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Brandend Actueel: Gaza offensief Tijdelijk forum

Oud 31 maart 2009, 08:25   #1
Geregistreerd: 1 oktober 2008
Berichten: 102
Standaard Israëlische troepen en hun T-shirts

Israeli troops have begun printing racist slogans and pictures on T-shirts, admitting to various 'war crimes' during the Gaza offensive.

After the recent war in Gaza, many Israeli soldiers have been ordering T-shirts and clothing with drawing and slogans printed on them which border racism.

The Israeli daily Haaretz reported that a T-shirt ordered by a sniper from the Givati Brigade's Shaked battalion showed a pregnant Palestinian woman with "a bull's-eye superimposed on her belly, with the slogan, in English, '1 shot, 2 kills."

Dead babies, mothers weeping on their children's graves, a gun aimed at a child and bombed-out mosques are among other pictures which are popular with soldiers.

The report added that some pictures and slogans underscore actions that the army officially denies committing like "confirming the kill" (shooting a bullet into an injured victim's head from close range)", damaging religious sites, or harming women and children.

The Israeli army, meanwhile, denies the existence of such slogans and drawings, claiming certain pictures had been banned.

According to the report, a shirt for the Lavi battalion's soldiers bear the sentence "We came, we saw, we destroyed!" - "alongside images of weapons, an angry soldier and a Palestinian village with a ruined mosque in the center."

"There is a perception that the Palestinian is not a person, a human being entitled to basic rights, and therefore anything may be done to him," said Sociologist Dr. Orna Sasson-Levy, of Bar-Ilan University.

He believes that the phenomenon reflects a process of radicalization inside the Israeli society and soldiers are on the frontline of the process.

bron: http://www.presstv.ir/Detail.aspx?id...onid=351020202

Toont nogmaals mooi aan hoe de meeste Israëli's denken over de Palestijnen.
En aangezien deze laatsten er al een even anti-joods sentiment op nahouden, kunnen we toch stellen dat een oplossing in de regio toch nog veraf is.

Een oplossing waarbij er geen 1400 doden en meer als 5000 gewonden moeten vallen alleszins...
“De gezellig pruttelende boemeltrein der hypocrieten sjokt, als een meanderende lintworm, met vrolijke beginselloosheid gestaag voort”
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Oud 2 april 2009, 12:26   #2
Derk de Tweede
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Net heeft een Palestijn met een bijl een Israelisch kind gedood.

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