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Buitenland Internationale onderwerpen, de politiek van de Europese lidstaten, over de werking van Europa, Europese instellingen, ... politieke en maatschappelijke discussies.

Oud 22 februari 2018, 11:37   #17081
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Geregistreerd: 24 maart 2014
Berichten: 74.457

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door De schoofzak Bekijk bericht
Bij mijn weten niet. En ik vermoed dat indien wel, het weinig zou uitmaken op mijn leeftijd.

Maar wat heeft dat te maken met de correspondentie tussen een neutraal geacht staatshoofd en een dictator?
In een discussie steeds maar antwoorden naast de kwestie is een typisch vrouwelijke eigenschap, vandaar.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Knuppel Bekijk bericht
...De Wever is een klootzak, en dit op meerdere vlakken. O.a. wat betreft zijn Blokhaat en zijn walgelijke kontenkruiperij in het stronthol van de partijen die hem een mes in de rug staken...
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Oud 22 februari 2018, 11:41   #17082
Secretaris-Generaal VN
tomm's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2003
Locatie: Nederland
Berichten: 42.296

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door De schoofzak Bekijk bericht
Ik moet toegeven dat Franco Rajoy wel eerlijk is.

Spanish president ‘proud’ of police response in referendum
Moest dit in Rusland gebeuren was het kot te klein...
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Oud 22 februari 2018, 11:43   #17083
Secretaris-Generaal VN
tomm's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2003
Locatie: Nederland
Berichten: 42.296

Tussen haakjes, naast podemos zijn nu ook de Spaanse socialisten bereid om met de separatisten te onderhandelen over een vreedzame oplossing voor deze kwestie. De falangistische PP en Ciudadanos staan nu alleen met hun harde aanpak.
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 09:58   #17084
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Geregistreerd: 24 maart 2014
Berichten: 74.457

Ze gaan er nog een lap op geven : volgens de vendelierskrant La Vanguardia zou het akkoord tussen ERC en JXcat zo goed als rond zijn. Ze gaan een regering in catalonië inzweren met als MP 1 van de Jordi's (die dus in jail zit) en een tweede regering in brussel met daar als leider niemand minder dan Puigdemont, de vluchteling.

Totaal kierewiet...

En dergelijk soort zweefkezen denkt echt dat de centrale regering zoiets gaat aanvaarden ? Een pseudo-regering vanuit den bak, met een hologram die via skype de orders doorgeeft ?
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Knuppel Bekijk bericht
...De Wever is een klootzak, en dit op meerdere vlakken. O.a. wat betreft zijn Blokhaat en zijn walgelijke kontenkruiperij in het stronthol van de partijen die hem een mes in de rug staken...
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 10:19   #17085
De schoofzak
Secretaris-Generaal VN
De schoofzak's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2004
Berichten: 81.400

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pandareus Bekijk bericht
Ze gaan er nog een lap op geven : volgens de vendelierskrant La Vanguardia zou het akkoord tussen ERC en JXcat zo goed als rond zijn. Ze gaan een regering in catalonië inzweren met als MP 1 van de Jordi's (die dus in jail zit) en een tweede regering in brussel met daar als leider niemand minder dan Puigdemont, de vluchteling.

Totaal kierewiet...

En dergelijk soort zweefkezen denkt echt dat de centrale regering zoiets gaat aanvaarden ? Een pseudo-regering vanuit den bak, met een hologram die via skype de orders doorgeeft ?
Inderdaad, totaal kierewiet.

Dat bekom je als je probeert je voor te doen als democratie, maar daarna belet om de verkozenen hun job te laten uitoefenen.
Vlaanderen is niet van iedereen. Vlaanderen is enkel van hen die een inspanning doen om ertoe te behoren.

De grendel-grondwet moet wijken om eindelijk de broodnodige veranderingen te kunnen doorvoeren. Nadien kan de grondwet herstemd worden. Dat is nog gebeurd.

Ik heb de partij gesticht op drie lijnen: Vlaams en Europees, vrij en verantwoordelijk, en sterk en sociaal. Vandaag is dat de grondstroom in Vlaanderen. Geert Bourgeois (N-VA)
De schoofzak is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 24 februari 2018, 11:09   #17086
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Geregistreerd: 24 maart 2014
Berichten: 74.457

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door De schoofzak Bekijk bericht
Inderdaad, totaal kierewiet.

Dat bekom je als je probeert je voor te doen als democratie, maar daarna belet om de verkozenen hun job te laten uitoefenen.
In een normale democratie zet men politici op kieslijsten, geen verdachten in voorhechtenis noch vluchtelingen voor het gerecht.

Hadden ze Mickey Mouse op de lijst gezet, en die zou verkozen zijn verwacht je waarschijnlijk ook vanuit jouw vreemde opinie van democratie dat Mickey echt de president zou kunnen worden ?
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Knuppel Bekijk bericht
...De Wever is een klootzak, en dit op meerdere vlakken. O.a. wat betreft zijn Blokhaat en zijn walgelijke kontenkruiperij in het stronthol van de partijen die hem een mes in de rug staken...
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 11:14   #17087
Anna List
Geregistreerd: 28 september 2004
Berichten: 106.558

en hopla, daar ging het vermoeden van onschuld de vuilbak in ...

fascisten, altijd t zelfde.
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 11:14   #17088
De schoofzak
Secretaris-Generaal VN
De schoofzak's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2004
Berichten: 81.400

Wat Estland 100 jaar geleden wel mocht, mag Catalonië vandaag niet.

Estland, dat zelfs lang zwaar gedomineerd werd door de USSR.
Madrid is repressiever dan al die mooie namen van Russische leiders die we sedert WOI gekend hebben.

Estland mocht zonder problemen lid worden van de EU. O neen, dat mag zeker niet van zatte Juncker en zijn bende lapzwanzen.

Estland viert 100 jaar onafhankelijkheid, beter beschermd dan ooit

Estland viert vandaag zijn honderdste verjaardag. De Baltische staat riep exact 100 jaar geleden, aan het einde van de Eerste Wereldoorlog, zijn onafhankelijkheid uit. In de twee eeuwen daarvoor behoorde het gebied tot het Russische rijk.
Vlaanderen is niet van iedereen. Vlaanderen is enkel van hen die een inspanning doen om ertoe te behoren.

De grendel-grondwet moet wijken om eindelijk de broodnodige veranderingen te kunnen doorvoeren. Nadien kan de grondwet herstemd worden. Dat is nog gebeurd.

Ik heb de partij gesticht op drie lijnen: Vlaams en Europees, vrij en verantwoordelijk, en sterk en sociaal. Vandaag is dat de grondstroom in Vlaanderen. Geert Bourgeois (N-VA)
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 14:43   #17089
Witte Kaproen
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Witte Kaproen's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 8 september 2013
Berichten: 31.492

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pandareus Bekijk bericht
In een normale democratie zet men politici op kieslijsten, geen verdachten in voorhechtenis noch vluchtelingen voor het gerecht.

Hadden ze Mickey Mouse op de lijst gezet, en die zou verkozen zijn verwacht je waarschijnlijk ook vanuit jouw vreemde opinie van democratie dat Mickey echt de president zou kunnen worden ?
Ook Van Rossem werd hier verkozen toen hij in het gevang zat.
Dus volgens U is Uw geliefde Belgique/België dan geen normale democratie.

Dat is dan genoteerd.
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 15:38   #17090
Secretaris-Generaal VN
tomm's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2003
Locatie: Nederland
Berichten: 42.296

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door De schoofzak Bekijk bericht
Wat Estland 100 jaar geleden wel mocht, mag Catalonië vandaag niet.

Estland, dat zelfs lang zwaar gedomineerd werd door de USSR.
Madrid is repressiever dan al die mooie namen van Russische leiders die we sedert WOI gekend hebben.

Estland mocht zonder problemen lid worden van de EU. O neen, dat mag zeker niet van zatte Juncker en zijn bende lapzwanzen.

Estland viert 100 jaar onafhankelijkheid, beter beschermd dan ooit
Niet alleen dat, Estland, op enkele honderden km. van Sint-Petersburg, sloot zich aan bij een anti-Russisch militair bondgenootschap en etnische Russen worden er zwaar vervolgd. Catalonië wil gewoon lid van de EU blijven en is niet van van spaanstaligen te discrimineren. Dus is Spanje repressiever en onredelijker dan Rusland? Volgens alle objectieve criteria wel.
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 15:41   #17091
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Geregistreerd: 24 maart 2014
Berichten: 74.457

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Witte Kaproen Bekijk bericht
Ook Van Rossem werd hier verkozen toen hij in het gevang zat.
Dus volgens U is Uw geliefde Belgique/België dan geen normale democratie.

Dat is dan genoteerd.
Ik kan me niet direct herinneren in welk jaar het was dat één of andere coalitie Van Rossem ooit heeft willen voordragen als premier. Jij weet dat ongetwijfeld nog ?
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Knuppel Bekijk bericht
...De Wever is een klootzak, en dit op meerdere vlakken. O.a. wat betreft zijn Blokhaat en zijn walgelijke kontenkruiperij in het stronthol van de partijen die hem een mes in de rug staken...
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 15:44   #17092
Geregistreerd: 4 juni 2004
Locatie: onder mijn wijnstok en vijgenboom
Berichten: 78.216

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door De schoofzak Bekijk bericht
Wat Estland 100 jaar geleden wel mocht, mag Catalonië vandaag niet.

Estland, dat zelfs lang zwaar gedomineerd werd door de USSR.
Madrid is repressiever dan al die mooie namen van Russische leiders die we sedert WOI gekend hebben.

Estland mocht zonder problemen lid worden van de EU. O neen, dat mag zeker niet van zatte Juncker en zijn bende lapzwanzen.

Estland viert 100 jaar onafhankelijkheid, beter beschermd dan ooit
Het uiteengevallen koude oorlog Sovjet blok met de democratisch partner Spanje vergelijken.

Probeer nog eens....

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door tomm Bekijk bericht
Tussen haakjes, naast podemos zijn nu ook de Spaanse socialisten bereid om met de separatisten te onderhandelen over een vreedzame oplossing voor deze kwestie. De falangistische PP en Ciudadanos staan nu alleen met hun harde aanpak.

Sanchez steunt Rajoy en houdt hem aan de macht. De constitutionalisten en monarchisten blijven gewoon blok vormen.

PSOE verdedigt de territoriale integriteit met hand en tand....

Laatst gewijzigd door eno2 : 24 februari 2018 om 15:47.
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 15:45   #17093
Secretaris-Generaal VN
tomm's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2003
Locatie: Nederland
Berichten: 42.296

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Witte Kaproen Bekijk bericht
Ook Van Rossem werd hier verkozen toen hij in het gevang zat.
Dus volgens U is Uw geliefde Belgique/België dan geen normale democratie.

Dat is dan genoteerd.
Nogmaals ik ben geen flamingant, maar gewoon Spanje steunen omdat de NVA de Catalanen steunt is dom. Net als op Theo Francken kakken omdat hij NVA' er is. Graag meer focus op het neoliberale programma van die partij.

Overigens ook Di Rupo, bezwaarlijk een NVA er te noemen, noemt Rajoy een franquist...
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 15:49   #17094
Geregistreerd: 4 juni 2004
Locatie: onder mijn wijnstok en vijgenboom
Berichten: 78.216

Met stompzinnig naampjes noemen schieten we niets op. Rajoy is een democraat met een ranzig anti sociaal programma.
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 15:50   #17095
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Geregistreerd: 24 maart 2014
Berichten: 74.457

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door tomm Bekijk bericht
Tussen haakjes, naast podemos zijn nu ook de Spaanse socialisten bereid om met de separatisten te onderhandelen over een vreedzame oplossing voor deze kwestie. De falangistische PP en Ciudadanos staan nu alleen met hun harde aanpak.
Daar is in de pers niets over te vinden ?
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Knuppel Bekijk bericht
...De Wever is een klootzak, en dit op meerdere vlakken. O.a. wat betreft zijn Blokhaat en zijn walgelijke kontenkruiperij in het stronthol van de partijen die hem een mes in de rug staken...
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 15:55   #17096
Secretaris-Generaal VN
kojak's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 15 september 2013
Locatie: Ergens tussen Venus & Mars
Berichten: 25.641

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Witte Kaproen Bekijk bericht
Ook Van Rossem werd hier verkozen toen hij in het gevang zat.
Dus volgens U is Uw geliefde Belgique/België dan geen normale democratie.

Dat is dan genoteerd.
Naar mijn weten kan je niet op een kieslijst staan in ons land als je in het gevang zit.
© Het lezen van bovenstaande kan uw gezondheid ernstige schade berokkenen.
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 15:56   #17097
Geregistreerd: 4 juni 2004
Locatie: onder mijn wijnstok en vijgenboom
Berichten: 78.216

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door tomm Bekijk bericht
In Rusland zit niemand in de gevangenis wegens "opruiing en rebellie".
Updated list of political prisoners in Russia includes 117 names

The list of persons recognized as political prisoners by Russia’s Memorial Human Rights Center on the basis of international human rights criteria was first published on October 30, 2013. It is published here as it stands on January 22, 2014, with the latest additions.

1. Afanasyev, Evgeny Vasilyevich, born on 24 July 1952 in Dno, Pskovskaya Oblast, Russia. Professor at the D. F. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University (“Voenmeh”). On 20 June 2012, he was convicted by the Saint Petersburg City Court under art. 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (CC RF) (“High Treason”) and sentenced to twelve years and six months of imprisonment in a strict-regime prison camp for having allegedly passed classified information to China concerning the Bulava class ballistic missile. In custody since 16 March 2010.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial.

2. Bagavutdinova, Zarema Ziyavutdinovna, born on 18 September 1968 in Buinaksk, Dagestan, Russia. Member of the Dagestan regional NGO Pravozashchita (“Human Rights Defense”). She is charged under art. 205.1, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Involvement of a Person in the Commission of Crimes under Article 208 of the CC RF”). In custody since 4 July 2013.

Recognized as a political prisoner because the evidence of her guilt appears contradictory and insufficient to make a judgment on her guilt. The investigators have not presented any material evidence, except for evidence that the accused, as an employee of the Dagestan regional NGO Pravozashchita, gave comments to the media that were critical of the security services.

3. Bazarbayev, Marat Tukmurzaevich, born on 9 April 1976. Member of the banned organization Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami (“Islamic Liberation Party”). He was convicted under art. 205.1, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Involvement of a Person in the Commission of Crimes under Article 278 of the CC RF”); art. 30, para. 1, art. 278 of the CC RF (“Preparation for Actions Aimed at Forcible Seizure of Power or Forcible Change of the Constitutional Order”); and art 282.2, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participating in the Activities of an Extremist Organization”), and sentenced to six years of imprisonment in a strict-regime prison camp, with one year of restriction of liberty and a fine in the amount of 150,000 rubles.

Recognized as a political prisoner because the deprivation of liberty was imposed exclusively because of political and religious or other views, as well as in connection with the non-violent expression of the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, and the freedom of expression of opinions and information, in violation of the right to a fair trial and other rights and liberties guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

4. Barabanov, Andrei Nikolayevich, born on 25 June 1990. Graduate of the Moscow Mathematical College; officially unemployed; worked part-time as an artist. Charged on 5 June 2012 under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participation in Mass Riots”) and art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”) in the “Bolotnaya case.” In custody since 28 May 2012. The case is currently pending before the Moscow Zamoskvoretsky Court.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

5. Belousov, Yaroslav Gennadievich, born on 30 July 1991. Fourth-year student at the Faculty of Political Science at Moscow State University; married; activist of the national-democratic movement the Russian Civil Union. Charged on 19 June 2012 under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participation in Mass Riots”) and art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”) in the “Bolotnaya case.” In custody since 28 May 2012. The case is currently pending before the Moscow Zamoskvoretsky Court.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted solely in connection with the non-violent use of his right to the freedom of assembly on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

6. Berezyuk, Igor Anatolyevich, born on 24 June 1988. Citizen of the Republic of Belarus and a member of the unregistered party The Other Russia. In October 2011, he was convicted under art. 282 of the CC RF (“Incitement of Hatred or Enmity, or Abasement of Human Dignity”); art. 318, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence Endangering Life or Health against an On-Duty Representative of the Authorities”); and art. 212, para. 3 of the CC RF (“Calls for Active Non-Compliance with Lawful Demands of Representatives of the Authorities or to Mass Riots or Calls for Violence against Civilians”), and sentenced to five years and two months of imprisonment in a general-regime prison camp in connection with the events that took place on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow in December 2010. In custody since 30 January 2011.

Recognized as a political prisoner due to the selective prosecution in violation of the right to a fair trial.

7. Bobyshev, Svyatoslav Vasilyevich, born on 9 August 1953 in Poronaysk, Sakhalinskaya Oblast, Russia. Professor at the D. F. Ustinov Baltic State Technical University (“Voenmeh”). On 20 June 2012, he was convicted by the Saint Petersburg City Court under art. 275 of the CC RF (“High Treason”) and sentenced to twelve years of imprisonment in a strict-regime prison camp for having allegedly passed to China classified information concerning the Bulava class ballistic missile. In custody since 16 March 2010.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial.

8. Cherepovsky, Sergei Olegovich, born on 23 November 1991 in Novocherkassk, Rostov Oblast, Russia. Commodity expert and activist of the unregistered party The Other Russia. Charged under art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”). In the pre-trial detention facility in the city of Tver since 3 May 2013. In custody since 1 May 2013.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

9. Dukhanina (Naumova), Aleksandra Ivanovna, born on 24 August 1993. Anarchist and activist of the Tsagov Forest Defenders. Charged on 4 June 2012 under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participation in Mass Riots”) and art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”) in the “Bolotnaya case.” Apprehended on 27 May 2012; is currently under house arrest. The case is currently pending before the Moscow Zamoskvoretsky Court.

Recognized as a political prisoner because she is being prosecuted solely in connection with the non-violent use of her right to the freedom of assembly on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because her detention is disproportionate to the imputed act

10. Galiullin, Rinat Faizullovich, born on 25 June 1978. Member of the banned organization Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami (“Islamic Liberation Party”). He was convicted under art. 205.1, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Involvement of a Person in the Commission of Crimes under Article 278 of the CC RF”); art. 30, para. 1, art. 278 of the CC RF (“Preparation for Actions Aimed at Forcible Seizure of Power or Forcible Change of the Constitutional Order”); art. 282.2, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participating in the Activities of an Extremist Organization”); and art. 282.2, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Organizing the Activities of an Extremist Organization”), and sentenced to six years and six months of imprisonment in a strict-regime prison camp.

Recognized as a political prisoner because the deprivation of liberty was imposed exclusively because of political and religious or other views, as well as in connection with the non-violent expression of the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, and the freedom of expression of opinions and information, in violation of the right to a fair trial and other rights and liberties guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

11. Gaskarov, Aleksei Vladimirovich, born on 18 June 1985. Employee of a consulting firm; anarchist and anti-fascist; member of the Russian Opposition Coordination Council. Charged on 29 April 2013 under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participation in Mass Riots”) and art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”) in the “Bolotnaya case.” In custody since 28 April 2013.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted solely in connection with the non-violent use of his right to the freedom of assembly on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

12. Gumarov, Ravil Shafievich, born on 22 November 1962. Muslim. Sentenced in 2006 to nine years of imprisonment under art. 205 of the CC RF (“Terrorism”) and art. 222 of the CC RF (“Possession of Weapons and Ammunition”) in a falsified case of alleged involvement in a bombing of local gas pipes in the town of Bugulma, Russia, causing neither injuries nor destruction of property. Originally apprehended on 1 April 2005. During the first trial, was acquitted by the jury; the verdict was repealed by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted in violation of the right to a fair trial.

13. Gushchin, Ilya Vladimirovich, born on 22 August 1988. Temporarily unemployed at the time of arrest; member of the National Democratic Party. Charged on 5 February 2013 under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participation in Mass Riots”) and art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”) in the “Bolotnaya case.” In custody since 6 February 2013.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted solely in connection with the non-violent use of his right to the freedom of assembly on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

14. Idelbayev, Rinat Vadimovich, born on 27 December 1980. Member of the banned organization Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami (“Islamic Liberation Party”). He was convicted under art. 205.1, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Involvement of a Person in the Commission of Crimes under Article 278 of the CC RF”); art. 30, para. 1, art. 278 of the CC RF (“Preparation for Actions Aimed at Forcible Seizure of Power or Forcible Change of the Constitutional Order”); and art. 282.2, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participating in the Activities of an Extremist Organization”), and sentenced to six years of imprisonment in a strict-regime prison camp, with one year of restriction of liberty and a fine in the amount of 150,000 rubles.

Recognized as a political prisoner because the deprivation of liberty was imposed exclusively because of political and religious or other views, as well as in connection with the non-violent expression of the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, and the freedom of expression of opinions and information, in violation of the right to a fair trial and other rights and liberties guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

15. Ishmuratov, Timur Ravilevich, born on 5 June 1975. Muslim. Sentenced in 2006 to eight years of imprisonment under art. 205 of the CC RF (“Terrorism”) and art. 222 of the CC RF (“Possession of Weapons and Ammunition”) in a falsified case of alleged involvement in a bombing of local gas pipes in the town of Bugulma, Russia, causing neither injuries nor destruction of property. Originally apprehended on 1 April 2005. During the first trial, was acquitted by the jury; the verdict was repealed by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted in violation of the right to a fair trial.

16. Khamiev, Lors Nokhchoevich, born in 1988. Chechen. Convicted under art. 205 of the CC RF (“Terrorism”) and art. 222 of the CC RF (“Possession of Weapons and Ammunition”) and sentenced to eight years of imprisonment in a strict-regime prison camp based on falsified charges of an alleged attempt to assassinate Ramzan Kadyrov. In custody since 8 May 2007.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted in violation of the right to a fair trial.

17. Khubaev, Ruslan Tamerlanovich, born on 29 October 1976. Member of the unregistered party The Other Russia. In October 2011, he was convicted under art. 212, para. 3 of the CC RF (“Calls for Mass Riots”), art. 213 of the CC RF (“Hooliganism”), and art. 282 of the CC RF (“Incitement of Hatred or Enmity”), and sentenced to four and a half years of imprisonment in a strict-regime prison camp in connection with the events that took place on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow in December 2010. In custody since 23 March 2011.

Recognized as a political prisoner due to the selective prosecution in violation of the right to a fair trial.

18. Konstantinov, Daniil Ilyich, born on 5 February 1984. Leader of the movement League for the Defense of Moscow. Charged under art. 105, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Murder”) in connection with an alleged domestic killing on 3 December 2011. Currently held in a pre-trial detention center, likely on a fabricated charge. In custody since 22 March 2012. The case is currently pending before the Moscow Chertanovsky Court.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted on the basis of a charge with an offense committed by another person, in violation of the right to a fair trial.

19. Kosenko, Mikhail Aleksandrovich, born on 8 July 1975. Has a type II disability based on a psychiatric condition. Charged on 18 June 2012 under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participation in Mass Riots”) and art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”) in the “Bolotnaya case.” In custody since 8 June 2012. On 8 October 2013, Judge Ludmina Moskalenko of the Zamoskvoretsky Court ordered him to undergo involuntary treatment at a general in-patient psychiatric facility.

Recognized as a Prisoner of Conscience by Amnesty International.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted solely in connection with the non-violent use of his right to the freedom of assembly on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

20. Krivov, Sergei Vladimirovich, born on 8 September 1961. Holds a PhD in technology; member of the Republican Party of Russia–People’s Freedom Party. Charged on 19 October 2012 under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participation in Mass Riots”) and art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”) in the “Bolotnaya case.” In custody since 18 October 2012. The case is currently pending before the Moscow Zamoskvoretsky Court.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted solely in connection with the non-violent use of his right to the freedom of assembly on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

21. Kudayev, Rasul Vladimirovich, born on 23 January 1978 in the Zarechny settlement of the Prokhladnensky district of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia. Charged under art. 105, para. 2 (a), (e), (zh), (z) (“Murder of Two or More Persons Committed by a Generally Dangerous Method by an Organized Group out of Mercenary Motives Linked with Banditry”); art. 166, para. 4 (“Unlawful Occupancy of a Car Without the Purpose of Stealing Committed by an Organized Group with the Use of Violence Dangerous to Human Life or Health, or with the Threat of Such Violence”); art. 205, para. 3 (“An Act of Terrorism with the Use of Firearms by an Organized Group, Ensuing Other Grave Consequences”); art. 209, para. 2 (“Creation of a Stable Armed Group (Crew) with the Aim of Assaulting Individuals or Organizations, and Involvement in Assaults Carried Out by It”); art. 210, para. 2 (“Participating in a Criminal Organization”); art. 222, para. 3 (“Illegal Acquisition, Transfer, Sale, Storage, Transportation, or Bearing of Firearms, Its Basic Parts, Ammunition, Explosives, or Explosive Devices by an Organized Group”); art. 30, para. 3; art. 226, para. 4 (a), (b) (“Attempted Theft of Firearms and Ammunition by an Organized Group with the Use of Violence Dangerous to Human Life or Health, or with the Threat of Such Violence”); art. 226, para. 4 (a), (b) (“Theft of Firearms and Ammunition by an Organized Group with the Use of Violence Dangerous to Human Life or Health, or with the Threat of Such Violence”); art. 279 (“Actively Participating in an Armed Rebellion for the Purpose of Overthrowing or Forcibly Changing the Constitutional Order of the Russian Federation, or of Breaching the Territorial Integrity of the Russian Federation”); and art. 317 (“Encroachment on the Life of an Officer of a Law-Enforcement Agency or a Military Officer”) of the CC RF. In custody since 23 October 2005, awaiting a court sentence.

Recognized as a political prisoner because the deprivation of liberty was imposed in violation of the right to a fair trial and other rights and liberties guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; it was based on the falsification of evidence of the alleged crime with the absence of corpus delicti because the crime had been committed by different persons.

22. Lebedev, Konstantin Vladimirovich, born on 25 June 1979. Leftist activist. Following the airing of an NTV propaganda film called The Anatomy of Protest 2, he was convicted under art. 30, para. 1 of the CC RF in conjunction with art. 212, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Preparation for Organization of Mass Riots”) and art. 212, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Organization of Mass Riots”). Sentenced to two years and six months of imprisonment in a general-regime prison camp. Pled guilty. In custody since 17 October 2012.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

23. Lebedev, Platon Leonidovich, born on 29 November 1959 in Moscow, Russia. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Group MENATEP. In 2005, he was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment on charges of pecuniary damage, fraud, non-compliance with a court judgment, and tax evasion. In 2010, in the second Yukos case, he was sentenced to fourteen years of imprisonment in a general-regime prison camp under art. 160 of the CC RF (“Misappropriation or Embezzlement”) and art. 174.1 of the CC RF (“Laundering of Proceeds of Crime”). Later, the sentence was reduced to ten years and eight months of imprisonment in a general-regime prison camp due to the softening of sentencing guidelines for the imputed offenses. In custody since 2 June 2003.

Recognized as a Prisoner of Conscience by Amnesty International.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial.

24. Lutskevich, Denis Aleksandrovich, born on 11 April 1992. Student of the Russian State University for Humanities; Assistant Dean for the Department of Cultural Studies. Charged on 18 June 2012 under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participation in Mass Riots”) and art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”) in the “Bolotnaya case.” In custody since 8 June 2012. The case is currently pending before the Moscow Zamoskvoretsky Court.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted solely in connection with the non-violent use of his right to the freedom of assembly on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

25. Margolin, Aleksandr Yevgeniyevich, born on 17 December 1971. Deputy director of a publishing house. Charged on 20 February 2013 under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participation in Mass Riots”) and art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”) in the “Bolotnaya case.” In custody since 20 February 2013.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted solely in connection with the non-violent use of his right to the freedom of assembly on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

26. Matveyev, Igor Vladimirovich, born on 17 February 1974 in Mozdok, North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Former major of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; serving in the Primorski Krai at the time of his arrest. Unjustly convicted on 9 September 2011 under art. 286, para. 3(a) of the CC RF (“Abuse of Power Committed with the use of Violence or a Threat Thereof”) and sentenced to three years and six months of imprisonment with dishonorable discharge. Currently awaits trial on new charges under art. 286, para. 3 of the CC RF and art. 159, para. 3 of the CC RF (“Fraud Committed by a Person Through His Official Position”). In custody since May 2011.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial.

27. Nasyrov, Vadim Gaifullaevich, born on 17 February 1981. Member of the banned organization Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami (“Islamic Liberation Party”). He was convicted under art. 205.1, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Involvement of a Person in the Commission of Crimes under Article 278 of the CC RF”); art. 30, para. 1, art. 278 of the CC RF (“Preparation for Actions Aimed at Forcible Seizure of Power or Forcible Change of the Constitutional Order”); and art. 282.2, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participating in the Activities of an Extremist Organization”), and sentenced to six years of imprisonment in a strict-regime prison camp, with one year of restriction of liberty and a fine in the amount of 150,000 rubles.

Recognized as a political prisoner because the deprivation of liberty was imposed exclusively because of political and religious or other views, as well as in connection with the non-violent expression of the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, and the freedom of expression of opinions and information, in violation of the right to a fair trial and other rights and liberties guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

28. Osipova, Taisia Vitaliyevna, born on 26 August 1984. Political activist with a permanent place of residence in Smolensk, Smolensk Oblast, Russia; victim of persecution by law enforcement authorities based on her membership in the unregistered party The Other Russia. On 29 December 2011, she was convicted by Judge E. N. Dvoryanchikov of the Smolensk Zadneprovski Court and sentenced to ten years of imprisonment under art. 228.1, para. 3 of the CC RF (“Illegal Production, Sale or Transmission of Narcotic Substances on an Especially Large Scale”). On 15 February 2012, the verdict was repealed by the Smolensk Oblast Court, and the case was sent for a re-trial. On 28 August 2012, she was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment, despite the fact that the prosecutor requested four years. In custody since 23 November 2010.

Recognized as a political prisoner because she is being prosecuted in violation of the right to a fair trial.

29. Pichugin, Aleksei Vladimirovich, born on 25 July 1962. Former head of the Department of Internal Economic Security of Yukos Oil Company. By two judgments, in 2005 and 2007, sentenced to life to be served in a special-regime prison camp under art. 162 of the CC RF (“Robbery with Violence”) and art. 105 of the CC RF (“Murder”). The investigation and trial were marked by numerous violations of due process and fair trial, warranting the conclusion that Pichugin’s guilt was not proved and that the evidence underlying the judgments was falsified. In custody since 19 June 2003.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted in violation of the right to a fair trial.

30. Polikhovich, Aleksei Alekseyevich, born on 29 August 1990. Student of the Russian State Social University. Charged under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participation in Mass Riots”) and art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”) in the “Bolotnaya case.” The charge under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF was brought on 3 August 2012, while the charge under art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF was added on 21 December 2012—the next day after Putin’s press conference. In custody since 25 July 2012. The case is currently pending before the Moscow Zamoskvoretsky Court.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted solely in connection with the non-violent use of his right to the freedom of assembly on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

31. Razvozzhaev, Leonid Mikhailovich, born on 12 June 1973. Member of the Russian Opposition Coordination Council. Following the airing of an NTV propaganda film called The Anatomy of Protest 2, he was charged under art. 30, para. 1 of the CC RF in conjunction with art. 212, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Preparation for Organization of Mass Riots”) and art. 212, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Organization of Mass Riots”). Currently held in a pre-trial detention center. In custody since 19 September 2012, when he was abducted from the territory of Ukraine.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

32. Reznik, Sergei Eduardovich, born on 10 April 1976 in Rostov-on-Don, Rostov Oblast, Russia. Deputy Director for Public Relations of the Rostov branch of the company ASK-plus; journalist; blogger. He was convicted on 26 November 2013 under art. 204, para. 2 (b) of the CC RF (“Commercial Bribery Committed for Knowingly Unlawful Actions”); art. 306, para. 3 of the CC RF (“Knowingly False Denunciation Joined with Artificial Creation of Prosecution Evidence”); and art. 319 of the CC RF (“Insult of a Representative of the Government”), and sentenced to one year and six months of imprisonment in a general-regime prison camp. Awaiting sentencing under art. 306, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Knowingly False Denunciation About a Crime Joined with the Accusation of a Person of Committing a Grave or Especially Grave Crime”), and for two episodes under art. 319 of the CC RF. In custody.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is prosecuted exclusively in connection with non-violent use of his rights to free thought and free expression of opinions and information, guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The punishment was used, in violation of the right to a fair trial and in the absence of corpus delicti, in order to involuntarily end the defendant’s public activities.

33. Savelov, Artem Viktorovich, born on 14 May 1979. Charged on 19 June 2012 under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participation in Mass Riots”) and art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”) in the “Bolotnaya case.” In custody since 9 June 2012. The case is currently pending before the Moscow Zamoskvoretsky Court.

Recognized as a Prisoner of Conscience by Amnesty International.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted solely in connection with the non-violent use of his right to the freedom of assembly on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

34. Savva, Mikhail Valentinovich, born on 19 November 1964 in Krasnodar, Krasnodar Krai, Russia. Director of grant programs of the Krasnodar Appraisal Association “Southern Regional Resource Center”; Vice Chairman of the Public Commission of Observers on the Krasnodar region; honorary professor of Kuban State University; doctor of political science; candidate of the social sciences. In a politically motivated case, he has been charged under art. 159, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Fraud”) and art. 159, para. 3 of the CC RF (“Fraud Committed While Receiving Payments, Through His Official Position, on a Large Scale”). In custody since 10 April 2013. Transferred to house arrest on 4 December 2013.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

35. Shaikhutdinov, Fanis Aglyamovich, born on 27 June 1965. Muslim. Sentenced in 2006 to ten and a half years of imprisonment under art. 205 of the CC RF (“Terrorism”) and art. 222 of the CC RF (“Possession of Weapons and Ammunition”) in a falsified case of alleged involvement in a bombing of local gas pipes in the town of Bugulma, Russia, causing neither injuries nor destruction of property. Originally apprehended on 1 April 2005. During the first trial, he was acquitted by the jury; the verdict was repealed by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted in violation of the right to a fair trial.

36. Shalina, Olga Leonidovna, born on 2 November 1983 in Podolsk, Moscow Oblast, Russia; permanently residing in Moscow. Member of the unregistered party The Other Russia. In connection with a case involving self-defense near the Tagansky Court, she was convicted under art. 213, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Hooliganism Committed by a Group of Persons by Previous Conspiracy or by an Organized Group”) and originally given a three-year suspended sentence with a four-year probation. On 23 December 2011, the court replaced the suspended sentence with a three-year imprisonment. Arrested on 27 April 2012 during the baptizing of her nephews in church.

Recognized as a political prisoner because she is being prosecuted in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because her detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

37. Udaltsov, Sergei Stanislavovich, born on 16 February 1977. Member of the Russian Opposition Coordination Council; Left Front leader. Following the airing of an NTV propaganda film called The Anatomy of Protest 2, he was charged under art. 30, para. 1 of the CC RF in conjunction with art. 212, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Preparation for Organization of Mass Riots”) and art. 212, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Organization of Mass Riots”). Under house arrest since 9 February 2013.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted solely in connection with the non-violent use of his right to the freedom of assembly on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

38. Unchuk, Kirill Vladimirovich, born on 8 April 1988. Member of the unregistered party The Other Russia. In October 2011, he was convicted under art. 212, para. 3 of the CC RF (“Calls for Mass Riots”), art. 213 of the CC RF (“Hooliganism”), and art. 282 of the CC RF (“Incitement of Hatred or Enmity”) and sentenced to three years of imprisonment in a general-regime prison camp in connection with the events that took place on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow in December 2010. In custody since 23 March 2011.

Recognized as a political prisoner due to the selective prosecution in violation of the right to a fair trial.

39. Valiyev, Rushat Rashitovich, born on 8 April 1983. Member of the banned organization Hizb ut-Tahrir al-Islami (“Islamic Liberation Party”). He was convicted under art. 205.1, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Involvement of a Person in the Commission of Crimes under Article 278 of the CC RF”); art. 30, para. 1, art. 278 of the CC RF (“Preparation for Actions Aimed at Forcible Seizure of Power or Forcible Change of the Constitutional Order”); and art. 282.2, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participating in the Activities of an Extremist Organization”), and sentenced to six years of imprisonment in a strict-regime prison camp, with one year of restriction of liberty and a fine in the amount of 150,000 rubles.

Recognized as a political prisoner because the deprivation of liberty was imposed exclusively because of political and religious or other views, as well as in connection with the non-violent expression of the freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, and the freedom of expression of opinions and information, in violation of the right to a fair trial and other rights and liberties guaranteed by the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights or the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

40. Vizir, Sergei Andreyevich, born on 28 April 1961. Chief economist of TsNIIMash– Export (Central Research Institute of Machine Building). Sentenced to eleven years of imprisonment in a strict-regime prison camp under art. 189, para. 3 of the CC RF (“Illegal Export of Technology”), art. 188 of the CC RF (“Smuggling”), art. 174.1 of the CC RF (“Laundering of Proceeds of Crime”), and art. 160, para. 3 in conjunction with art. 33, para. 3 of the CC RF (“Theft by Way of Embezzlement”). In custody since 2005. Possible motives for the persecution of Vizir and his colleagues are economic interests of his competitors and state “spy mania.” In custody since October 2005.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted on the basis of a charge with an offense that was not committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial.

41. Zimin, Stepan Yuryevich, born on 18 January 1992. Fourth-year student at the Faculty of History, Political Science, and Law at the Russian State University for Humanities; anarchist and anti-fascist. Charged on 18 June 2012 under art. 212, para. 2 of the CC RF (“Participation in Mass Riots”) and art. 318, para. 1 of the CC RF (“Use of Violence not Endangering Life or Health against a Representative of the Authorities”) in the “Bolotnaya case.” In custody since 8 June 2012. The case is currently pending before the Moscow Zamoskvoretsky Court.

Recognized as a political prisoner because he is being prosecuted solely in connection with the non-violent use of his right to the freedom of assembly on the basis of a charge with an offense that was never committed, in violation of the right to a fair trial, and because his detention is disproportionate to the imputed act.

The recognition of a person as a political prisoner signifies neither agreement on the part of Memorial Human Rights Center or the Institute of Modern Russia with the views and statements of this person, nor the approval of his or her statements or actions.


Laatst gewijzigd door eno2 : 24 februari 2018 om 16:00.
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 16:11   #17098
De schoofzak
Secretaris-Generaal VN
De schoofzak's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2004
Berichten: 81.400

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door kojak Bekijk bericht
Naar mijn weten kan je niet op een kieslijst staan in ons land als je in het gevang zit.
Ik weet enkel dat bij ons het mogelijk is dat je je burgerrechten verliest. Bij vonnis van een rechtbank.
Maar dat zal niet rap gebeuren in het raam van een politieke overtuiging of de vrijheid van meningsuiting ...
Vlaanderen is niet van iedereen. Vlaanderen is enkel van hen die een inspanning doen om ertoe te behoren.

De grendel-grondwet moet wijken om eindelijk de broodnodige veranderingen te kunnen doorvoeren. Nadien kan de grondwet herstemd worden. Dat is nog gebeurd.

Ik heb de partij gesticht op drie lijnen: Vlaams en Europees, vrij en verantwoordelijk, en sterk en sociaal. Vandaag is dat de grondstroom in Vlaanderen. Geert Bourgeois (N-VA)
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 16:12   #17099
De schoofzak
Secretaris-Generaal VN
De schoofzak's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2004
Berichten: 81.400

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pandareus Bekijk bericht
In een normale democratie zet men politici op kieslijsten, geen verdachten in voorhechtenis noch vluchtelingen voor het gerecht.

Hadden ze Mickey Mouse op de lijst gezet, en die zou verkozen zijn verwacht je waarschijnlijk ook vanuit jouw vreemde opinie van democratie dat Mickey echt de president zou kunnen worden ?
De kiezer kiest.
Dat is democratie.
Al de rest is zever.
Vlaanderen is niet van iedereen. Vlaanderen is enkel van hen die een inspanning doen om ertoe te behoren.

De grendel-grondwet moet wijken om eindelijk de broodnodige veranderingen te kunnen doorvoeren. Nadien kan de grondwet herstemd worden. Dat is nog gebeurd.

Ik heb de partij gesticht op drie lijnen: Vlaams en Europees, vrij en verantwoordelijk, en sterk en sociaal. Vandaag is dat de grondstroom in Vlaanderen. Geert Bourgeois (N-VA)
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Oud 24 februari 2018, 16:17   #17100
De schoofzak
Secretaris-Generaal VN
De schoofzak's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 4 juli 2004
Berichten: 81.400

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Pandareus Bekijk bericht
Daar is in de pers niets over te vinden ?
Ik heb daar wel iets over gelezen, ik dacht in het Spaans.
Maar 'k ga niet veel tijd er in steken om het te trachten terug te vinden.
(ik heb het niet gepost hé ..)
Vlaanderen is niet van iedereen. Vlaanderen is enkel van hen die een inspanning doen om ertoe te behoren.

De grendel-grondwet moet wijken om eindelijk de broodnodige veranderingen te kunnen doorvoeren. Nadien kan de grondwet herstemd worden. Dat is nog gebeurd.

Ik heb de partij gesticht op drie lijnen: Vlaams en Europees, vrij en verantwoordelijk, en sterk en sociaal. Vandaag is dat de grondstroom in Vlaanderen. Geert Bourgeois (N-VA)
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