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Oud 7 oktober 2009, 14:30   #1
Politics.be's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 27 november 2004
Berichten: 28.704
Standaard Open Europe EU drawing up plans to allow it to negotiate treaties and open embassies

The Telegraph reports that the EU is drawing up secret plans on how to implement the Lisbon Treaty, which have produced proposals to allow the EU to negotiate treaties and even open embassies across the world. A letter conferring a full "legal personality" for the EU has been drafted in order for a new European diplomatic service to be recognised as fully fledged negotiators by international bodies and all non-EU countries.

According to one confidential paper, the first pilot "embassies" are planned in New York, Kabul and Addis Ababa. The decision, taken shortly before Ireland's referendum last week, will mean a new European diplomatic service with over 160 "EU representations" and ambassadors across the world.

Open Europe Director Lorraine Mullally is quoted describing the move as "a huge transfer of power which makes the EU look more like a country than an international agreement. Giving the EU legal personality means that the EU, rather than member states, will be able to sign all kinds of international agreements - on foreign policy, defence, crime and judicial issues - for the first time".

She also pointed out that the 1975 referendum was on joining the EC, adding "British voters agreed to join the European Communities, not a political union with legal personality with the power to sign all kinds of international agreements. No one under the age of 52 has ever had a say on this important evolution and it's about time we did."

Meanwhile, EUobserver reports that member states - only slowly waking up to the foreign policy implications of the Treaty - are reluctant to let the European Parliament dictate the terms of the diplomatic service. MEPs are keen to have the service attached to the European Commission and part of the overall community budget rather than an independent service only answerable to, and funded by, national governments.

However, when asked about making the diplomatic service part of the European Commission structure, Swedish Europe Minister Cecilia Malmstrom said, "This is not something that has great support in the Council." The EP, which only has the right to be consulted by member states on the diplomatic service, believes it can influence the proceedings by playing hardball during its hearing of the Foreign Minister, according to the article.

A leader in the Telegraph argues that Britain should be wary of the EU having a coherent foreign policy, since its interests frequently do not coincide with Britain's.

Bron: politics.be
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Oud 7 oktober 2009, 18:07   #2
Geert C
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Geregistreerd: 29 november 2007
Berichten: 15.670

Man, kunnen ze daar bij The Telegraph een ferm stukske zeveren.
Het ogenblik nadert, waarop grote beslissingen moeten worden genomen. Tegenover Europa staat een monsterverbond van sleur, onwetendheid, zelfzucht, verouderd nationalisme en volgzaamheid aan buitenlandse instructies.
De tegenstanders maken zich klaar voor de strijd. Sommigen kunnen wij overtuigen, anderen moeten wij verslaan; dat is het, waartoe wij mannen en vrouwen van onze volken oproepen.
Tezamen zullen wij overwinnen.
Geert C is offline   Met citaat antwoorden
Oud 7 oktober 2009, 21:19   #3
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Txiki's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 11 september 2007
Locatie: Killucan
Berichten: 57.743

Van wie gaat die pm uit?
I have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer.
Txiki is offline   Met citaat antwoorden

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