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Oud 29 december 2009, 16:21   #1
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Praetorian's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 24 mei 2004
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Stuur een bericht via MSN naar Praetorian
Standaard USA Makes Russia Increase Offensive Arms

USA Makes Russia Increase Offensive Arms

The creation of the US missile defense system makes Russia develop offensive arms, Russia’s PM Vladimir Putin said at a news conference in Moscow.

“The problem is that the USA is building the missile defense system while Russia is not – this is the problem. The system stipulates the use of new offensive arms, which ruins the balance of forces in the world,” Putin said.

The prime minister added that Moscow was ready to share the information about its offensive arms with the US in return to the information about Washington’s plans in the field of missile defense.

The existence of the START Treaty between Russia and the USA is better than its absence, Putin said.

The Russian PM added that Russia did not have any plans to build a similar system because it would be a very expensive burden for the nation, not to mention the fact that it may not be as effective as originally planned.

“The issues of the missile defense and offensive arms are interconnected. If there is no development in missile defense, a dangerous situation occurs. Our partners may feel absolutely safe once they create the anti-missile shield. They may decide that they can do anything they want. This may ruin the balance of forces, and they may start acting aggressively both in real politics and economy,” Putin said.

Putin said that Russia’s intention to develop offensive arms must not be an obstacle for resetting the relations with the United States.

Alexander Saveliev, a strategic research expert with the Russian Academy of Sciences, said that Putin’s stance regarding the US missile defense system was totally justifiable.

“It is clear that Russia cannot afford anything that would be reminiscent of the US missile defense system. The standard definition of strategic stability prompts the growth of offensive arms in return to the growth of defensive arms. However, Russia can not have more offensive arms than the USA does because we are going to sign the treaty regulating all the numbers.

“It may seem strange that Putin raised the issue against the background of warmer relations with the United States. It is obvious that it was not spontaneous; it means that there were reasons to speak about it,” Saveliev believes.

Rusland blijft duidelijk gaan voor een geopolitiek objectief, ongeacht haar belangen op de wereldmarkt. Ongetwijfeld zorgt dit ook voor verdere loyaliteit van het leger. De grote vraag is in hoeverre Poetin bereid is een gepolariseerd standpunt in te nemen tegen concrete acties van het Amerikaans imperialisme.
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Oud 29 december 2009, 16:35   #2
netslet's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 25 mei 2006
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Ah: the blame game

We keren eventjes 9 jaar terug in de tijd:

New Russian Missiles Aid China, Iran -- May Spark New Arms Race
Charles R. Smith
Monday, Feb. 12, 2001
U.S. defense experts are concerned that America is falling behind Russia and China in a new missile arms race.
While U.S. weapons development stalled almost completely during the 1990s - both Russia and China have continued to field a new generation of missiles for which the west has no equal nor defense.

The Western press in recent years has already reported on the development of Russia's new intercontinental ballistic missile, the TOPOL-M.

Already two regiments of the nuclear weapon bearing missiles have been deployed. The TOPOL-M is more sophisticated than any similar missile in the U.S. arsenal, and enables the missile to enter earth's orbit before striking its target.

Russia is now threatening to spark a global arms race with the development and transfer of a new series of missiles.


auction your future!

Laatst gewijzigd door netslet : 29 december 2009 om 16:36.
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Oud 29 december 2009, 16:46   #3
roger verhiest
Eur. Commissievoorzitter
roger verhiest's schermafbeelding
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Het zaken doen en oorlogje spelen vult elkaar prachtig aan !

Tempo toleras
sed vero aperas
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Oud 30 december 2009, 00:24   #4
Provinciaal Statenlid
Geregistreerd: 4 januari 2009
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Ksnap ni hoe ge hier een kant kunt kiezen. Alleez ja, ideologisch zijt ge mss meer tegen de VS dan tegen Rusland. Maar op da vlak zijn het toch allemaal smeerlappen?
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Oud 17 januari 2010, 22:55   #5
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Raven's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 31 maart 2004
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Ergens ben ik blij dat er steeds meer en meer landen nucleaire wapens hebben, en zichzelf verzekeren dat ze op hun eentje unilateraal de hele wereld aan flarden kunnen schieten.

Vrede, net zoals arbeidsovereenkomsten, kunnen enkel afgedwongen worden
NEE tegen assimilatie! NEE tegen racisme!
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Oud 17 januari 2010, 23:25   #6
Provinciaal Statenlid
Geregistreerd: 4 januari 2009
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Raven Bekijk bericht
Ergens ben ik blij dat er steeds meer en meer landen nucleaire wapens hebben, en zichzelf verzekeren dat ze op hun eentje unilateraal de hele wereld aan flarden kunnen schieten.

Vrede, net zoals arbeidsovereenkomsten, kunnen enkel afgedwongen worden
Ik toch niet hoor. Hoe meer landen die wapens hebben, hoe meer kans dat je hebt dat er ergens een gek aan de macht komt die bereid is die wapens te gebruiken.
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