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Oud 10 april 2023, 19:17   #1
Secretaris-Generaal VN
Micele's schermafbeelding
Geregistreerd: 18 mei 2005
Locatie: Limburg
Berichten: 50.776
Standaard USA gaat veel strengere emissienormen invoeren

Zodanig streng dat het marktaandeel nieuwe wagens 60% BEV wordt tegen 2030 (vandaag ~ 6%)

A dramatic new EPA rule will force up to 60% of new US car sales to be EVs in just 7 years

Michelle Lewis | Apr 8 2023

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is expected to make a groundbreaking announcement this week that will make the majority of new US car sales EVs by 2032, according to a breaking New York Times scoop.

The EPA’s impactful new rule and EVs

The EPA’s administrator, Michael S. Regan, is expected to announce proposed limits on tailpipe emissions on Wednesday in Detroit. The Times noted that its sources “spoke on condition of anonymity because the information had not been made public.”

It will be the federal government’s most aggressive climate legislation yet, and will make the US a world leader in the efforts to cut transportation emissions.

The requirements will be some of the world’s most stringent auto pollution limits, thus ensuring that EVs make up between 54-60% of all new cars sold in the US by 2030, with that figure rising to 64-67% of new car sales by 2032. This beats President Joe Biden’s earlier goal of having 50% of new cars sold be EVs by 2030.

Only 5.8% of all vehicles sold last year in the US were electric, so this new rule is going to represent a “quantum leap,” as the Times puts it, for the country.

The proposed regulation will go through a public comment period and may be altered by the government before it’s finalized.
De vuile waarheid over ICE (vanaf 1 min 35")
Nederlandse versie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kekJgcSdN38

Laatst gewijzigd door Micele : 10 april 2023 om 19:20.
Micele is offline   Met citaat antwoorden

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