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Oekraïense oorlog De Russische invasie in Oekraïne en aanverwante onderwerpen

Oud 6 oktober 2023, 20:14   #581
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Bach's schermafbeelding
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Standaard Putin Valdai discussie groep toespraak, october 2023


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Oud 7 oktober 2023, 19:32   #582
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Bach's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Bach Bekijk bericht

READ IN FULL: Putin’s Valdai Discussion Club speech

The Russian president addressed a number of key issues including Ukraine, sanctions, Western hegemony, and Russia’s role on the international stage

Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the 20th meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club in Sochi.

In his keynote speech, Putin addressed a number of key issues, including the Ukraine conflict, the Western sanctions on Russia, nuclear weapons, and Moscow’s role on the international stage.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Participants in the plenary session, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,

I am glad to welcome you all in Sochi at the anniversary meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club. The moderator has already mentioned that this is the 20th annual meeting.

In keeping with its traditions, our, or should I say your forum, has brought together political leaders and researchers, experts and civil society activists from many countries around the world, once again reaffirming its high status as a relevant intellectual platform. The Valdai discussions invariably reflect the most important global political processes in the 21st century in their entirety and complexity. I am certain that this will also be the case today, as it probably was in the preceding days when you debated with each other. It will also stay this way moving forward because our objective is basically to build a new world. And it is at these decisive stages that you, my colleagues, have an extremely important role to play and bear special responsibility as intellectuals.

Over the years of the club’s work, both Russia and the world have seen drastic, and even dramatic, colossal changes. Twenty years is not a long period by historical standards, but during eras when the entire world order is crumbling, time seems to shrink.

I think you will agree that more events have taken place in the past 20 years than over decades in some historical periods before, and it was major changes that dictated the fundamental transformation of the very principles of international relations.

In the early 21st century, everybody hoped that states and peoples had learned the lessons of the expensive and destructive military and ideological confrontations of the previous century, saw their harmfulness and the fragility and interconnectedness of our planet, and understood that the global problems of humanity call for joint action and the search for collective solutions, while egotism, arrogance and disregard for real challenges would inevitably lead to a dead-end, just like the attempts by more powerful countries to force their opinions and interests onto everyone else. This should have become obvious to everyone. It should have, but it has not. It has not.

When we met for the first time at the club’s meeting nearly 20 years ago, our country was entering a new stage in its development. Russia was emerging from an extremely difficult period of convalescence after the Soviet Union’s dissolution. We launched the process of building a new and what we saw as a more just world order energetically and with good will. It is a boon that our country can make a huge contribution because we have things to offer to our friends, partners and the world as a whole.

Regrettably, our interest in constructive interaction was misunderstood, was seen as obedience, as an agreement that the new world order would be created by those who declared themselves the winners in the Cold War. It was seen as an admission that Russia was ready to follow in others’ wake and not to be guided by our own national interests but by somebody else’s interests.

Over these years, we warned more than once that this approach would not only lead to a dead-end but that it was fraught with the increasing threat of a military conflict. But nobody listened to us or wanted to listen to us. The arrogance of our so-called partners in the West went through the roof. This is the only way I can put it.

The United States and its satellites have taken a steady course towards hegemony in military affairs, politics, the economy, culture and even morals and values. Since the very beginning, it has been clear to us that attempts to establish a monopoly were doomed to fail. The world is too complicated and diverse to be subjected to one system, even if it is backed by the enormous power of the West accumulated over centuries of its colonial policy. Your colleagues as well – many of them are absent today, but they do not deny that to a significant degree, the prosperity of the West has been achieved by robbing colonies for several centuries. This is a fact. Essentially, this level of development has been achieved by robbing the entire planet.

The history of the West is essentially the chronicle of endless expansion. Western influence in the world is an immense military and financial pyramid scheme that constantly needs more “fuel” to support itself, with natural, technological and human resources that belong to others. This is why the West simply cannot and is not going to stop. Our arguments, reasoning, calls for common sense or proposals have simply been ignored.

Putin predicts ‘gradual collapse’ of dollar-based financial system
Read more Putin predicts ‘gradual collapse’ of dollar-based financial system
I have said this publicly to both our allies and partners. There was a moment when I simply suggested: perhaps we should also join NATO? But no, NATO does not need a country like ours. No. I want to know, what else do they need? We thought we became part of the crowd, got a foot in the door. What else were we supposed to do? There was no more ideological confrontation. What was the problem? I guess the problem was their geopolitical interests and arrogance towards others. Their self-aggrandisement was and is the problem.

We are compelled to respond to ever-increasing military and political pressure. I have said many times that it was not us who started the so-called “war in Ukraine.” On the contrary, we are trying to end it. It was not us who orchestrated a coup in Kiev in 2014 – a bloody and anti-constitutional coup. When [similar events] happen in other places, we immediately hear all the international media – mainly those subordinate to the Anglo-Saxon world, of course – this is unacceptable, this is impossible, this is anti-democratic. But the coup in Kiev was acceptable. They even cited the amount of money spent on this coup. Anything was suddenly acceptable.

At that time, Russia tried its best to support the people of Crimea and Sevastopol. We did not try to overthrow the government or intimidate the people in Crimea and Sevastopol, threatening them with ethnic cleansing in the Nazi spirit. It was not us who tried to force Donbass to obey by shelling and bombing. We did not threaten to kill anyone who wanted to speak their native language. Look, everyone here is an informed and educated person. It might be possible – excuse my ‘mauvais ton’ – to brainwash millions of people who perceive reality through the media. But you must know what was really going on: they have been bombing the place for nine years, shooting and using tanks. That was a war, a real war unleashed against Donbass. And no one counted the dead children in Donbass. No one cried for the dead in other countries, especially in the West.

This war, the one that the regime sitting in Kiev started with the vigorous and direct support from the West, has been going on for more than nine years, and Russia’s special military operation is aimed at stopping it. And it reminds us that unilateral steps, no matter who takes them, will inevitably prompt retaliation. As we know, every action has an equal opposite reaction. That is what any responsible state, every sovereign, independent and self-respecting country does.

Everyone realises that in an international system where arbitrariness reigns, where all decision-making is up to those who think they are exceptional, sinless and right, any country can be attacked simply because it is disliked by a hegemon, who has lost any sense of proportion – and I would add, any sense of reality.

Unfortunately, we have to admit that our counterparties in the West have lost their sense of reality and have crossed every line. They really should not have done this.

The Ukraine crisis is not a territorial conflict, and I want to make that clear. Russia is the world’s largest country in terms of land area, and we have no interest in conquering additional territory. We still have much to do to properly develop Siberia, Eastern Siberia, and the Russian Far East. This is not a territorial conflict and not an attempt to establish regional geopolitical balance. The issue is much broader and more fundamental and is about the principles underlying the new international order.

Lasting peace will only be possible when everyone feels safe and secure, understands that their opinions are respected, and that there is a balance in the world where no one can unilaterally force or compel others to live or behave as a hegemon pleases even when it contradicts the sovereignty, genuine interests, traditions, or customs of peoples and countries. In such an arrangement, the very concept of sovereignty is simply denied and, sorry, is thrown in the garbage.

Clearly, commitment to bloc-based approaches and the push to drive the world into a situation of ongoing “us versus them” confrontation is a bad legacy of the 20th century. It is a product of Western political culture, at least of its most aggressive manifestations. To reiterate, the West – at least a certain part of the West, the elite – always need an enemy. They need an enemy to justify the need for military action and expansion. But they also need an enemy to maintain internal control within a certain system of this very hegemon and within blocs like NATO or other military-political blocs. There must be an enemy so everyone can rally around the “leader.”

The way other states run their lives is none of our business. However, we see how the ruling elite in many of them are forcing societies to accept norms and rules that the people – or at least a significant number of people and even the majority in some countries – are unwilling to embrace. But they are still urged to do so, with the authorities continually inventing justifications for their actions, attributing growing internal problems to external causes, and fabricating or exaggerating non-existent threats.

Russia is a favourite subject for these politickers. We have grown used to this over the course of history, of course. But they try to portray those who are not willing to blindly follow these Western elite groups as enemies. They have used this approach with various countries, including the People’s Republic of China, and they tried to do this to India in certain situations. They are flirting with it now, as we can see very clearly. We are aware of and see the scenarios they are using in Asia. I would like to say that the Indian leadership is independent and strongly nationally oriented. I think these attempts are pointless, yet they continue with them. They try to portray the Arab world as an enemy; they do it selectively and try to act accurately, but this is what it comes down to. They even try to present Muslims as a hostile environment, and so on and so forth. In fact, anyone who acts independently and in its own interests is immediately seen by the Western elite as a hindrance that must be removed.

Artificial geopolitical associations are being forced onto the world, and restricted-access blocs are being created. We see this happening in Europe, where an aggressive policy of NATO expansion has been pursued for decades, in the Asia-Pacific region and in South Asia, where they are trying to destroy an open and inclusive cooperation architecture. A bloc-based approach, if we call a spade a spade, limits individual states’ rights and restricts their freedom to develop along their own path, attempting to drive them into a “cage” of obligations. In a way, this obviously amounts to the dispossession of part of their sovereignty, often followed by the enforcement of their own solutions not only in the area of security but also in other areas, primarily the economy, which is happening now in relations between the United States and Europe. There is no need to explain this now. If necessary, we can talk about it in detail during the discussion after my opening remarks.

To attain these goals, they try to replace international law with a “rules-based order,” whatever that means. It is not clear what rules these are and who invented them. It is just rubbish, but they are trying to plant this idea in the minds of millions of people. “You must live according to the rules.” What rules?

And actually, if I may, our Western “colleagues,” especially those from the United States, don’t just arbitrarily set these rules, they teach others how to follow them, and how others should behave overall. All of this is done and expressed in a blatantly ill-mannered and pushy way. This is another manifestation of colonial mentality. All the time we hear, “you must,” “you are obligated,” “we are seriously warning you.”

Who are you to do that? What right do you have to warn others? This is just amazing. Maybe those who say all this should get rid of their arrogance and stop behaving in such a way towards the global community that perfectly knows its objectives and interests, and should drop this colonial-era thinking? I want to tell them sometimes: wake up, this era has long gone and will never return.

I will say more: for centuries, such behavior led to the replication of one thing – big wars, with various ideological and quasi-moral justifications invented to justify these wars. Today this is especially dangerous. As you know, humankind has the means to easily destroy the whole planet, and ongoing mind manipulation, unbelievable in terms of scale, leads to losing a sense of reality. Clearly, a way out should be sought from this vicious circle. As I understand it, friends and colleagues, this is why you come here to address these vital issues at the Valdai Club venue.

In Russia’s Foreign Policy Concept, our country is characterised as an original civilisation-state. This wording clearly and concisely reflects how we understand not only our own development, but also the main principles of international order, which we hope will prevail.

From our perspective, civilisation is a multifaceted concept subject to various interpretations. There was once an outwardly colonial interpretation whereby there was a “civilised world” serving as a model for the rest, and everyone was supposed to conform to those standards. Those who disagreed were to be coerced into this “civilisation” by the truncheon of the “enlightened” master. These times, as I said, are now in the past, and our understanding of civilisation is quite different.

First, there are many civilisations, and none is superior or inferior to another. They are equal since each civilisation represents a unique expression of its own culture, traditions, and the aspirations of its people. For instance, in my case, it embodies the aspirations of my people, of which I am fortunate to be a part.

Outstanding thinkers from around the world who endorse the concept of a civilisation-based approach have engaged in profound contemplation of the meaning of “civilisation” as a concept. It is a complex phenomenon comprised of many components. Without delving too deeply into philosophy, which may not be appropriate here, let’s try to describe it pragmatically as it applies to current developments.

The essential characteristics of a civilisation-state encompass diversity and self-sufficiency, which, I believe, are two key components. Today’s world rejects uniformity, and each state and society strives to develop its own path of development which is rooted in culture and traditions, and is steeped in geography and historical experiences, both ancient and modern, as well as the values held by its people. This is an intricate synthesis that gives rise to a distinct civilisational community. Its strength and progress depend on its diversity and multifaceted nature.

Russia has been shaped over centuries as a nation of diverse cultures, religions, and ethnicities. The Russian civilisation cannot be reduced to a single common denominator, but it cannot be divided, either, because it thrives as a single spiritually and culturally rich entity. Maintaining the cohesive unity of such a nation is a formidable challenge.

We have faced severe challenges throughout the centuries; we have always pulled through, sometimes at great cost, but each time we learned our lessons for the future, strengthening our national unity and the integrity of the Russian state.

This experience we have gained is truly invaluable today. The world is becoming increasingly diverse, and its complex processes can no longer be handled with simple governance methods, painting everyone with the same brush, as we say, which is something certain states are still trying to do.

There is something important to add to this. A truly effective and strong state system cannot be imposed from the outside. It grows naturally from the civilisational roots of countries and peoples, and in this regard, Russia is an example of how it really happens in life, in practice.

Relying on your civilisation is a necessary condition for success in the modern world, unfortunately a disorderly and dangerous world that has lost its bearings. More and more states are coming to this conclusion, becoming aware of their own interests and needs, opportunities and limitations, their own identity and degree of interconnectedness with the world around them.

I am confident that humanity is not moving towards fragmentation into rivaling segments, a new confrontation of blocs, whatever their motives, or a soulless universalism of a new globalisation. On the contrary, the world is on its way to a synergy of civilisation-states, large spaces, communities identifying as such.

At the same time, civilisation is not a universal construct, one for all – there is no such thing. Each civilisation is different, each is culturally self-sufficient, drawing on its own history and traditions for ideological principles and values. Respecting oneself naturally comes from respecting others, but it also implies respect from others. That is why a civilisation does not impose anything on anyone, but does not allow anything to be imposed on itself either. If everyone lives by this rule, we can live in harmonious coexistence and in creative interaction between everyone in international relations.

Of course, protecting your civilisational choice is a huge responsibility. It’s a response to external infringements, the development of close and constructive relationships with other civilisations and, most importantly, the maintenance of internal stability and harmony. All of us can see that today the international environment is, regrettably, unstable and quite aggressive, as I pointed out.

Here is one more essential thing: nobody should betray their civilisation. This is the path towards universal chaos; it is unnatural and, I would say, disgusting. For our part, we have always tried and continue to try to offer solutions that consider the interests of all sides. But our counterparts in the West seem to have forgotten the notions of reasonable self-restraint, compromise and a willingness to make concessions in the name of attaining a result that will suit all sides. No, they are literally fixated on only one goal: to push through their interests, here and now, and do it at any cost. If this is their choice, we will see what comes of it.

It sounds like a paradox, but the situation could change tomorrow, which is a problem. For example, regular elections can lead to changes on the domestic political stage. Today a country can insist on doing something at any cost, but its domestic political situation could change tomorrow, and they will start pushing through a different and sometimes even the opposite idea.

A standout example is Iran’s nuclear programme. A US administration pushed through a solution, but the succeeding administration turned the matter the other way around. How can one work in these conditions? What are the guidelines? What can we rely on? Where are the guarantees? Are these the “rules” they are telling us about? This is nonsense and absurd.

Why is this happening, and why does everybody seem comfortable with it? The answer is that strategic thinking has been replaced with the short-term mercenary interests of not even countries or nations, but the succeeding groups of influence. This explains the unbelievable, if judged in Cold War terms, irresponsibility of the political elite groups, which have shed all fear and shame and think of themselves as guiltless.

The civilisational approach confronts these trends because it is based on the fundamental, long-term interests of states and peoples, interests that are dictated not by the current ideological situation, but by the entire historical experience and legacy of the past, on which the idea of a harmonious future rests.

If everyone were guided by this, there would be far fewer conflicts in the world, I believe, and the approaches to resolving them would become much more rational, because all civilisations would respect each other, as I said, and would not try to change anyone based on their own notions.

Friends, I read with interest the report prepared by the Valdai Club for today’s meeting. It says that everyone is currently striving to understand and imagine a vision of the future. This is natural and understandable, especially for intellectual circles. In an era of radical change, when the world we’re used to is crumbling, it is very important to understand where we are heading and where we want to be. And, of course, the future is being created now, not only before our eyes, but by our own hands.

Naturally, when such massive, extremely complex processes are underway, it is hard or even impossible to predict the result. Regardless of what we do, life will make adjustments. But, at any rate, we need to realise what we are striving for, what we want to achieve. In Russia, there is such an understanding.

First. We want to live in an open, interconnected world, where no one will ever try to put artificial barriers in the way of people’s communication, their creative fulfilment and prosperity. We need to strive to create an obstacle-free environment.

Second. We want the world’s diversity to be preserved and serve as the foundation for universal development. It should be prohibited to impose on any country or people how they should live and how they should feel. Only true cultural and civilisational diversity will ensure peoples’ wellbeing and a balance of interests.

Third, Russia stands for maximum representation. No one has the right or ability to rule the world for others and on behalf of others. The world of the future is a world of collective decisions made at the levels where they are most effective, and by those who are truly capable of making a significant contribution to resolving a specific problem. It is not that one person decides for everyone, and not even everyone decides everything, but those who are directly affected by this or that issue must agree on what to do and how to do it.

Fourth, Russia stands for universal security and lasting peace built on respect for the interests of everyone: from large countries to small ones. The main thing is to free international relations from the bloc approach and the legacy of the colonial era and the Cold War. We have been saying for decades that security is indivisible, and that it is impossible to ensure the security of some at the expense of the security of others. Indeed, harmony in this area can be achieved. You just need to put aside haughtiness and arrogance and stop looking at others as second-class partners or outcasts or savages.

Fifth, we stand for justice for all. The era of exploitation, as I said twice, is in the past. Countries and peoples are clearly aware of their interests and capabilities and are ready to rely on themselves; and this increases their strength. Everyone should be given access to the benefits of today’s world, and attempts to limit it for any country or people should be considered an act of aggression.

Sixth, we stand for equality, for the diverse potential of all countries. This is a completely objective factor. But no less objective is the fact that no one is ready to take orders anymore or make their interests and needs dependent on anyone, above all on the rich and more powerful.

This is not just the natural state of the international community, but the quintessence of all of humankind’s historical experience.

These are the principles that we would like to follow and that we invite all of our friends and colleagues to join.


Russia was, is and will be one of the foundations of this new world system, ready for constructive interaction with everyone who strives for peace and prosperity, but ready for tough opposition against those who profess the principles of dictatorship and violence. We believe that pragmatism and common sense will prevail, and a multipolar world will be established.

In conclusion, I would like to thank the forum’s organisers for your fundamental and qualified preparations, as always, as well as thank everyone at this anniversary meeting for your attention. Thank you very much.
In de westerse pers wordt deze toespraak voor het plebs samengevat als dat Putin dreigt met Nucleaire wapens.

Laatst gewijzigd door Bach : 7 oktober 2023 om 19:36.
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Oud 7 oktober 2023, 20:55   #583
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Bach Bekijk bericht

In de westerse pers wordt deze toespraak voor het plebs samengevat als dat Putin dreigt met Nucleaire wapens.
Zoals iedereen lees in die lange proza niet en open ik YouTube, in dit geval, niet. Dat de geachte forumgenoten die dat wel gedaan hebben en de kelk tot het bittere einde hebben geledigd zich kenbaar maken. Dan weet ik voortaan wie ik nog serieus moet pakken.
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Oud 7 oktober 2023, 21:22   #584
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EEN stukje uit die speech:

"The way other states run their lives is none of our business. However, we see how the ruling elite in many of them are forcing societies to accept norms and rules that the people – or at least a significant number of people and even the majority in some countries – are unwilling to embrace. But they are still urged to do so, with the authorities continually inventing justifications for their actions, attributing growing internal problems to external causes, and fabricating or exaggerating non-existent threats."

Langs de ene kant heeft hij gelijk, langs de andere kant wil ik niet in een russisch Z-batalajon belanden of ergens in China of Noord-Korea.
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Oud 7 oktober 2023, 21:24   #585
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Fourth, Russia stands for universal security and lasting peace built on respect for the interests of everyone: from large countries to small ones. The main thing is to free international relations from the bloc approach and the legacy of the colonial era and the Cold War. We have been saying for decades that security is indivisible, and that it is impossible to ensure the security of some at the expense of the security of others. Indeed, harmony in this area can be achieved. You just need to put aside haughtiness and arrogance and stop looking at others as second-class partners or outcasts or savages.

Zien Tomm en Co niet de debiliteit van dir in? Oekraïne koos niet voor rusland.

Laatst gewijzigd door Walvader : 7 oktober 2023 om 21:25.
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Oud 17 oktober 2023, 05:18   #586
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De "steun" vanuit de Russische nomenclatura voor Mr Putins privé-avontuurtje in Oekraine is waarschijnlijk maar een dun vernislaagje......Een laagje dat momenteel daar gehiouden wordt uit vrees voor hun positie,of zelfs hun leven (het venster op het 10de,de hartaanval zonder medische voorgeschiedenis,ach...de Russische Mir)

ZO is recent een Russische gouverneur,vermoedelijk een harde management-tante van mentaliteit,in de problemen aan het raken..


Ze zei keihard waar het op staat.(Rusland was niet goed voorbereid op die Oekrainse oorlog,die we niet nodig hebben)...helaas voor haar aligneert dat niet zo best met het Kremlin verhaal.......

Laatst gewijzigd door kelt : 17 oktober 2023 om 05:20.
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Oud 29 oktober 2023, 04:23   #587
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Vladimir Putin delivers speech at annual Valdai meeting in Sochi

Sky News
3 uur 40 minuten
5 okt 2023

= = =

Sky News is een Britse 24 uurs nieuwszender.
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Oud 29 oktober 2023, 20:38   #588
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Bach's schermafbeelding
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Het taalgebruik van Medvedev is ordinair. Maar eigenlijk zegt hij hier de harde waarheid.

De EU heeft zich ontpopt als de vernietiger van Europese welvaart, geïnfiltreerd als ze is door dwazen en elementen die de belangen van de VS voorop stellen. Velen zien het nog niet. De propaganda is overweldigend. Maar dat kan niet blijven duren.
Medvedev: The European Union is now de facto unable to act independently not only in the international arena, but even on the European field. Almost all EU countries bowed to the United States and Britain and obediently began to follow their instructions to support the Nazi Kiev regime. And now any instructions at all. The EU has squandered its international authority as a mediator in any conflict. And Europe today, alas, plays the role of an aging whore, meekly fulfilling any whim of the overseas clientele.
Europe castrated itself bloodily and without anesthesia, refusing energy cooperation with our country. It is spoiled or frozen for a very long time. But now America, rubbing its hands, supplies Europe with its LNG at exorbitant prices. Hard times have come for a long time.
Companies in Europe have suffered enormous irretrievable losses, leaving our country. Their damage is measured in tens of billions of dollars (and with lost profits – hundreds). But if they may be able to cover financial losses someday, then image and reputation losses are unlikely. It will be very difficult, if at all possible, to return to Russia.
We are not even neighbors anymore, but real enemies. The European Union has lost Russia as a long-term strategic partner. We are not happy about it, but it is a fact. Having decided to become the worst enemy of our country with the help of the United States, Europe has come very close to the final degeneration.
The great powers will sooner or later agree on how they will live in the foreseeable future under new conditions. Washington cannot escape from Russia, China and the countries of the Global South. And it makes no sense for us to start a full-fledged conflict with America.
But the sweet little old lady of Europe will soon be gone. She was ruthlessly restricted in her rights by a fat-faced overseas relative, whom she trusted implicitly. At first, he cynically robbed a wealthy old woman, depriving her of many sources of livelihood and sending millions of poor relatives to her. And soon he will simply expose the grandmother who has fallen into insanity to the cold street, mercilessly slamming the door behind her in her own house.

Laatst gewijzigd door Bach : 29 oktober 2023 om 20:38.
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Oud 30 oktober 2023, 07:24   #589
Geregistreerd: 26 september 2003
Locatie: van Lissabon tot Vladivostok
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Bach Bekijk bericht
Het taalgebruik van Medvedev is ordinair. Maar eigenlijk zegt hij hier de harde waarheid.

De EU heeft zich ontpopt als de vernietiger van Europese welvaart, geïnfiltreerd als ze is door dwazen en elementen die de belangen van de VS voorop stellen. Velen zien het nog niet. De propaganda is overweldigend. Maar dat kan niet blijven duren.
Het voorlaatste bericht op het TG-kanaal van Medvedev luidt als volgt:
Israël blijft zijn grondoperatie in Gaza uitstellen. Meestal onder druk van de VS
en uit angst voor de woede van de wereld. Maar hou jezelf niet voor de gek. De
operatie zal plaatsvinden, en met de meest ernstige en bloedige gevolgen. De
Moloch eist altijd meer en meer slachtoffers, en de machine van wederzijds
geweld zal nu jaren draaien. Bovendien is het Westen Oekraïne erg beu en is het
Israël met enthousiasme gaan steunen. Zelfs de nieuwe voorzitter van het
Amerikaanse Huis van Afgevaardigden Michael Jackson (pardon, Mike Johnson,
maar wat maakt het uit) noemde het helpen van Tel Aviv als zijn eerste
prioriteit. Misschien is het beter om het proces van schikking in het Midden-
Oosten te hervatten en te proberen om eindelijk Resolutie 242 van de VN-
Veiligheidsraad van 22 november 1967 uit te voeren? Of zelfs het oorspronkelijke
plan voor de verdeling van Palestina, aangenomen op 29 november 1947 bij
Resolutie 181 van de AV VN? De vragen zijn natuurlijk retorisch. Het is immers
veel interessanter om de poen te delen voor andermans oorlog ver weg van de
. The war must go on ...
27 okt 2023

Het blijft een goedkope vorm van buitenlandpolitiek. Ver weg van huis wapens uitdelen. Veel goedkoper dan iets constructiefs doen. Er zijn er veel in de VS, die op sleutelposities zitten, die dat voeden.

Laatst gewijzigd door Nr.10 : 30 oktober 2023 om 07:31.
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Oud 1 november 2023, 06:46   #590
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Geregistreerd: 29 juli 2004
Berichten: 33.380

De recente-,schijnbaar anti-semitische-,rellen op dat vliegveld in Dagestan(die uiteindelijk,wegens een manifest gebrek aan Joodse mensen,op een ordinaire rel uitdraaiden) heeft toch wat sporen nagelaten....

Terwijl de Russische propagandamachine ,vrijwel naadloos en inmiddels heel soepeltjes,probeerde "het Westen" en "de sociale media" de schuld te geven van deze "georganiseerde" ongeregeldheden......

......moesten verschillende lokale verantwoordelijken in Moskou verschijnen en moeide de President persoonlijk zich ermee ....(luidens Russische nieuwskanalen)

Onze pers lult nog wat verder met het opgegeven wijsvingertje en zo....

Voor de Russische President is het VEEL erger....Het is NIET,wat zeg ik,NOOIT,de bedoeling dat autoriteiten in de Russische Federatie de macht-,zelfs al is het maar tijdelijk,verliezen over niet door hen georganiseerde manifestaties.......

DAT,zal waarschijnlijk hetgeen zijn dat hij achter gesloten deuren duidelijk gemaakt heeft......Wat feitelijk een onbenullig accidentje hoorde te zijn in een achteraf republiekje moest eigenlijk niet zo uit de hand gelopen zijn dat nu het Kremlin zich ermee diende te bemoeien op de Internationale buhne..

Laat het goed in de oortjes geknoopt zijn...
In de regio heeft President Kadyrov,van Tjetsjenie al D U I D E L I J K E waarschuwingen gegeven mochten er in zijn hertogdommetje mensen zijn die ook eens iets willen "organiseren"...

Je krijgt 2 kansen om,met spoed,te doen wat ordedienaars U opleggen......anders een kogel....

Laatst gewijzigd door kelt : 1 november 2023 om 06:48.
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Oud 1 november 2023, 07:01   #591
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Bach's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 september 2017
Berichten: 14.903

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door kelt Bekijk bericht
De recente-,schijnbaar anti-semitische-,rellen op dat vliegveld in Dagestan(die uiteindelijk,wegens een manifest gebrek aan Joodse mensen,op een ordinaire rel uitdraaiden) heeft toch wat sporen nagelaten....

Terwijl de Russische propagandamachine ,vrijwel naadloos en inmiddels heel soepeltjes,probeerde "het Westen" en "de sociale media" de schuld te geven van deze "georganiseerde" ongeregeldheden......

......moesten verschillende lokale verantwoordelijken in Moskou verschijnen en moeide de President persoonlijk zich ermee ....(luidens Russische nieuwskanalen)

Onze pers lult nog wat verder met het opgegeven wijsvingertje en zo....

Voor de Russische President is het VEEL erger....Het is NIET,wat zeg ik,NOOIT,de bedoeling dat autoriteiten in de Russische Federatie de macht-,zelfs al is het maar tijdelijk,verliezen over niet door hen georganiseerde manifestaties.......

DAT,zal waarschijnlijk hetgeen zijn dat hij achter gesloten deuren duidelijk gemaakt heeft......Wat feitelijk een onbenullig accidentje hoorde te zijn in een achteraf republiekje moest eigenlijk niet zo uit de hand gelopen zijn dat nu het Kremlin zich ermee diende te bemoeien op de Internationale buhne..

Laat het goed in de oortjes geknoopt zijn...
In de regio heeft President Kadyrov,van Tjetsjenie al D U I D E L I J K E waarschuwingen gegeven mochten er in zijn hertogdommetje mensen zijn die ook eens iets willen "organiseren"...

Je krijgt 2 kansen om,met spoed,te doen wat ordedienaars U opleggen......anders een kogel....
"...De kogel..." verzint u er zelf bij. Hou het maar bij "de eigen woorden". De andere draden rond dit thema staan al genoeg vol propaganda.

Wel scherpe bewoordingen van zelfs de moslim Kadyrov tegen uitingen van anti semitisme. Mensen dienen op te passen niet zo laag te vallen werd gezegd.

Laatst gewijzigd door Bach : 1 november 2023 om 07:11.
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Oud 1 november 2023, 07:07   #592
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Geregistreerd: 29 juli 2004
Berichten: 33.380

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Bach Bekijk bericht
"De kogel..." verzint u er zelf bij. Hou het maar bij "de eigen woorden". De andere draden rond dit thema staan al genoeg vol propaganda.

Wel scherpe bewoordingen van zelfs de moslim Kadyrov tegen uitingen van anti semitisme. Mensen dienen op te passen niet zo laag te vallen werd gezegd.
Ik heb me inderdaad vergist...
Ze krijgen DRIE kansen.

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Oud 1 november 2023, 07:32   #593
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Bach's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 september 2017
Berichten: 14.903

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door kelt Bekijk bericht
Ik heb me inderdaad vergist...
Ze krijgen DRIE kansen.

Vergelijk gerust met de VS waar de politie jaarlijks meer dan 1000 mensen ombrengt op straat. Dat is pas schietgrage ordehandhaving.

Waarover gaat het?

Kadyrov gave orders to law enforcement officers how to act in the event of mass unrest. RIA
According to the head of Chechnya, the instigators must be detained immediately. But there is another option.
Or fire three warning shots in the air and after that, if the person does not comply with the law, fire the fourth shot in the forehead . They won't come out anymore. This is my order,” the head of Chechnya said at the meeting.

Kadyrov: the Israeli regime showed the world its true face, organizing real mass terror against civilians.

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, called pogroms and calls for violence against Jews due to the actions of the Israeli authorities unacceptable. He wrote about this in his Telegram channel.

“The Israeli regime showed the world its true face, organizing real mass terror against civilians. But you cannot follow the lead of Russia’s enemies and undermine the situation from within: you cannot hold rallies, destroy airports in search of people of Jewish nationality and call for violence. Such actions are unacceptable. in any case, they will be suppressed very harshly,” he wrote.

Laatst gewijzigd door Bach : 1 november 2023 om 07:35.
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Oud 23 januari 2024, 21:34   #594
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Bach's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 september 2017
Berichten: 14.903
Standaard Russisch minister buitenlandse zaken Lavrov voor de VN veiligheidsraad 22 januari 202

"On January, 22 2024, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov took part in a meeting of the UN Security Council, which was held in New York.

Here's the main statements:

— The West, with manic persistence, is pushing Ukraine to continue the armed confrontation;

— The Kiev regime is in agony;

— Most experts are clear that a peaceful settlement in Ukraine is hampered by Western support for the Kiev regime;

— The Russian Federation launched a special operation not against Ukraine or the Ukrainian people, but against the presumptuous criminal regime in Kiev;

— The West is implementing a profitable “business project” in Ukraine;

— Biden and the British leadership consider support for Ukraine against the Russian Federation “an excellent investment”;

— Western countries in Ukraine are “disposing of junk” weapons;

— The West in Ukraine is cynically waging a war with Russia, which it wants to “put in its place”;

— The devastated arsenals of Europe will be filled again with American weapons, the United States will force the Europeans to find money for this;

— Anyone can buy American M16 rifles supplied to Kiev for cryptocurrency, terrorist groups take advantage of this;

— The United States recognized the problem of resale of Western weapons from Ukraine;

— The authorities in Kiev resell some of the Western weapons on the black market, it is difficult to imagine that this is happening without the knowledge of Western businessmen;

— Lavrov called Russia’s accusations of alleged plans to attack other countries fiction in order to “knock money” out of other states to help Kiev;

— There are no Ukrainian interests in the war against Russia, there is only the interest of the West;

— Lavrov doubted that representatives of the West and Ukraine would find the courage to comment on the death of journalist Gonzalo Lira;

— If Ukraine stops fighting, then hundreds of thousands of lives will be saved;

— The West does not want peace in Ukraine, despite the fact that this country lives only on “Western handouts”;

— Russians and Ukrainians live in Crimea in peace and harmony."

Samenvatting door Lampada op VK

Laatst gewijzigd door Bach : 23 januari 2024 om 21:35.
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Oud 23 januari 2024, 21:44   #595
brother paul
Secretaris-Generaal VN
brother paul's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 23 mei 2007
Berichten: 34.342

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Nr.10 Bekijk bericht
Het voorlaatste bericht op het TG-kanaal van Medvedev luidt als volgt:
Israël blijft zijn grondoperatie in Gaza uitstellen. Meestal onder druk van de VS
en uit angst voor de woede van de wereld. Maar hou jezelf niet voor de gek. De
operatie zal plaatsvinden, en met de meest ernstige en bloedige gevolgen. De
Moloch eist altijd meer en meer slachtoffers, en de machine van wederzijds
geweld zal nu jaren draaien. Bovendien is het Westen Oekraïne erg beu en is het
Israël met enthousiasme gaan steunen. Zelfs de nieuwe voorzitter van het
Amerikaanse Huis van Afgevaardigden Michael Jackson (pardon, Mike Johnson,
maar wat maakt het uit) noemde het helpen van Tel Aviv als zijn eerste
prioriteit. Misschien is het beter om het proces van schikking in het Midden-
Oosten te hervatten en te proberen om eindelijk Resolutie 242 van de VN-
Veiligheidsraad van 22 november 1967 uit te voeren? Of zelfs het oorspronkelijke
plan voor de verdeling van Palestina, aangenomen op 29 november 1947 bij
Resolutie 181 van de AV VN? De vragen zijn natuurlijk retorisch. Het is immers
veel interessanter om de poen te delen voor andermans oorlog ver weg van de
. The war must go on ...
27 okt 2023

Het blijft een goedkope vorm van buitenlandpolitiek. Ver weg van huis wapens uitdelen. Veel goedkoper dan iets constructiefs doen. Er zijn er veel in de VS, die op sleutelposities zitten, die dat voeden.
uit ervaring weten we ondertussen als de russen de schuld op de amerikanen steken zitten ze in eite zelf achter het verhaal, want kijk van wie krijgt de gaza wapens ? en wie is er begonnen met 100den raketten af te schieten ? en wie sponsert er zomaar eventjes 100den raketten om zo een lont in een kruitvat te stoppen ?

los van dat feit is de reactie van Israel uiteraard niet goed te praten, en als de wereld er bij staat te kijken is niet dat ze niets willen doen, het lijkt er op dat we niet veel kunnen doen... Nog extra wapens geven aan de gaza heeft geen zin, gewoon Israel veroordelen terwijl dat idd niets uithaalt

Voor de rest zijn alle hersenspinsels over hypocrisie van het westen of andere theorien gewoon allemaal russische trollenzwans die als zoete koek geslikt worden door moslims, en door niemand hier in het westen te begrepen wordt.

Dus ja , de russen hebben er een heerlijk shisma een wonde opengetrokken en hun trollen slagen er idd in de moslims op te jutten.. Fantastisch jongens doe zo verder met ulle zever ,straks ontploft die balon toch wel een keer terug in ullie gezicht
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Oud 23 januari 2024, 22:08   #596
brother paul
Secretaris-Generaal VN
brother paul's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 23 mei 2007
Berichten: 34.342

Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Bach Bekijk bericht
"On January, 22 2024, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov took part in a meeting of the UN Security Council, which was held in New York.

Here's the main statements:

— The West, with manic persistence, is pushing Ukraine to continue the armed confrontation;

— The Kiev regime is in agony;

— Most experts are clear that a peaceful settlement in Ukraine is hampered by Western support for the Kiev regime;
aangezien het trump plan op onbegrip rekent, kan je eenvoudig stellend dat Moskow geen oren heeft naar vrede https://tass.com/politics/1735429

The Russian Federation launched a special operation not against Ukraine or the Ukrainian people, but against the presumptuous criminal regime in Kiev;
verbazingwekkend dat je dan zoveel burgerslachtoffers wilt maken met die duizende raketten die ze afvuren en steden die ze platwalsen dat ze zelfs opbnaar durven vertellen dat er geen enkel gebouw nog rechtstaat, als je iemand zijn huis vernielt is dat dezelfde koekjes bakken als Israel i Gaza https://www.reuters.com/world/hirosh...iy-2023-05-20/

— The West is implementing a profitable “business project” in Ukraine;
rusland gaat eens moeten kiezen in zijn retoriek, ofwel beweren ze dat we in een recessie zitten en ander moment beweren ze dat we geld verdienen ? https://www.intellinews.com/russia-o...-basis-286944/

— Biden and the British leadership consider support for Ukraine against the Russian Federation “an excellent investment”;

— Western countries in Ukraine are “disposing of junk” weapons;
wonderbaarlijk dat we met onze rommel 60% van russisch leger vernietigen ? Wat als we eens onze echte wapens bovenhalen

— The West in Ukraine is cynically waging a war with Russia, which it wants to “put in its place”;

— The devastated arsenals of Europe will be filled again with American weapons, the United States will force the Europeans to find money for this;

— Anyone can buy American M16 rifles supplied to Kiev for cryptocurrency, terrorist groups take advantage of this;

— The United States recognized the problem of resale of Western weapons from Ukraine;

— The authorities in Kiev resell some of the Western weapons on the black market, it is difficult to imagine that this is happening without the knowledge of Western businessmen;

— Lavrov called Russia’s accusations of alleged plans to attack other countries fiction in order to “knock money” out of other states to help Kiev;

— There are no Ukrainian interests in the war against Russia, there is only the interest of the West;
het eenvoudig feit dat UKR zoveel weerstand biedt bewijst gewoon dat RU al lang de oorlog verlorgen heeft... anders zouden de UKR zo hard niet vechten https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/02/13...aine-disaster/
— Lavrov doubted that representatives of the West and Ukraine would find the courage to comment on the death of journalist Gonzalo Lira;

— If Ukraine stops fighting, then hundreds of thousands of lives will be saved;
Nee dan overwoekert RU volledig UKR, en dan begint een guerilla oorlog afganistan³

— The West does not want peace in Ukraine, despite the fact that this country lives only on “Western handouts”;
de oorlog stoppen kan Putin in 1 minuut beslissen, UKR kan niet beslissen om de oorlog te stoppen omdat RU blijft aanvallen op alle fronten
— Russians and Ukrainians live in Crimea in peace and harmony."

Samenvatting door Lampada op VK
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Oud 13 februari 2024, 05:03   #597
Geregistreerd: 26 september 2003
Locatie: van Lissabon tot Vladivostok
Berichten: 31.717

Engelstalige transcript vrijgegeven vanop de plaats waar het gesprek met de heer Carlson plaatsvond:

9 feb 2024

En de tekstversie:

9 feb 2024

Laatst gewijzigd door Nr.10 : 13 februari 2024 om 05:04.
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Oud 13 februari 2024, 05:47   #598
Geregistreerd: 26 september 2003
Locatie: van Lissabon tot Vladivostok
Berichten: 31.717

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