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Buitenland Internationale onderwerpen, de politiek van de Europese lidstaten, over de werking van Europa, Europese instellingen, ... politieke en maatschappelijke discussies.

Oud 30 november 2022, 00:48   #1
Perm. Vertegenwoordiger VN
Bach's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 september 2017
Berichten: 15.274
Standaard Latijns Amerikaanse druk voor vrijlating politiek gevangene Assange

"Former Consul of Ecuador: Latin American Leaders ‘Have the Key’ to Free Assange
The support of Gustavo Petro, Lula, and other Latin American leaders for the freedom of Julian Assange may be crucial for his release, former Ecuadorian consul in London, Fidel Narváez, told Sputnik. For the diplomat, the Assange case is “a political case” that requires “increasing international pressure” against the US.

In dialogue with Sputnik, Fidel Narváez, who accompanied Assange during his refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in the United Kingdom, acknowledged the importance of the support of Colombian President Gustavo Petro for Wikileaks and the demand for freedom for the Australian cyberactivist and journalist Julian Assange. “I think President Petro understands very well what the Assange case is about. We are talking about a political case,” Narváez said.

The former diplomat appreciated that Petro had expressed his solidarity with Assange even before his presidency. Now that he is power, said Narváez, Petro “has the opportunity to apply political pressure from his position in a case that is of world interest, because Assange is the most important political prisoner in the West.”

In a meeting with a Wikileaks representatives in Bogotá, Petro promised to demand Assange’s release before US President Joe Biden, as well as to gather more support among other Latin American leaders. Wikileaks also had contacts with the president-elect of Brazil, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, during the tour of a delegation from the platform through South America.

“Latin America has been the region in which Assange has found the most solidarity,” said Narváez. “Let’s not forget that he was sheltered in the Ecuadorian Embassy for almost seven years (between 2012 and 2019) and throughout that time several Latin American leaders expressed their support.” Among these leaders, Narváez recalled, has been Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who also offered asylum to the founder of Wikileaks.

Latin American presidents’ expressions of support for Assange is crucial if the United Kingdom and the US are to stop persecuting Asssange, said Narváez. “It is a political case, and it is necessary to show the presence in the international arena of the leaders who are opposed to a journalist being imprisoned for having revealed the truth.”

The Ecuadorian warned that the British and US legal systems will act according to the political pressures they receive in their countries to condemn Assange. For this reason, it is necessary to oppose political influences in his favor, as the only way to fight for his freedom.

“Those who hold the key to Assange’s freedom are the politicians,” Narváez said. “The British government can intervene and the US government can drop the charges of this shameful persecution at any time and that is why political pressure on a global level is important.”

The Ecuadorian affirmed that, while the main human rights organizations in the world have already expressed themselves in favor of Assange, there is still a need to deepen the support of political leaders for the cause, in order to pressure the US to desist from Assange’s political persecution.

“International political pressure must be increased because the case is political,” reiterated Narváez."

Latijns Amerika gedraagt zich in de Assange zaak onafhankelijker van de VS dan Europa. Zonder politieke druk geen vrijheid voor Assange. Vrijheid volgt als de blamage voor de VS groter wordt dan het voorbeeld dat men door Assange's gevangenisschap geeft aan andere journalisten en klokkenluiders die de vuile was van de VS durven buiten hangen.

Latijns Amerikaanse leiders scharen zich achter Assange. Ook Latijns Amerika leiders weten goed hoe repressief de VS zijn en geweest zijn in Latijns Amerika.

De blamage treft ook Europa door medeplichtig stilzwijgen

7 jaar opgesloten in ecuatoriaanse de ambassade en reeds drie jaar tussen moordenaars in het Verenigd Koninkrijk voor het bekend maken van VS oorlogsmisdaden waar tot nu toe nooit iemand voor vervolgd werd.

Recent riepen een aantal westerse media (type NYT en Guardian) het Biden regime op de aanklacht tegen Assange te laten vallen. Dit na een decennium stilzwijgen van hun kant ondertussen dat ze wel Wikileaks info verspreid hebben. De blamage begint te groot te worden. Daarom draaien deze media hun hypocriete kar. Niet omdat ze een strijd voor persvrijheid voeren.

Laatst gewijzigd door Bach : 30 november 2022 om 01:00.
Bach is offline   Met citaat antwoorden

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