,
enkel nodig voor het één en ander te bekomen.
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Oud 29 augustus 2012, 23:11   #1214
Secretaris-Generaal VN
tomm's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2003
Locatie: Nederland
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Dixie Bekijk bericht
NATO heeft hier NIETS mee te maken stop je leugens !
omdat de Russen een VN-resolutie ongedaan gemaakt hebben, anders hadden we nu al lang een Libië-scenario.
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Oud 29 augustus 2012, 23:20   #1215
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 9 december 2010
Berichten: 36.784

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Dixie Bekijk bericht
NATO heeft hier NIETS mee te maken stop je leugens !
Hou op met JANKEN en aanschouw de WAARHEID !

Of is dat TE moeilijk voor U ?

REUTERS - NATO helping rebels hunt Gaddafi: UK

NY Times -
Surveillance and Coordination With NATO Aided Rebels

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
Het zal weer het gekende Zonbron momentje zijn.

Laatst gewijzigd door zonbron : 29 augustus 2012 om 23:38.
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Oud 29 augustus 2012, 23:30   #1216
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 9 december 2010
Berichten: 36.784

*** NIEUW ***

Een valse vlag met chemische wapens in de maak ? ? ?

Video - French & US Intelligence Chemical Weapons False Flag in Syria Exposed
Published on Aug 28, 2012 by Arabi Souri

A meeting between Al Arabiya news channel manager with a US diplomat then with French & US intelligence plan to use chemical weapons on Syrians and accuse the Syrian Army for it, the long anticipated, exposed, consumed False Flag..

A Saudi company has already arranged for 1,400 ambulance cars equipped with chemical & poisonous gas filtering system for swift military intervention when needed..!

A public spontaneous revolution or a NATO covert & overt military intervention with NATO mainstream media coverage?! You decide...

A source claims that NATO powers in coordination with Saudi Arabia are putting the finishing touches to a false flag plot to frame President Bashar Al-Assad’s forces for launching a chemical weapons attack as a pre-cursor to a NATO intervention which will use ambulances as humanitarian cover for a military assault.

The source told Syrian news channel Addounia that a Saudi company had fitted 1400 ambulance vehicles with anti-gas & anti-chemical filtering systems at a cost of $97,000 dollars each, in preparation for a chemical weapons attack carried out by FSA rebels using mortar rounds. A further 400 vehicles have been prepared as troop carriers.

The attack, which will involve the use of white phosphorus, sarin and mustard gas, will be launched on a heavily populated town near the Syria/Jordan border, possibly Daraa, after which the vehicles will pour in under the cover of humanitarian aid.

The ambulances, emblazoned with the slogan “Syrian People’s Relief,” will operate under the guise of an aid mission to help the victims of the chemical weapons attack, but in reality are nothing short of armored personnel carriers.

Traveling from Riyadh to the Jordanian capital Ammam before entering Syria, the vehicles will be used to create a buffer zone that will lead to a NATO military intervention under the pretext of punishing Assad’s regime for the atrocity, the source claims.

The company providing the ambulances is based in Riyadh and is also currently negotiating with the Yemeni government to manufacture military vehicles for the Yemeni Army.

According to the source, a meeting between the head of Saudi news channel Al Arabiya and a U.S. diplomat took place at the U.S. Embassy in the United Arab Emirates. The purpose of the meeting was to agree upon a conditioning program to prepare the public for the likelihood that Bashar Al-Assad’s forces would use chemical weapons. Shortly after the meeting, Al Arabiya began running news segments depicting the inevitability of a chemical weapons attack carried out by Assad’s forces.

The report coincides with public statements in recent days from both President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande threatening Syria with military action outside the auspices of the UN Security Council if it uses chemical weapons.

During an annual foreign policy speech to French ambassadors on Monday, Hollande warned Assad that any instance of the Syrian Army using chemical weapons against insurgents “would be a legitimate reason for direct intervention” by NATO powers. He went on to assure FSA rebels that France would not hesitate in recognizing them as the legitimate government of Syria.

On August 20, Obama cautioned that any attempt to deploy or even move Syria’s stockpile of chemical weapons would represent a “red line” and result in direct U.S. military action.

“That would change my calculus; that would change my equation,” said Obama.

Up to 60,000 U.S. ground troops have apparently been prepared as part of a “worst-case scenario” wherein troops would “go into Syria to secure chemical and biological weapons sites following the fall of the Assad government.”

Observers have been warning for months that NATO-backed rebels, with the aid of Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, were preparing to launch a chemical weapons attack that would be blamed on Assad, noting how rebels had been supplied with gas masks.

In addition, as far back as November it was reported that Libya’s new NATO-backed transitional government had agreed to send chemical weapons to Syrian rebels. In June it was reported that FSA fighters had now acquired those weapons are were training to use them at facilities in Turkey.

The FSA also recently announced that they had taken over a missile site equipped with chemical weapons under the justification that they wanted to prevent the weapons being used by the Syrian government.

It wouldn’t be the first time that a “false flag” attack has been used to demonize the Syrian government in order to grease the skids for military intervention.

As the respected German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) reported, the Houla massacre, which was immediately blamed on Assad’s forces by the establishment media, was in fact carried out by anti-Assad Sunni militants.

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
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Laatst gewijzigd door zonbron : 29 augustus 2012 om 23:37.
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Oud 30 augustus 2012, 00:46   #1217
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
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Frankrijk bevestigt dat het Westen en Turkije werken aan het realiseren van een bufferzone "binnen" Syrisch grondgebied.

Landgrab ?

Telegraph - France confirms it is working to establish buffer zone within Syria
France has confirmed that Western states were working with Turkey to establish buffer zones within Syria as the international community scrambled to formulate a response to the rapidly worsening crisis in the country. As government forces launched a devastating aerial and artillery assault on the eastern outskirts of Damascus, Francois Hollande, the French president, declared on Monday night that he and his international partners were closer than ever before to a formal intervention in Syria.

“We are working … [on] the initiative of buffer zones proposed by Turkey,” Mr Hollande said. “We are doing so in co-ordination with our closest partners.”

Had Turkije zich afzijdig gehouden dan hadden die bufferzones niet nodig geweest...
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
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Laatst gewijzigd door zonbron : 30 augustus 2012 om 00:47.
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Oud 30 augustus 2012, 11:04   #1218
Mahalingam's schermafbeelding
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Het is een vast patroon als je met de buurlanden in conflict bent.
Het begint met stromen vluchtelingen die in kampen vlak over de grens worden gevestigd. Die dienen dan als uitvalbasis voor gewapende bendes.
Maar ja, het gastland kan niet zijn handen in schuld blijven wassen; immers zij kunnen als de wil er is deze invallen stoppen.
De volgende stap in de agressie is het vestigen van 'safe heavens' in het land zelf voor vluchtelingen en die plekken tot uitvalbasis maken.

We hebben deze progressie kunnen observeren tijdens de Balkan oorlog.
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Oud 31 augustus 2012, 02:49   #1219
Secretaris-Generaal VN
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Interview met President Bashar Al-Assad (29/8/2012)

Video - Pt. Bashar Al-Assad's interview with Addounia Tv Channel, Damascus 29/08/2012- 2nd,3rd part
Published on Aug 29, 2012 by SiriaNews

speaking from the presidential palace in the capital Damascus
Syrian president Assad says government is winning the fight against the rebels and the situation 'is better' in war-torn country

for the complete text visit

President Bashar al-Assad said talk of a Western-imposed buffer zone on Syrian territory was unrealistic and that the situation in his country 'is better', but more time is needed to win the conflict against rebels .

Assad was speaking in an interview with Syrian Addounia television, excerpts of which were broadcast by the station today.

The president, responding to rumours concerning his whereabouts since a July bombing in Damascus, said he was speaking from the presidential palace in the capital

He said: 'I believe that talk about a buffer zone is not practical, even for those countries which are playing a hostile role [against Syria].'

Neighbouring Turkey has floated the idea of a 'safe zone' to be set up for civilians under foreign protection as fighting has intensified in the 17-month-old uprising.

Assad said: 'Syria is engaged in a regional and global battle....The situation, practically, is better but it has not been resolved.

'I tell the Syrian people that the fate of Syria is in their hands.'

The president, responding to rumours concerning his whereabouts since a July bombing in Damascus, said he was speaking from the presidential palace in the capital

Recorded from Syrian Official Tv Channel and brought to you by https://www.syrianfreepress.net, https://www.facebook.com/Tg24Siria

Video - Syria News 30 August 2012. President Bashar al-Assad's Interview with Addounia TV 1st part

Merk op dat de server in de VS ( die host is voor SANA, 100% legitiem blijkt.

Toch opgepast, deze kan steeds "overgenomen" worden.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
Het zal weer het gekende Zonbron momentje zijn.

Laatst gewijzigd door zonbron : 31 augustus 2012 om 02:53.
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Oud 31 augustus 2012, 03:26   #1220
Secretaris-Generaal VN
zonbron's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 9 december 2010
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Wie zijn die terroristen in Syrie ? Enige voorbeelden... Velen ex-LIFG, AQ(IM) en anderen...

Video - Reality of Mercenaries in Syria
If until now there is still anybody who have any doubt that in Syria it's not a 'public revolution' rather herds of mercenaries came to destroy this independent nation by wrecking havoc and inflicting strife among its communities, watch this video
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Salah Bekijk bericht
Het zal weer het gekende Zonbron momentje zijn.
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