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Geschiedenis Van de Romeinen tot 9/11...

Oud 18 januari 2025, 20:05   #481
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
Berichten: 4.405

Ihlamur Palace (Turkish: Ihlamur Kasr?, lit. Linden Pavilion), is a former imperial Ottoman summer pavilion located in Istanbul, Turkey. It was constructed during the reign of Sultan Abdülmecid I (1839-1860).
Wat een schoonheid...
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 18 januari 2025, 20:49   #482
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Weten we echt hoelang deze technologie al bestond? En waarom werd deze afgevoerd? De in-scene gezette ramp met de Hindenburg wordt verdacht!
Hydrogen... Helium werd ook gebruikt.


Waren vuurtorens voor schepen in de lucht?
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 19 januari 2025, 12:23   #483
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Off Limits to the Public - Pt 2

In this mind-blowing continuation of our series, we dive headfirst into the secrets hidden within the Library of Ashurbanipal and the British Museum. With 30,000 clay tablets unearthed in the 1800s, yet locked away from public view, what truths are being preserved—and what narratives are being protected? Explore the layers of control, the monumental artifacts kept out of sight, and the shocking connections to a civilization more advanced than we've ever been told.


"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 19 januari 2025, 20:19   #484
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
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Duluth, Minnesota.

“Central High School built in 1892 for $460,000 with a 230 foot clock tower.”


"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 19 januari 2025, 21:51   #485
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
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The Edgar County Courthouse, Paris, Illinois.

Gebouwd 1891-1893

Heb je het al door?

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 19 januari 2025, 23:38   #486
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
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How did we get here?


Baseline video, must watch!
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 20 januari 2025, 13:02   #487
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 26 maart 2013
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Venetie, 1860, wij zijn echts verloren... :

"Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."

This quote emphasizes how those in power can manipulate historical records to shape people's understanding of reality.

Now ask yourself this:
Is it possible that you have been deceived?
If the answer is no, you've already fooled yourself.
If the answer is yes, then you're on the path to enlightenment.
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 21 januari 2025, 21:18   #488
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
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Downtown Chicago, 1892 :

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 22 januari 2025, 11:59   #489
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Whisperjack joins me live to talk everything Old World


"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 22 januari 2025, 13:09   #490
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An exploration of the truth behind the myth and legends of the magical creatures known as Dragons. Every society and culture seem to mention these creatures that apparently did not exist. What are dragons in reality and how do they fit into the accounts of the Old-World? Were they associated with a time of chaos after each Reset?
00:00:00 The Dragon
00:26:17 The Dark Time of Chaos
00:42:01 Dragons or Griffins?



"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 22 januari 2025, 20:35   #491
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
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What if history as we know it is a carefully crafted illusion? In The Old World Marathon, we dive deep into the jaw-dropping mysteries of the past, exposing a forgotten civilization far more advanced than we’re told. From the awe-inspiring architecture of Balboa Park to the explosive tales of the Great Chicago Fire and the rapid "reconstruction" of Alexandra Palace, this episode connects the dots between name changes, suspicious fires, and impossible timelines. Were these breathtaking structures truly built by horse-and-wagon societies, or do they reveal the secrets of a hidden, erased world?

Prepare for a marathon journey through centuries of deception, where the mainstream narrative unravels and a new truth emerges. Discover how ancient masterpieces, from ornate courthouses to massive palaces, were destroyed, renamed, and covered up to fit a manufactured history. With every twist and revelation, Old World Marathon will challenge everything you thought you knew and leave you questioning the very foundations of our timeline.


Are you ready?

Sommigen zien het, andere niet. Ik ga het hier effe bij laten. 75K+ views. En geen kat die (durft) antwoordt, buiten @Cufi. Ik kom nog wel eens kijken later.

China , 1858 :

Bologna, Italie :

Oostende :

En Osaka, Japan :

Allemaal hetzelfde...
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 27 januari 2025, 08:07   #492
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Hevige brand in centrum van Parijs: torenspits stadhuis 12de arrondissement in lichterlaaie
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 29 januari 2025, 06:20   #493
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
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Uitslaande brand bij Kasteel Tivoli in Mechelen onder controle: “Vlammen sloegen bij aankomst metershoog uit het dak”
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 29 januari 2025, 07:10   #494
Secretaris-Generaal VN
maddox's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Reverberation Bekijk bericht
Weten we echt hoelang deze technologie al bestond? En waarom werd deze afgevoerd? De in-scene gezette ramp met de Hindenburg wordt verdacht!
Hydrogen... Helium werd ook gebruikt.
In die tijd was er maar 1 leverancier voor Helium, en die voorraden waren ook heel beperkt. De VS, waar enkele aardgasbronnen voldoende helium uitspuwden om toen rendabel te winnen.

2 belangrijke redenen waarom de VS het helium voor de Hindenburg niet wilden leveren.
  • Strategisch materiaal leveren aan de Nazi's?
  • Ze hadden het zelf liever in voorraad voor eigen blimps/luchtschepen.

Waren vuurtorens voor schepen in de lucht?
De paar testen met landingstorens voor luchtschepen waren geen succes.
De meeste mensen gaan naar het werk om geld te krijgen, niet om het te verdienen.
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Oud 29 januari 2025, 21:19   #495
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
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Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door maddox Bekijk bericht
In die tijd was er maar 1 leverancier voor Helium, en die voorraden waren ook heel beperkt. De VS, waar enkele aardgasbronnen voldoende helium uitspuwden om toen rendabel te winnen.

2 belangrijke redenen waarom de VS het helium voor de Hindenburg niet wilden leveren.
  • Strategisch materiaal leveren aan de Nazi's?
  • Ze hadden het zelf liever in voorraad voor eigen blimps/luchtschepen.

De paar testen met landingstorens voor luchtschepen waren geen succes.
Hey Maddox, bedankt voor de bijdrage!

Dat is idd het officiele verhaal.

De Hindenburg crash was in 1937. Dat er camera's waren opgesteld en er een "live" verslaggeving was van de crash is op zich opmerkelijk. Na de crash werd het concept van zeppelins of airships opgeborgen, op zich ook merkwaardig, aangezien de "technologie" al decennia in gebruik was. Duitsland betaalde zelfs, na WWI, als reparaties, ontwerpen en effectieve exemplaren aan de VS en UK. De notie dat de landingstorens geen succes waren is ook heel vreemd, daar we voldoende fotografisch bewijs hebben dat dit zeker kon. Ze konden zelfs dokken op schepen, en werden zelfs voor andere doeleinden gebruikt.

Het is ook opmerkelijk dat voor de Hindenburg ook al crashes waren, maar toch dat de ontwikkeling doorging.

Ook de rol van zeppelins of airships in WWI wordt, in mijn mening, zwaar onderbelicht.

We hebben ook deze "postcard" uit 1910, wel voor WWI en de crash :

Of deze poster voor de Wereldtentoonstelling in Brussel, 1910, waar het gewoon op een natuurlijke wijze een deel van de tijd lijkt te zijn :

Seattle, 1909 :

Niemand lijkt zich te verbazen...

Of hier in Gent, 1913 :

Er is ook de "Helium Act" uit 1925, waardoor export werd verboden.

The Act of Congress authorized the condemnation, lease, or purchase of acquired lands bearing the potential of producing helium gas. It banned the export of helium, for which the US was the only important source, thus forcing foreign airships to use hydrogen lift gas.


Strategisch materiaal leveren aan de Nazi's?
Dat speelde in 1925 niet echt.

Nu goed, deze draad gaat, als je wat gevolgd hebt over alternatieve geschiedenis, en het verhaal over de zeppelins/airships is zeer boeiend.

Moest je ergens 32min hebben, is deze interessant :


Graf Zeppelin over Buenos Aires, moet een beleving zijn geweest!

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 1 februari 2025, 21:20   #496
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Brussel, Zuid Station... gebouwd 1864-1869. In 1949 gesloopt. Het was het 2e station op dezelfde site.

Gebouwd door meester architect Auguste Payen.

In 1840 opende het eerste Zuidstation, toen Bogaardenstation genoemd, zijn deuren op de plaats waar het Bogaardenklooster stond. Voor de ingang werd het Rouppeplein aangelegd. Daar bevindt zich nog steeds het oude stationsbuffet. De naam "Hôtel ?* La Grande Cloche" verwijst naar de toenmalige stationsklok.
Gewoon geopend...

Omdat het Bogaardenstation te klein werd voor 150.000 reizigers per dag, besloot men het naar buiten te verschuiven. De afbraak vond plaats in 1864
Te klein voor 150.000! in 1864...

In 1869 was het nieuwe station (nabij de huidige plaats) klaar, een monumentaal neoklassiek gebouw ontworpen door de architect Auguste Payen.
Het eerste station, 1860 :

Foto 1928 :

Vandaag is het veel mooier, en veiliger!
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks

Laatst gewijzigd door Reverberation : 1 februari 2025 om 21:44.
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Oud 1 februari 2025, 21:43   #497
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Het werk aan de gotische kathedraal begon nadat een brand de oude kathedraal in 1225 beschadigd had.
Kathedraal van Beauvais

Is het duidelijk?

De hoogste, stortte in.


Sprookjes uit de 16e eeuw.
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks

Laatst gewijzigd door Reverberation : 1 februari 2025 om 21:43.
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Oud 3 februari 2025, 19:07   #498
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This was just the typical pre fab castle kit in the 1700’s from Donkeys Inc. It was a great deal came with free 2 day shipping. Some assembly was required. But came with the tools needed (an antler chisel and wooden mallet) the instructions came in multiple languages too.

Nee, 951AD.
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks

Laatst gewijzigd door Reverberation : 3 februari 2025 om 19:14.
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Oud 5 februari 2025, 21:16   #499
Reverberation's schermafbeelding
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Meer beelden :

Das Neue Palais, Germany 1867

Paris, France 1867

Craiova, Romania

Palais im Großen Garten, Dresden, Germany 1880

Habsburgwarte, Vienna, Austria 1889

Södertelge Badinrättning, Södertälje, Sweden. Destroyed by Fire: 1903

New York City. “Grant’s Tomb, Riverside Park, Morningside Heights, 1897.”

Munich, Germany, 1890

Gloucester Cathedral, UK 1865

The Banco Español del R?*o de la Plata - a Spanish-Argentine bank based in Buenos Aires founded 1887.

Nobody cares...

The Empire State Building under construction in 1930

Berlin, Germany 1865

Bombay, India 1888

Stadhuis van Brugge, Belgium 1850

Detroit City Hall - 1871

Confederation Life Building, Toronto, Canada - I910

Saint Petersburg, Russia 1860

"Sophienbrücke (Rotundenbrücke), Vienna, Austria (Built: 1857; Demolished: 1945 due to destruction during World War II)"

"The former Grand Hotel was designed by Belgian architect Apollon Lagache in 1924 for the seaside resort of Nieuwpoort Bad

Thonethof, Stephansplatz, Vienna, Austria.Destroyed: 1945 by bombing

Augartenbrücke (Maria-Theresien-Brücke), Vienna, Austria. Demolished: 1929

Church Square, Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa

Berlin, Germany 1880. Astonishing structure that was found in 1814.

Arlington House (Robert E. Lee's Mansion), Arlington, Virginia, USA

'Westminster's Byzantine Cathedral of Red Brick Seen from Ashley Place', c.I935.

Texas Spring Palace, Fort Worth, Texas, USA (Founded: 1889; Destroyed: May 30, 1890, by fire)

‘Third Avenue Car Barn’, New York City, USA.Demolished: 1938

Pilgrim Club, Avalon, California, USA.Destroyed by fire: 1915

Mercatorium, Zurich, Switzerland (Opened: 1904; Demolished: 1954)

Cracker Castle, St. Louis, MO, USA (Found: 1868; Demolished: 1896)

Broadway Tabernacle, 34th Street and Broadway, New York, New York.Demolished: 1902

Overbaugh House, San Diego, California, USA.Demolished: 1954

City Hall, University City, Missouri, USA (1903)

Market Hall, Barrie, Ontario, Canada (Demolished: 1985)

Saint-Vincent-de-Paul, France 1852

The Prudential Building in New Jersey.Founded-1892.DEMOLISHED-1956.

Old New York in 1858 before it was erased

Former Germania Water Tower, Eschenallee/Rüsternallee, Berlin-Westend, Germany.Demolished I892

Aaron Gove Junior High School, Denver, Colorado, USA (Demolished: 1976)

Boog van Septimius Severus,Rome uitgegraven :

San Francisco: The Early Years.

Church of Saint Mary Redcliffe, UK 1865

We are the ones living in dark ages
"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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Oud 6 februari 2025, 21:07   #500
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Yes, this sign will make it prettier!

Kings Theatre, Brooklyn.

Binnenin :

"They sell their debt, their privately made paper&ink, push the countries, the world into debt and what they want back are real, tangeble assets, and they won't stop till they own the whole thing. They don't want the debt paid off, just the interest, they want to keep this balanced till they have what they want, all of it." Central Banks
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