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Buitenland Internationale onderwerpen, de politiek van de Europese lidstaten, over de werking van Europa, Europese instellingen, ... politieke en maatschappelijke discussies.

Oud 12 januari 2017, 19:20   #1521
Geregistreerd: 11 januari 2004
Berichten: 66.569

telligence sources vouch for credibility of Russia dossier author
Ex-MI6 officer Christopher Steele, named as writer of Donald Trump memo, is ‘highly regarded professional’

Former colleagues of Steele describe him as “very credible” – a sober, cautious and meticulous professional with a formidable track record.

One former foreign office official who has known Steele for 25 years and considers him a friend, said: “The idea his work is fake or a cowboy operation is false, completely untrue. Chris is an experienced and highly regarded professional. He’s not the sort of person who will simply pass on gossip.”

The official added: “If he puts something in a report he believes there’s sufficient credibility in it for it to be worth considering. Chris is a very straight guy. He could not have survived in the job he was in if he had been prone to flights of fancy or doing things in an ill-considered way.”

That is the way the CIA and the FBI, not to mention the British government, regarded him, too. It’s not hard to see why.

An Oxford graduate, Steele was one of the Secret Intelligence Service’s (MI6’s) more eminent Russia specialists. The Guardian understands he focused on Soviet affairs after joining the agency, and spent two years living in Moscow in the early 1990s.

This was a period when Russia, and the breakup of the eastern bloc, was still the prime focus for Britain’s intelligence agencies and a successful spell in the region was a good way to get on.

By all accounts, that’s exactly what Steele did. And his interest in Russia did not diminish as he continued to rise up the ranks, which at the time included his friend and contemporary Alex Younger – now head of MI6.

Over a career that spanned more than 20 years Steele did a series of different roles, but always appeared to be drawn back to Russia; he was, sources say, head of MI6’s Russia desk. When the agency was plunged into panic stations over the poisoning of its agent Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, the then chief, Sir John Scarlett, needed a trusted senior officer to plot a way through the minefield ahead – so he turned to Steele.

It was Steele, sources say, who correctly and quickly realised Litvinenko’s death was a Russian state “hit”.
he Foreign Office official who spoke to the Guardian on Thursday acknowledged that the Steele dossier was not perfect. But he pointed out that intelligence reports always came with “gradations of veracity” and included phrases such as “a high degree of probability”. “You aren’t dealing with a binary world where you can say this is true and this isn’t,” the official said.

He added: “The strongest reason for giving this report credence is that intelligence professionals in the US take it seriously. They were sufficiently persuaded by the author’s track record to find the contents worth passing to the president and president-elect.”

Hij heeft ook het FIFA schandaal aan het licht gebracht:

he Reuters news agency, citing former British intelligence officials, reports that Steele supplied the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) with information on corruption at Fifa, international soccer's governing body.

It was his work on corruption in football that lent credence to his reporting on Trump's entanglements in Russia, US officials said on Wednesday.

According to reports, in the summer of 2010, members of a New York-based FBI squad assigned to investigate "Eurasian Organised Crime" met Steele in London to discuss allegations of possible corruption in Fifa, the Swiss-based body that also organises the World Cup tournament.

People familiar with Steele's activities said his British-based company, Orbis Business Intelligence, was hired by the Football Association to investigate Fifa.

Amid a swirl of corruption allegations, the 2018 World Cup was awarded to Moscow and Qatarwas chosen to host the 2022 competition.

The FBI squad whose members met Steele subsequently opened a major investigation into alleged corruption that led to dozens of US indictments, including those of prominent international football officials.

Senior Fifa officials, including long-time president Sepp Blatter, were forced to resign.
Deze man is dus geloofwaardig te noemen, waardoor de IC in de VS de informatie heeft doorgespeeld naar de president.

Dit dossier is buskruit. Journalisten gaan er nu achter aan gaan, alsmede de CIA/FBI/NSA en buitenlandse inlichtingendiensten.

Als er harde bewijzen boven komen drijven is Trump er aan voor de moeite.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 19:22   #1522
Geregistreerd: 11 januari 2004
Berichten: 66.569


US intel sources warn Israel against sharing secrets with Trump administration
Israeli intelligence officials fear that top-secret information that has been exposed to the United States will be leaked to Russia—and from Russia to its close ally, Iran.
wtf lol

Manchurian Candidate.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 19:28   #1523
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Hypochonder's schermafbeelding
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Trump zijn geloofwaardigheid ligt volledig aan diggelen door dit zaakje. Ik kan niet wachten tot er zo'n filmpje verschijnt waarin hij hoerenpis over zijn kop krijgt.

Laatst gewijzigd door Hypochonder : 12 januari 2017 om 19:28.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 19:36   #1524
Geregistreerd: 11 januari 2004
Berichten: 66.569

Trump roept Rusland op om Clinton te hacken.
Trump is een fan van Putin.
Trump weigert te erkennen dat Rusland hackt.
Trump stelt een state secteraty aan die vriend is van Putin.
Ex-campagnebaas werkte jarenlang voor de ex-president van oekraine en bondgenoot van Putin.
Trump wilt graag goede relaties met Rusland (ook al hackt Rusland de VS).

Enz enz....

En dan dit.

Ze hebben hem in het zak. Trump zit zo diep, en had waarschijnlijk nooit gedacht te winnen, dat hij de hulp van de Russen had ingeschakeld. Met succes.

Maar nu moet hij de favor terugbetalen....
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 19:38   #1525
Geregistreerd: 11 januari 2004
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En als ik de bbc en the guardian niet meer kan geloven, kan ik best stoppen met online te komen. Er zijn naast steel nog bronnen die praten over sex tapes.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 19:46   #1526
Europees Commissaris
Rahowa's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Hypochonder Bekijk bericht
Trump zijn geloofwaardigheid ligt volledig aan diggelen door dit zaakje. Ik kan niet wachten tot er zo'n filmpje verschijnt waarin hij hoerenpis over zijn kop krijgt.
Die houdt Putin wel achter de hand om Trump aan de leiband te houden.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 19:47   #1527
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Bart Mos ‏@BartMos 1h1 hour ago

BREKEND Wij spraken met een getuige over Trumps Golden Shower. Morgen. @Telegraaf @MrNedjerov
lol hebben ze een hoertje gevonden ?
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 19:48   #1528
Geregistreerd: 11 januari 2004
Berichten: 66.569


I understand the CIA believes it is credible that the Kremlin has such kompromat - or compromising material - on the next US commander in chief. At the same time a joint taskforce, which includes the CIA and the FBI, has been investigating allegations that the Russians may have sent money to Mr Trump's organisation or his election campaign.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 19:49   #1529
Geregistreerd: 11 januari 2004
Berichten: 66.569

Dit is pure entertainment. Een real life spionage thriller.

Dank u Trump ! Dank u MI6 en CIA !

Laatst gewijzigd door Tavek : 12 januari 2017 om 19:50.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 19:57   #1530
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Hypochonder's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 3 december 2008
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De titel van dit topic kan misschien best veranderd worden naar Trump PISPOT 2016
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 20:01   #1531
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Dadeemelee's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Tavek Bekijk bericht
Nuja zelfs zonder dat rapport is Trump met zijn kinderachtig gedrag een veiligheidsrisico.

Wat is de kortste ambtstermijn van een US president tot nu toe?
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 20:01   #1532
Secretaris-Generaal VN
dalibor's schermafbeelding
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Een onderzoek naar Comey's handelingen in de maanden voor de verkiezingen.

Het deksel vliegt van de beerput.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 20:07   #1533
Geregistreerd: 11 januari 2004
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CNN Politics ‏@CNNPolitics 2h2 hours ago

Donald Trump has not yet discussed his policy on Russia with his secretary of state pick http://cnn.it/2jIkujc
Kunt ge dit geloven ?

Ik niet.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 20:14   #1534
Geregistreerd: 4 juni 2004
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Dadeemelee Bekijk bericht
Nuja zelfs zonder dat rapport is Trump met zijn kinderachtig gedrag een veiligheidsrisico.

Wat is de kortste ambtstermijn van een US president tot nu toe?
William Henry Harrison - Wikipedia
Vertaal deze pagina
William Henry Harrison Sr. (February 9, 1773 – April 4, 1841) was the ninth President of the ... He was the first president to die in office, and his death sparked a brief constitutional crisis, but its ...... Harrison served the shortest term of any American president: March 4 – April 4, 1841, 30 days, 12 hours, and 30 minutes.[
Only two presidents have been impeached in United States history, and neither was convicted of the charges filed against him. No president has been convicted of the charges filed against him during impeachment proceedings.
Een was Andrew Johnson

Laatst gewijzigd door eno2 : 12 januari 2017 om 20:24.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 20:17   #1535
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Ze gaan hem niet afzetten.

Putin laat de bom pas vallen als hij niet meer doet wat hij wilt dat em doet.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 20:50   #1536
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Tavek Bekijk bericht
lol hebben ze een hoertje gevonden ?
Fake news om clicks te genereren....
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 21:05   #1537
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Dadeemelee's schermafbeelding
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Het wordt doller en doller.

Trump liegt nu ook vlakaf over wat Clapper, het hoofd van de Intelligence, tegen hem gezegd heeft over het rapport

On Thursday, Trump confirmed on Twitter he had received a call from Clapper: "James Clapper called me yesterday to denounce the false and fictitious report that was illegally circulated. Made up, phony facts.Too bad!"
Clapper ontkent dat hij dat gezegd heeft

Clapper said he told Trump that intelligence agencies made no judgment about the reliability of the allegations.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 21:12   #1538
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Andrea Mitchell ‏@mitchellreports 3h3 hours ago

.@VP Biden: The intelligence community is very, very, very careful about what they recommend and they're extremely competent @MSNBC #AMR
Interview met Biden.

De IC vindt ten minste delen van het rapport geloofwaardig genoeg om aan de president voor te leggen.

There is shit on the marble.
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 21:14   #1539
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Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 6h6 hours ago

Thank you to Linda Bean of L.L.Bean for your great support and courage. People will support you even more now. Buy L.L.Bean. @LBPerfectMaine
Even nog wat reclame er in flatsen.

Jezus christus wat hebben die amerikanen verkozen....
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Oud 12 januari 2017, 22:13   #1540
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Senator Dick Durbin ‏@SenatorDurbin 19h19 hours ago

We need a Select Cmte or special commission to investigate these troubling allegations about Russia's ability to compromise our Pres–elect
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Senator Dick Durbin ‏@SenatorDurbin 19h19 hours ago

And the list goes on. What's more important to the party of Reagan—a serious national security threat or slashing health care from millions?
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Senator Dick Durbin ‏@SenatorDurbin 19h19 hours ago

2016, Finland: A security firm announced it believes Russian hackers were behind attacks on Finland’s Foreign Ministry several years before
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Senator Dick Durbin ‏@SenatorDurbin 19h19 hours ago

2015, Netherlands: Russia tried to hack into Dutch government computers to remove a report about the downed Malaysian airliner over Ukraine
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Senator Dick Durbin ‏@SenatorDurbin 19h19 hours ago

2015, Germany: Russian hackers accessed the computer network of the Ger. Bundestag&attempted to hack the computers of Ch. Merkel’s CDU Party
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Senator Dick Durbin ‏@SenatorDurbin 19h19 hours ago

2014, Ukraine: Russia-based hackers disabled Ukraine's election commission&reportedly tried to rig results in favor of pro-Russian candidate
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Senator Dick Durbin ‏@SenatorDurbin 19h19 hours ago

2009, Kazakhstan: After Kazakh media published a statement by Kazakh pres criticizing Russia, Russian-attributed attack shut down their site
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Senator Dick Durbin ‏@SenatorDurbin 20h20 hours ago

2008, Georgia: Russian hackers shut down Georgia’s internal communications to coincide with a military seizure of Georgian territory
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Senator Dick Durbin ‏@SenatorDurbin 20h20 hours ago

2008, Lithuania: When the Lithuanian gov't banned the display of Soviet symbols, Russian hackers defaced gov't web pages with hammer&sickles
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Senator Dick Durbin ‏@SenatorDurbin 20h20 hours ago

2007, Estonia: Russia disabled Estonia’s internet with a particular focus on government offices and financial institutions
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